30 Landing Page TermsLanding pagesplay a critical role in lead generation. After all, they allow your website visitors to convert into leads and express interest in your company’s content.

所以呢makes a landing pagesuccessful? “The number one rule,” said Dr. Flint McGlaughlin at the营销Sherpa’s Optimization Summit, “is clarity trumps persuasion.” As proud sponsors of this conference, HubSpot will keep sharing the lessons we learn with our audience. But before you jump in tolanding page optimization, let’s get familiar with some of the key terms used in the process:

1. A/B测试- Testing two different versions of the same landing page to evaluate which one performs better.

2.权威认可– Visual proof that an authority is recognizing the value of your offer. This is a way to establish credibility.

3. Anxiety elements- 页面要素给您的访客带来焦虑,并减少他们采取行动的倾向。(例如,电子邮件字段旁边的缺席或“隐私政策”链接。)

4. Benefit Reinforcement- 类似于价值主张,这是访客为什么要填写表格的原因。

5. Bounce Rate or Exit Rate– The rate at which a visitor clicks away from your page without converting.

6.呼吁行动(CTA)– A phrase or button that prompts the visitor to take action, such as “Subscribe Now” or “Download the Whitepaper Today.”

7.控制页- 您要改进的初始页面。

8. Conversion Rate– The rate at which a visitor converts into a lead.

9.累积优化增益- 通过一系列测试优化页面,并在最后获得更高的转换。

10. Friction– The page elements preventing the visitor from converting into a lead. (For instance, too many calls to action which distract the visitor's attention.)

11. Funnel- 作为访问者的过程逻辑到达您的页面并完成“交易”。(将访客视为漏斗顶部的人。您如何将他们推到漏斗的底部?)

12.保证图像– Images that instill trust and show credibility.

13.KPI- 关键绩效指标或您将考虑的指标来跟踪目标的进度。

14. Layout– How the landing page is designed.

15.领导培养运动– An email series that can be triggered after someone fills out a form on your landing page.

16. Mockups- 定义您的着陆页设计的大纲。

17.用户的动机- 访客希望收到您的报价的愿望。

18.导航- 通常位于顶部的网页元素,其链接可帮助访问者通过网站导航。

19. Page Views– The number of views a page got.

20. Returning Visitor– A visitor that is returning to your site, and is generally self-qualifying herself as actively interested in your offer.

21. ROI– The return on investment of your marketing efforts.

22. Security or accreditation seals- 证明您的报价的视觉元素是安全且无风险的。

23. Statistically significant number– The amount of data you need to collect in order to announce accurate results from your testing.

24. Test validation– Proving with data that a test has been successfully conducted.

25. Time on page– How long a visitor spends on your landing page.

26. Treatment Page– The page you have treated and expect to perform better.

27. Value Exchange- 提供有价值的报价,以便从访问者那里获得信息。

28. Value proposition- 您的访问者选择转换页面上的主要原因。(“我有什么?”问题的答案。)

29.变化- 为了优化着陆页而进行的更改。

30. Visitors/uniques– The number of (unique) visitors who came to your page.

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