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In the past, I’ve purchased items directly from Pinterest. I’ve also pinned content to my boards so I can refer to them in the future, use them as inspiration, or share them with my friends.

Marketers target Pinterest users by sharing content that’s too irresistible for us to pass up. And with over比特最有2.5亿人,为什么营销人员不会想要在平台上?更何况90% of userssay they look to content on the network to make purchase decisions.

Free Resource: 12 Pinterest Templates for Business

So, how can your business use Pinterest as a marketing tactic to help improve your brand awareness and conversions?


但首先,我们将审查平台是什么以及它的工作原理 - 让我们开始吧。

Users add, or Pin, their chosen content to boards with a common theme to keep it organized and so other users can discover new content related to their interests.

If you haven't yet opened a Pinterest account, learn more about那个过程在这里。Once you sign up, you can begin sharing content and, therefore, social media marketing on the platform.

要使大多数平台,从计算机或移动设备上传业务的内容,您在平台上找到的密码内容,并使用您在Web上找到的内容Pinterest browser button


It’s important to note there are personal andbusiness accountson Pinterest. Choosing a business account will allow you to gain access topinterest分析and other features including avisual search tool, anative video player以及能力运行Pinterest广告如果您选择 - 使平台成为营销人员的理想选择。

Now, let’s review some Pinterest marketing strategies to help you improve your influence with and impact on your audience.

These strategies represent ways to add Pinterest to your greater marketing efforts. Here are a few benefits to using Pinterest for marketing.


85% of Pinnerssearch for and prefer visual content. This makes Pinterest a uniquely strong place to distribute all types of content, including written blog content. Unlike Instagram, users can click-through live links.

On Pinterest, you在Pinterest板上分享内容。Boards save all of your Pins and distribute your content for your followers to explore. You can have as many boards as you want, and they can be organized into themes, ideas, plans, or types of inspiration to make it easy for your audience to find the content they’re looking for.

You can also邀请人们加入您的董事会— which would make your board a “group board” — if you want other contributors to add content they believe works with your board’s theme. This is a great way to increase engagement and interaction on your profile.

2. Build a community.

Online communities bring together like-minded people and serve as helpful hubs for businesses.

With a Pinterest community, you can count on your followers and fans to interact with your boards, consume your content, and make their way to your website — driving traffic in the process.

There areover 335 million people谁每月使用Pinterest。通过将您的Pinterest Board作为双向街道,您可以通过它,您可以与用户(不像单向广告牌)互动(不像单向广告牌),您也可以建立可能成为客户的Pinterest用户忠诚的社区。


虽然你可以搜索并添加特定的祖父母ds via their name, Facebook account, and other identifiers, this is time-consuming and would make it nearly impossible to substantially grow your following.


  • Promote your Pinterest account via your other social networks.
  • 遵循您认为想要跟随您的帐户。
  • 观看竞争对手正在做什么,以增加他们的追随者的基础,并从他们的技术中学习。
  • Use keywords and hashtagsin your posts (we’ll discuss these tactics in more detail later).
  • 要求影响人员重新发布您的一些内容以获得他们的追随者的注意。
  • Pay for aPinterest广告账户to run ads on the platform.


Pinterest is rife with tutorials, infographics, how-tos, and links to additional educational content. Given it’s propensity for visual content, it’s a powerful channel to educate and engage customers.


Similar to the way you would when creating new products, developing your branding, or posting to other social networks, you want to ensure you’re pushing out content that appeals to your target audience, current customers, andbuyer personason Pinterest.

You can do this in a few different ways:

  • Research your buyer personas to determine what type of content would be most helpful and appealing to them.
  • Survey and ask your current followers and customers for feedback on what they want from your company on Pinterest.
  • 看看你的竞争对手表现得很好(或不)帮助您考虑推出您的内容并使其独特的新方法。
  • 查看当前追随者和客户的董事会,以帮助您了解您的观众是谁以及他们最感兴趣的人。


Pinterest与Instagram不同,允许您将视觉内容链接到另一个网站 - 即您的网站。此功能允许您在此过程中分享书写和视觉内容并将用户分享回您的网站。

This is a powerful addition to your marketing as it can boost online sales, too. Many brands use Pinterest to showcase product images while sharing content.

