

Instagram是人们以不同的方式体验品牌的好方法,它引起了可能通过文本遇到的情绪。那么你如何遵循一些大品牌的脚步,并在您的Instagram开始使用Instagraminbound marketing? Let's take a look at the best examples out there and learn how you can adapt what these brands are doing toleverage Instagram就像有效一样。


星巴克was an early adopter of Instagram and has over 200,000 followers to date. The company highlights in-store experiences at locations from around the world, shows how new coffee flavors are chosen and tested at Starbucks headquarters, and provides information about its 'Create Jobs for the USA' program. Starbucks shares the photos with itsFacebook粉丝们也是,所以客户可以评论即将到来或新的口味。


Marketing takeaway:保持您的内容新鲜,交互式,并与您希望您的粉丝注意到的品牌属性对齐。照片允许您以不同的方式与客户联系。如果他们对您分享的信息感兴趣,粉丝和粉丝非常乐意回应和参加。

Red Bull



Marketing takeaway:确保您发布的图片对您的客户有意义并诱导股票。如果你对你刚刚采取的图片感到兴奋,你的粉丝也不会。花点时间思考你的粉丝想要从品牌中看到的图片以及如何以有趣的方式展示它们。

Marc jacobs.

High-end fashion brand Marc Jacobs demonstrates the principle that you don’t always have to be the one taking the pictures; you can get your fans in on the snapping, as well. Marc Jacobs creatively used its account over the holidays to ask followers to share their family moments by using the hashtag #marcfam. The company then showcased its followers' photos and created a collage on its website for all to see. This technique gave customers a chance to participate in creative activity with the brand.


Marketing takeaway:As we mentioned earlier, there are 400 million shared photos on Instagram, and most were not shared by companies, but by the consumers themselves. Your customers love taking pictures and talking about their favorite products, so find ways to get your customers involved in your内容创作

Tiffany & Co.

Tiffany & Co.’s products come with a high-end price tag, so what better way than pictures to show the worth of those products? Tiffany is using Instagram to show every intricate detail that goes into creating the diamond rings and jewelry girls swoon over. On Tiffany’s Instagram account, fans get an in-depth look at all the tools, techniques, and technicians involved in making the perfect piece of jewelry. Of course, there are also pictures of the final pieces themselves with their signature blue-green color.



General Electric


GE也使用其帐户来运行比赛以找到它的下一个“Instagrapher”。获胜者将飞往威尔士拍摄航空设施。近4,000张Instagram照片由指定的hashtag #geinspiredme提交,然后发布到Facebook,粉丝投票给决赛者。GE不仅能够涉及多个粉丝社交平台,该公司也以raybet电子竞技某种方式能够让人们对涡轮发动机兴奋。


Marketing takeaway:如果您拥有较为性感的产品或服务,您可以创造创意,以成功提高客户与您品牌的竞争。持有照片比赛是客户对他们通常考虑干燥,扩大观众的东西的兴奋的好方法,并教育人们对您品牌环绕的重要主题。

What are some creative ways you would use Instagram or photos to showcase your company?

Image credit:Calsidyrose.




Instagram Marketing