Success KidOld Spice Man愤怒漫画。These days, memes are spreading like wildfire all over the internet, and clever marketers are jumping on the opportunity to use these viral pieces of content to their advantage.

老实说,谁不喜欢一个好模因?它们很有趣,聪明,非常适合社交分享。作为营销人员,“模因”或劫持流行的模因来描述某种情况 - 可能是创建有趣而引人入胜的营销内容的好方法,以展示您品牌的个性和喜好。


Take the crash course in visual content creation that delights customers on  every digital channel.


让我们对所有营销人员提及“模因”一词,退后一秒钟。首先,为了防止您在下一次营销会议或鸡尾酒会上听起来无知,Meme被宣布为“ Meem”,而不是“ Meemee”或“ Mem-ay”,因为这里的一个匿名HubSpotter在这里被众所周知,它被认为是错误的。。

模因通常是一个通常通过互联网传播的概念,行为或想法。Memes most commonly manifest themselves ina visual例如图片或视频,但它也可以采用链接,主题标签,简单单词或短语(例如故意拼写错误),甚至整个网站的形式。

Why Memejacking Is Awesome for Marketing



A concept doesn't exactly get classified as a meme if it's not fun, engaging, and wildly popular. That's why memes are so great for marketing. Rather than creating something from scratch and crossing your fingers that it "goes viral," you're leveraging an idea that is already successful.


You're aware of all the fuss about visual content lately, right? Visual content is practicallymadefor social media sharing, and because memes are usually visually oriented, they make great fodder for your social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, andPinterest


由于模因非常值得分享,因此它们非常适合产生对您社交媒体帐户的流量和可见性。模因吸引喜欢,repins,评论和分享,例如疯狂 - 使您的社交内容更有可能在社交媒体中获得吸引力并传播。



For inbound marketers,content creation是日常任务。因为您的营销活动中的大部分都取决于内容(和新鲜的内容),因此拥有一些易于创建的内容可供您使用,这是营销人员的梦想成真。模因提供了这一点。它们很容易,通常需要花费很少的时间来创建。

8 Meme Examples and How to Successfully Jack a Meme

In addition to the few examples we shared in the introduction to this post, check out some of themost popular memes of the past decadeto get a sense of what memes can be about. We included some captions just for marketers on the memes below ...

1. Kermit:但这与我无关


在正确的时刻,柯米特(Kermit)成为了被动侵略的搞笑模板。Kermit图片下方的标题总是保持不变;这是Kermit上方的微妙抓地力,使您成为您的模因。模因可能会帮助您表达听众的典型挑战 - 但这与我无关。

2. Futurama Fry:不确定是否

Futurama Fry Meme带有有关博客文章流量的标题


3. Be Like Bill

Be like Bill meme with caption about buying email contact lists简单是这个模因中有趣的来源。与比尔(Bill)见面,这是一种可爱的棍子模特模型,适用于您知道听众会认可的行为。您要做的就是用三行描述他,所有这些都取决于“像比尔”,这是这个流行模因的每一个迭代中的最后标题。


What People Think I Do meme with captions for salespeople


Some memes are designed to identify with the reputation struggles of your audience. The one above speaks for itself.

当Hubspot模仿“人们认为我做的事情/我真正做的事情”时我们的Facebook页面,我们以销售为主题的模因产生了令人印象深刻的453个赞,57条评论和256股,,,,while our marketer version accumulated a whopping460 likes, 53 comments, and 337 shares

5. Success Kid

成功孩子meme对cta并单击标题-through rates

Success Kid is a meme that has stood the test of time. There's no requires text on this one -- it's a template for any extreme stroke of luck you know your audience would resonate with. The caption above doubles as a true story: the smallest changes to your call to action (CTA) copy can change its appeal tremendously.

6. Buzz Lightyear: Everywhere

Buzz Lightyear meme with caption about leads

上面的角色不需要介绍,但是这个模因可能。Buzz Lightyear在伍迪(Woody)围绕着伍迪(Woody),为观众提供了乐观的姿态(或讽刺,取决于您的演奏方式)。对于营销人员而言,正确的铅磁铁可以产生比您想象的更多的铅……嗡嗡声的话,而不是我的话。

7. Boromir:一个不简单

One Does Not Simply meme with caption about SEO and keywords

You might recognize this handsome soldier from The Lord of the Rings trilogy. But Boromir, son of Denethor, is much more than a warrior of Gondor. In the scene above from the Fellowship of the Ring, Boromir explains how "one does not simply" walk into Mordor, an evil region of Middle Earth where few have survived.


