How often do you find yourself running late to a webinar or missing it entirely? Too often to admit? You’re not alone. On average,260人注册了一个网络研讨会. However, only about 60% of people actually参加网络研讨会they register for.

如果你’re on thE OThthE Aislehosting the webinars, you’ve probably felt let down when you realized nearlyhAlf您的注册人发现了某个hing better to do for anhour. Don’t take it personally. Th您要针对网络研讨会的人很忙,MIGht find it burdensome to carve out anho您参加现场活动。think about it in terms of opportunity cost — would you rather spend anho您参加了关于T的现场网络研讨会he future of digital advertising on social media or creating a couple of Facebook ads to go live that day? Let’s beho巢,产生结果几乎总是会在我们的待办事项清单上排在第一位hile learning about thE未来将在以后来。

Download Now: Free Webinar Planning Kit

the disparity between those who attend live and those who don’t gives marketers an opportunity to explore a more flexible approach to sharing interactive video content. In this article, I’ll show you how to turn your live webinars into evergreen video content that is worth replaying.


网络研讨会can be a dynamic addition to your content marketing toolkit. Though they take time to plan and produce, the reward is worth the work. According to ON24,在线研讨会的转化率增加与2019年相比,2020年的6%。

For example, this webinar is a short yet insightful discussion about how to manage a remote sales team and has received over 4,000 views in six months.

You might want to consider recording your webinar for a couple of reasons. First, recorded videos can be edited. If this is your first time hosting a webinar, you’ll find it helpful to host with no audience, so you can make small tweaks.




After the plans to record a webinar are set, the next step ischoosing a platform. A lot of platforms offer similar features, but choose one that will let you record and export..

Somerecording tools仅适用于某些操作系统,因此请确保其在多个不同的系统上运行。大多数平台都可以在Mac和Windows设备上找到工作,但是在研究时保持警惕。

Ultimately, choose one that will let you do everything you need. If you have to share your screen or ask for audience participation, make sure your software has those capabilities.



Alternatively, if you decide your space isn't camera-ready, you don't have to show it. Turn your camera off and let the presentation be the only visual. If you go this route, though, you'll likely need an animator or designer to make sure your presentation is engaging enough to keep the viewer's interest.

3。Perform a practice version to catch mistakes.

Before you officially record, practice using the software. Familiarize yourself with how to record, export, and upload a video so you'll be comfortable when showtime comes.


如果你're thinking that you won't have time to fit in multiple test runs, don't worry. You won't need the full hour to practice your presentation. Instead, record the section you're most unsure about — that way, you can hone in on what needs the most work.

另外,也许您的测试运行告诉您,您需要更多帮助创建演示文稿。如果是这样,请前往本指南making a compelling webinar.




the truth is, you have many alternatives for recording a webinar. If you’re a Mac user, QuickTime Player is a popular, free software. Zoom is a convenient, no-cost solution for either operating system. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to record your webinar using each program.


  1. 通过在应用程序文件夹中找到Mac上的QuickTime播放器,或者仅在工具栏右上角单击搜索图标并搜索“ QuickTime Player”。

    如何在MacBook Finder中录制网络研讨会快速播放器找到快速时间播放器。显示了Finder图标,Chrome图标,垃圾箱图标和QuickTime Player图标。
  2. Click File > New Movie Recording

    How to record a webinar quick time player in macbook step two select new movie recording
  3. 单击视图>漂浮在顶部

    How to record a webinar quick time player in macbook step three select float camera on top of screens
    You should see yourself on camera now. Resize your camera window and position it on the screen you want to record. Make sure you’re floating on top of the content so your audience can see you.
  4. Click File > “New Screen Recording”

  5. Click the record button when you’re ready to record your webinar. Click the square stop button when you’re done.

    After clicking the stop button, you’ll see your video appear on screen immediately.
  6. 单击文件>保存

    Name your webinar and save it to your desired folder.

Your webinar recorded on QuickTime Player is now ready to be uploaded to YouTube, social media, or your website. Keep in mind, this video might be very large and could slow down your website, and some social media sites may not allow you to upload a file that large. Don’t worry, you can压缩文件确保已准备就绪网站。


飞涨is another great option for quick webinars, and if you record it in under 40 minutes, you can use the free version of the app on both Mac and Windows computers. To record a webinar using Zoom, follow these instructions:

  1. 通过在应用程序文件夹中查找变焦来启动变焦。

  2. Click “New Meeting”

    如何从Zoom启动框中录制网络研讨会Zoom STEP第二选择“启动新会议”,该启动框显示选项新的会议加入时间表和共享屏幕
    You’ll see your camera appear. If you don’t want to appear on camera during your webinar, click the camera icon to turn your video off.

    How to record a webinar zoom step two continued camera appears with image of webinar host and Zoom tool bar at the bottom.
  3. 单击“共享屏幕”

    How to record a webinar zoom step three select share screen from the following options: desktop 1 whiteboard, iphone or airplay, or google chrome
    this enables you to display your presentation, videos, images, and any other visual aids you’ll be using throughout your webinar. You’ll notice that there are different options for screen sharing – displays and browser tabs are the main two used for webinars. Sharing your display is helpful if the presentation is on your desktop. Sharing your browser tab is helpful if you’re using a cloud presentation software like Google Slides and you only want to share that tab.
  4. 当您的演示文稿,音频和视频准备就绪时,请单击循环“记录”按钮以启动您的网络研讨会。(如果您的屏幕较小,您可能会看到三个椭圆,单击它们,然后从下拉菜单中选择“记录”。)

    How to record a webinar zoom step four select record screen from the more menu at the top of the screen

You’ll get two options to record – either to the cloud or to your computer. Recording to the cloud works well to keep large MP4 files off of your computer. Recording to your computer works if you need the MP4 at the ready to edit and upload to a website later.