For example, this board, created by the clothing companyMadewell, serves as a source of travel inspiration and is paired with real products they sell to get their audience excited about their brand, the lifestyle they promote, and the idea of purchasing some clothing.

example pinterest boardSource


ThesePinterest小部件和按钮allow your website visitors to interact with your Pinterest page via your website and give them the ability to view and follow your profile or go directly to a specific Pin or board. The network’s小部件建设者helps you quickly customize, create, and add this feature to your site.



These 9 Pinterest marketing strategies hold value for businesses of any size, in any industry. This universal approach to marketing is one reason Pinterest is such a valuable social media tool.

1. Sign up for a business account.

To market to your target audience, you should create aPinterest business account。如上所述,这个免费帐户为您提供对Pinterest分析的访问(我们很快就会更详细地审查)和其他handy marketing featuressuch as a profile that clearly states you’re a business,Pinterest widgets, andPinterest tag。If you already have a Pinterest account and want toconvert it into a Pinterest business account, you can also do that without losing any of your content or work.

Note:If you’re looking to enhance your business account and run ads on Pinterest, you can do so by upgrading your account — and setting up your method of payment because this part of Pinterest isnot免费 - 在平台的帮助下更积极地定位观众Ads Manager

2. Choose the right categories for your content.

By choosing the right category for your content to be shared in, your Pins and boards will become more searchable for users looking to discover content similar to that of your business. Users can search for specific categories on Pinterest or simply go to the “Categories” section of any profile on the platform to view all content related to the topic they’re searching.

pinterest categories


Some of the最受欢迎的Pinterest类别include travel, health and wellness, and beauty.


Similar to other social networks, Pinterest contains a plethora of images and videos. Not only do you want to ensure you’re posting images and videos that will help you promote your brand and market your products/ services, but you’ll also want to ensure they stand out against all of the others on the platform. Otherwise, why would a user choose to follow you over your competition?

Here are some ways to ensure you’re sharing great and unique visual content on Pinterest:

  • 使用没有面孔的品牌图像 - 这些接收23% more Pins在平台上比脸上的那些。
  • 创建和分享品牌视频以推广您的产品和公司。raybet电子竞技75%Pinterest用户表示,他们有可能观看有关他们感兴趣的主题的品牌视频。
  • Pay to usePinterest’s Promoted Video功能如果您有预算。
  • 分享在行动中显示产品的图像和视频,因此观众可以更轻松地设想自己使用它们。
  • Avoid excessive blank (or white) space in your images — images with少30%blank space in the background are pinned most.
  • 在两者之间创建视频30-90 seconds longbecause they’re proven to have the highest performance.
  • Create specific boards to share images of your company’s most helpful data visualizations and infographics if you have them for your audience to use as resources for their businesses.

4. Leverage keywords.

By using keywords throughout your profile, posts, Pins, and boards, you’ll be more likely to organically appear in users’ feeds and searches.Keywords and phrases在Pinterest上与用户搜索的特定利基有关。

For example, if you sell suitcases, you might use keywords and phrases like “vacation” or “going on a trip” throughout your profile and Pins. This way, when a user searches one of those terms, your profile and images of your suitcases will appear on their feeds.


For those of you who choose to pay for Pinterest ads, there’s also an option to use the platform’skeyword targeting toolto help you reach your audience through your ads.