8. Puss in Boots: Old Spice Man




Because memes are often very simple (like the one I created by hijacking the'Y U NO' Guy meme),它们通常是简单的创作。当劫持全新模因时,诸如Photoshop(或嘿...甚至Microsoft Paint有时也可以做到这一点)的照片编辑工具的一些基本知识可能会派上用场。但是您会在那里找到大量的模因模板,例如Meme Generator,,,,quickmeme,,,,andMake a Meme- 所有这些使劫持流行模因变得非常简单。

例如,为了为这篇文章创建我的模因,我进行了Google搜索“ Y U No Guy Meme Generator”,并遇到了MemeGenerator.net的工具,使我能够创建本文顶部所示的模因。

Once you pick a tool you like, you can either select from the blank memes in the tool's gallery, or upload your own. Then, you'll have the option to customize the text on the top and bottom of the image you've selected.

Then, download your newly branded meme and post it on the channel of your choosing. Just be sure to add additional context if the meme is being shared alongside a larger story or campaign.

Ready to do some memejacking of your own? Here are our top memejacking tips.

Try to Jump on it Quickly

当模因处于临界点时,最成功的模因实例发生在营销中 - 它开始疯狂地传播,但很少有人劫持它。这是您的模因,因为在每个人和母亲劫持了它之后,模因可能会开始变老。

To stay ahead of the curve and stay on top of trending memes as they start cropping up, browse social bookmarking sites like Reddit or StumbleUpon, which are known to surface up-and-coming memes before more mainstream social networks like Facebook and Twitter. In fact, just staying well connected online and abreast of the latest news can keep you on top of the latest breaking memes.

Understand the Meme

Before you memejack, make sure you're well educated about what the meme meansand暗示您要做的最后一件事是冒犯听众或模因,如果您完全了解其含义,那么您将不会拥有的东西。幸运的是,人们在知道你的模因通常是流行模因,他们的历史以及他们对成名的主张,因此您可以确定模因是否适合您的听众。



Make Sure it's Relatable to Your Brand

最重要的是,请确保您的模因不会以相关为代价。劫持模因的方式应该与您的品牌,行业等有关。如果创建与您的品牌相关的有趣模因,那可能是不值得做的。最成功的模因是那些巧妙地结合了品牌的精髓的模因 - 其行业,消息传递,使命,口号等。

Remember,posting content about subjects related to your brand often generates the most engagement。In other words, posting content unrelated to your brand -- like the latest internet meme that can in no way be aligned with your brand -- just isn't going to cut it.




确保您的模因坚持原始模因的格式,样式,并包含相同的组件。否则,您的手上会有一个模因#FAIL。还记得上面在我们的Facebook页面上劫持的HubSpot的模因 - “人们认为我做什么/我真正做什么”模因?再看一下我们的“营销商”版本。它似乎缺少关键的“我真的Do' frame, doesn't it?


hubspot marketers meme resized 600 error


Once you've created a meme to use in your marketing, what do you do with it? Well, as we mentioned earlier, memes make for really awesome visual content to use in your社交媒体市场营销努力。但是它不必停在那里。这是一些充分利用您有趣的新模因的好方法:

1. Share it on Social Media

Plain and simple, plant your meme in prime sharing environments -- social networks. Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest are perfect social networks for memes because they're all sites where visual content thrives. Post your meme to your Facebook and Instagram pages accompanied by a witty remark or brief description, and pin it to an appropriate pinboard on Pinterest (perhaps you can create a board dedicated to memes).

你也可以在Twitter上分享它,除了other niche social networks you might have a presence on -- just don't let meme creation detract from the primary reason your audience might follow you on these more versatile channels.


不要只是在社交媒体上分享您的模因。创建一篇博客文章,显示您的模因完美反映的情况 - 只需记住仍然在帖子中添加呼吁行动,以便您可以对其进行优化领先一代并将任何访客转换为潜在客户。当您在社交网络中分享模因时,这也将为您提供一些链接。

3. Optimize it for Social Sharing



free visual content crash course

Originally published Jun 11, 2018 6:26:00 PM, updated June 12 2018


Content Creation