
Magdalena Georgieva
Magdalena Georgieva



昨晚,美军杀死了”the most wanted face of terrorism,” Osama bin Laden. However, this is not a political blog post or a commentary on the event. Instead, it is an examination of how technology has drastically changed the word-of-mouth spread of information. Traditional media, TV and print newspapers, couldn’t keep up with the story as fast as new, social media could draw the evolving picture.


Twitter: Where the News First Leaked

As you might have already learned, the news about Bin Laden’s death first leaked on Twitter. The White House communications director,Dan Pfeiffer在Twitter上宣布,美国总统将在晚上10:30向美国讲话。5月1日星期日的东部时间。该法案展示了自出版工具的力量和媒体作为使者的诱使力量。

The marketing takeawayis that today, you don’t need to knock on the door of journalists if you want to get the word out about something. If you build a large following, you can publish a story yourself and expect the press to come to you.

Facebook: How the News Spread

facebook group on osama不认识您,但我首先从Facebook了解了这个故事。我所有朋友的状态更新开始反映出不断发展的故事。他们留下评论,并热烈讨论新闻。raybetapp实际上,亚当·奥斯特罗(Adam Ostrow)写道据报道死亡的几个小时内,“ Facebook页面为“乌萨马·本·拉登(Osama bin Laden In Dead)”已经积累了超过150,000个“喜欢”。

Who you learn from hasn't changed, it is still friends and family. But today, they won’t make a phone call to spread the news--they might post it on Facebook and expect to see a discussion take place.The marketing takeawayhere is to realize the increasing potential of the Facebook news feed in delivering information and prompting action.

Online Video: Where the Announcement Took Place

Lots of people watched Obama’s speech on their televisions. But if you happened to learn about it online, you could have as well gone towww.whitehouse.govand watched the live streaming of the announcement there.公民, YouTube’s channel on news and politics, was also broadcasting the President’s live address. In other words, the video was one click away from your current view.

From start to finish, the story进展on the Web. One could learn everything there was about it without turning the TV on. The virtual ecosystem carried the news from it’s leak on Twitter, to its spreading on other social media channels, to the actual video announcement and to the post-analysis on news sites and blogs.

What has this event taught you about the spread of information online?

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