5. Add hashtags to your content.

Hashtags — which are keywords and phrases preceded by the “#” symbol — are another great way for you to organically market to and reach your target audience.Hashtags on Pinterestwork the same way they do on most other social media sites (likeInstagram例如)并且在杠杆杠杆时,使您的内容更加搜索。

Hashtags on Pinterest are used to help users identify Pins and boards about a specific topic they’re searching. When users click on a hashtag you include on a Pins, they’re brought to a page in which they can view all content ever posted on the platform tagged with that specific hashtag. You should add hashtags to your Pins, boards, and promoted content (if you have any) to ensure the greatest amount of visibility.

6. Share your content on other social networks.

为宣传您的Pinterest帐户和内容,您应该在其他领域分享您的引脚,图像和视频,以提高您被视为和遵循的机会。例如,你可以claim your business’ Pinterest account on Instagram, Etsy, and YouTubeso your followers can easily learn about the other platforms you’re on and how they can view more of your content. Additionally, claiming your account will provide access to analytics and data on all of these Pins so you can see the other networks your audience is most interested in.

You can also将您的Pinterest配置文件链接到您的Facebook和Google帐户so you can easily add and find friends, share content across networks, speed up your login on all accounts, and backup your profile in case you lose or forget your password details.


当你遵循,interact with other Pinterest users and their accounts, you’re able to initiate and maintain personal relationships between them and your business. This type of engagement has the potential to make your followers feel a level of loyalty towards your brand that keeps them coming back to your profile for inspiration, ideas, and to buy products.


  • Follow new accounts of users who state or show they have interests related to the work your business does and the content you post (you can do this by searching keywords and hashtags or reviewing the people who follow your current audience members).
  • Re-Pin, Like, and comment on the content your followers and fans share.
  • Respond to the messages your followers write on your content to personalize their experience on your profile and make them feel heard.
  • Create engaging posts that showcase your expertise in your industry, teach your followers how to do something, or get them involved (in a giveaway or contest for example).



此外,您可以专注于以下五个best practices to boost engagementon Pinterest.

  • 鼓励您的追随者在其内容中提供您的品牌(也许提供重新启动它们或重新引脚,如果他们这样做)。
  • Provide your audience with an incentive — such as a prize — for choosing to follow and interact with you as well as create posts featuring your products and branding.
  • Offer your audience discount codes, coupons, as well as details about your latest products and updates to existing products to keep them coming back to your profile.
  • Ensure your content is helpful and useful for your audience members — all content should have a purpose and/ or meaning.

9. Analyze your results.

If you’re putting all of this effort into marketing on Pinterest, it’s probably safe to assume you’re going to want to ensure the work you’re doing improves your business’ conversions andbrand awareness

So, you’ll need to analyze the results of your Pinterest marketing efforts to keep track of your referral traffic, number of engagements, leads generated, and anything else you’re interested in learning more about. The easiest way to do this is through Pinterest Analytics.

pinterest分析provides you with four major types of information including:

  • Metrics about your profile as a whole.
  • Insights about the number of people who save and re-Pin your content.
  • 平台指标,了解人们如何通过桌面或移动设备与您的内容进行交互。
  • 数据对你的最受欢迎的别针。

Pinterest for Small Businesses


Short answer? Yes, it is.


Plus,Pinterest users have the highest purchase intent任何其他社交媒体用户。让我们讨论更多的方式,比如你的小型企业可以从奔腾的努力中受益。


Pinterest helps you tell a visual story about your brand. Through pictures and videos, you’re able to show — rather than tell — your audience what you’re about as a company, the things you value, what and who you support, and the types of products and services you sell.


Humanize your brand.

任何类型的社交媒体都可以帮助您人性化您的品牌并给予一些个性 - Pinterest也不例外。在平台上,您能够直接与您的受众成员联系,一对一或作为一个团体聊天,并通过他们在与您进行业务时遇到的任何困难或障碍的困难或障碍。

You’re also able to show your audience and followers how much their support and business mean to you through giveaways, videos of your behind the scenes work, latest company news, product information, promotions, and discount codes.


Feature your blog posts.

