
"What's good for General Motors is what's good for the country"?


On social media sites like掘客,users love Apple marketing, Apple news and just about all things Apple.In fact Apple product news are regularly the most popular posts onDigg. So, many (naive) people think: If Apple can get on the front page of digg so often, why can't I? There's a simple answer to this: You're not Apple and you're unlikely to get the loyal following that Apple has. So, what do you do to help promote your business on the social media? This article looks at some of the top social media sites and will help you understand them and how they work.


Digg是一个社会发生al news site. In fact it's the most popularsocial news那里的网站。 有些人错误Digg对于诸如del.icio.us(见下文)之类的社交书签网站,事实并非如此。你不使用Digg在线收集书签。

It's social news. Social news means that links are submitted if they are highly relevant at a given moment, like breaking news for instance. If you submit a news story you do it, ideally, out of altruistic motives:您想告诉世界一些重要的事情。如果您设法说服了60-90个其他挖掘机Diggit within less than 24 hours after submitting you will end up on the front page. Unless your article gets buried. Which is pretty likely to happen, especially if the digg user base thinks the article is spam or lame.


Digg首页,这有助于成为一个电力用户. That means you either invest several months todigg并提交许多故事,并获得许多朋友Digg. Or you contact a power user who already has done that. The average John Doe user has only minor chances to get on the front page, even if the content is brilliant. It's just hard to rise above the noise..You won't get any significant traffic if you're not up frontso do not submit toDigg除非您有信心您的内容对Digg社区会很有趣,否则,这是浪费时间和令人沮丧的,尤其是当您被掩埋和燃烧时。

In shortDigg是一个最终很受欢迎的地方,您希望别人知道:例如,“布什已经入侵伊朗”将是新闻。raybetapp先询问您十几岁的儿子,然后再提交他是否要他的朋友知道。对苹果的好处不一定对您或您的业务有益。


del.icio.uslike mentioned above is a社会书签site. You probably know bookmarking in your browser (Internet Explorer users call these "Favorites"). So, basically social bookmarking allows you to share bookmarks with others and store them online. Thus you can access them from anywhere on any computer. Even if you do not want to do that you still might want to use del.ici.us as by now it has sucha critical mass that often you can find better resources there than in Google or elsewhere.


喜欢Diggyou need approx. 80 - 90 users to bookmark you in a short time periods to get popular and end up on the front page. If you're很受欢迎you still won't get traffic. A front page appearance might yield 5 - 10.000 visits though. UnlikeDigg一天之后,您在档案中消失的地方,您以后也可以流行。在某个时候,您只需要在短时间内进行大量新书签即可。


  • 如果您提供了一些有价值的在线资源,用户可能希望返回在线工具,大列表,reybet雷竞技下载教程
  • if you not only sell something but also offer something for free
  • 如果您也吸引国际市场,因为del.icio.us在世界各地使用
  • if you sport a great design
  • 如果您定期博客并提供原始内容



偶然发现既不是社会新闻也不是社会书签。raybetappSU将自己描述为一个社会发现工具to find websites you would normally not visit. The official term by now issocial browsing,当您与同行浏览网络并根据您的兴趣,您已经访问和评级的其他网站以及基于您的朋友所做的工作,并获得其他网站的建议。因此,您会从朋友提交或评估的页面中获得自动建议。

偶然发现is, my opinion, the best of these three options to promote a niche website. You get traffic sometimes right from the first vote you get, when someone does discover your site. You can get up to 200 visitors just by being submitted. That应该of course not be your only goal. You can get popular on StumbleUpon as well, although the antiquated front page metaphor stemming from newspapers does not work here. StumbleUpon is nonlinear and more与电视的频道. You can get popular in such a channel. If you manage to do that, you can get more than 10,000 visitors. The traffic does not come all at once, it's more evenly distributed and comes in bursts. You can even get popular with the same post or page twice or several times.

You will perform well on StumbleUpon with

  • 奇怪,不寻常或壮观的东西
  • pictures, other funny or outstanding ones, so hire a photographer or caricaturist
  • 绿色,有机和/或可持续性的东西
  • a strong opinion on a popular topic


Many bloggers already get more traffic via StumbleUpon than any other source (including Google). StumbleUpon is a place where people concentrate on their favorite topics or hobby. So you even can stumble just sites about marketing, if you're a marketing consultant. You will find like-minded people there.


以上是根据客座作家Tadeusz Szewczyk的一篇文章(您可以称他为“ TAD”)的文章。您可以在他的SEO 2.0博客

social media marketing kit

Originally published Nov 30, 2007 10:53:00 AM, updated March 21 2013