You can use Pinterest to feature your inbound marketing efforts such as your blog posts or content offers. For example, you can Pin a photo or video to a board and include a link to blog post about that visual content. This not only promotes your blog posts but it also drives traffic directly to your website.



Display your work and showcase your expertise.


Due to the fact you might not be a recognized brand yet, doing this is important. That’s because as your business grows and you become more well-known, you’ll be more likely to be recognized as an industry leader and a business with helpful and applicable content for audience members.


Pinterest is a great way to drive traffic to your business’ website — this will help your small business generate leads and conversions. You can share URLs in your profile as well as on your Pins and boards. For example, you may choose to post content with a link to your email sign up page, “About Us” page, or blog.

Conduct market research.

Pinterest is a great resource for conducting market research. It’s especially helpful for small businesses that may not have a large following quite yet or the experience to know exactly what their audience members expect and want in terms of content.

With Pinterest, you can easily review what your competitors — and the companies in your industry that are more established than yours — are doing. This will allow you to discover which tactics they’re using on the platform and see what’s working for their audience members. You can also look at the content your audience Pins as well as who they’re following and interacting with.


有许多工具可以用来帮助您到达目标受众,并在Pinterest上聘请用户。有三种主要类型的资源,可以帮助您完成这一目标 - 帐户管理工具reybet雷竞技下载,图像设计和创建工具以及跟随者计数和社区增长工具。

1. Social Media Management Tools


This way, you can ensure everything is shared and pushed out as planned. Social media management tools often have analytics capabilities as well, which you can use in tandem with Pinterest Analytics.


  • 哈托伊特为您提前安排引脚的能力,进入您的数据和分析的见解,并在Pinterest上衡量结果。
  • Tailwind为您提供关于您的Pinterest配置文件的分析,数据报告系统,以帮助您确定与您的受众成员的表现良好,以及关于分享您的别针的最佳日子和时代的建议。
  • Sprout Social允许您利用一系列功能来帮助您通过Pinterest到达目标受众和买方的人。这些包括平台分析,参与工具,调度能力,以及您受众希望的内容类型的详细信息。

2. Pinterest Image Design and Creation Tools


Considering Pinterest is a visual social network where users discover eye-catching, beautiful, and creative images and videos, it’s important your content looks perfect so you can attract more followers and engagement on your profile.

The following three tools are great for anyone who doesn’t necessarily have a background in fields like graphic design or art but still wants to share unique and polished content on their profile.

  • Canva允许您为Pinterest创建专业图像,以超过100万图像,图形,模板和可供选择的图标。
  • Pabloprovides you with a way to create beautiful images for Pinterest in under 30 seconds with easy-to-use effects and templates.
  • PicMonkeygives you the ability to create and edit images and has advanced image editing tools such as masking, mirroring, and double exposure.


Pinterest上的追随者计数和社区增长工具可用于帮助您宣传您的个人资料和内容,并增加您的追随者和参与的数量。创建以下三个工具以帮助您完成此操作具体来说on Pinterest.

  • PINGROUPIE在平台上的不同组板上提供引脚,用户和粉丝的数量,因此您可以确定您是否要加入并密码内容。
  • Loop88helps you to create shareable content they’ve determined is ideal for Pinterest to help you attract your target audience and grow your following.
  • PinFollow为您提供详细的看看谁在跟随您的Pinterest帐户,您将跟随您的追踪,您遵循谁,您遵循的是,您的跟随者数量随着时间的推移而越来越多。

Start Marketing On Pinterest

Pinterest is a powerful marketing tool with the ability to help you organically increase brand awareness, boost conversions, increase sales, and create long-lasting relationships with your target audience and buyer personas.

You can achieve all of these things for your business by following the Pinterest marketing strategies we reviewed and incorporating the available tools and resources to help you succeed as a business on the platform.

So, sign up for a business account and begin creating unique and engaging content to market to your customers and followers on Pinterest.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in January 2012 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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最初发布31,2020 12:17:00 PM,Updationed 4月08日2020年