飞涨R3How to record a webinar zoom step four continued choose recording destination: on computer or to the cloud



Once you’re done with your webinar, click the “stop recording” button.

5. Edit your presentation for professionalism.

Small mistakes, like fumbling words or technical difficulties, are normal. If you come across them, don't feel pressure to edit them out — after all, humans slip up every day. However, glaring mistakes, like starting the recording too early, should be edited.


Download your webinar recording.



  1. 1.结束录音后立即单击
    file > save
    You’ll see a dialogue box appear that looks like this:

    How to download a webinar recording quick time player step one save recording in the export as field
  2. Next, change the “Where” dropdown. This is where you’ll save the video file on your computer. The default is set to your documents folder, but you can change this by clicking the drop-down arrow:

    QTPR2How to download a webinar recording quick time player step two choose a save location on computer in the where field
  3. Now, your folders are displayed and you can navigate to the folder that will house all of your webinars or create a new folder for them. I’ve chosen to save my webinar in the desktop folder.

    How to download a webinar recording quick time player step three save recording to the desktop folder

如果你need to find this webinar later and you can’t remember where you’ve saved it, search your Mac for “webinar - 1.12.2020” and it’ll come right up.



to find your recording, follow these steps:


  1. 录制准备就绪并在云中,您将收到一封电子邮件。单击链接以访问并下载您的录音。

如果你recorded to your computer:


  • Windows:C:\ Users \ [用户名] \ Documents \ Zoom
  • Mac: /Users/[Username]/Documents/Zoom
  • Linux:主页/[用户名]/文档/Zoom

Now, you're ready to share your recording! You might have a plan for how you want to distribute it — especially if it's an event for your customers. But, if you need a little creative help, here are some ideas for sharing.

1。Website Landing Page

如果你use your webinars for lead generation, an effective way to get traction is to have a dedicated landing page. Whether you’re using your webinar as a stand-alone lead generation piece or as part of a campaign, a landing page will collect valuable information about your webinar viewers. Include a brief description about what they’ll learn in the webinars, and add an enticing call-to-action to capture the data..



3。Email Marketing

电子邮件是网络研讨会的第一促销渠道and will carry the bulk of signups. The secret to this platform’s high registration rate lies in how people interact with email messages in their inbox. Our audiences expect to see emails in their inboxes everyday, and they’re conditioned to receiving email reminders and confirmations after they sign up for something. With email, webinar hosts have more flexibility to increase the frequency of informational and reminder emails about their webinars without appearing spammy. This works, too.GoToWebinar告诉我们:“在现场网络研讨会之前至少提前四个星期促进了平均注册量的12%。”



例如,在我们的帖子中查看嵌入式视频how to create a webinar.

在这里,我们看到了网络研讨会添加到博客make it more engaging. Readers who want the full run-down can follow along with the post.

5. Paid Media



Paid ads that show snippets of your webinar can be a fantastic way to drive traffic to your webinar landing page. By giving the audience a taste of the content, interested prospects will click through to your site to watch more.

虽然付费广告听起来昂贵,doesn’t have to be. You can get started with just a few dollars a day and pause the ads at any time. What makes this promotion method work is that your ads are only being shown to people who are likely to have an interest in your content.

7. Partnerships


Partnerships can be executed in a few different ways:

Content Collaboration



并非所有伙伴关系raybet平台都需要是内容协作。如果您认识一个与您类似的受众的行业专家,那么他们可能有兴趣分享客人的内容 - 您是客人。这可能是免费的,也可能是免费的,所以请在您的influencer strategy budget.


如果你r company works with an industry trade group (like theAmerican Advertising Federation或者Beer Institute), partnering with them can position you as a thought leader to your audience. On the backend, your webinar content provides them with industry knowledge they can use to better serve the trade association. It’s a win-win for both organizations.

We’ve covered the benefits of recording webinars, how to record webinars, how to download them after you’ve recorded them, and how to promote them. Now, let’s talk about the recording software options you can use for your next webinar. Here are a few of our favorite webinar recording software platforms.



A sophisticated webinar recording software will do the basics like recording, exporting, and screen share. However, to turn your webinars into evergreen content, you’ll want a few more features. Reporting is a must-have for measuring KPIs. After all, if the webinars are lagging behind your goals, you’ll want to assess why and determine a solution. Another type of feature that is critical to successful live and recorded webinars is an engagement tool. Whether this comes in the form of a chat box or emoji reactions, this interactive feature helps you gauge your attendees interest and get feedback about the webinar.


WebinarGeek Website Homepage of animated woman recording a webinar on laptop

WebinarGeek is an all-in-one webinar marketing solution if you want to broadcast individual webinars or a webinar series in real time. With on demand, automated, and hybrid webinar options, your webinars can be accessible when you need them to be. Give your audience the experience they want by pre-recording webinars and airing them live or having a recorded presentation available on your website 24/7.


Webinar Geek提供实时,按需和混合网络研讨会选项,可促进引人入胜的用户体验。您还可以分析查看受众的行为,这意味着您将知道哪些类型的内容和参与策略有效,哪些是贪睡节。


there are so many customizable features that the initial configuration for WebinarGeek can be tedious. Plan an hour or so to modify your webinar settings ahead of your first practice round for a smooth recording process.


ClickMeeting Website Homepage with text that says We help you stay connected start for free and see all plans

ClickMeeting is not just for webinar recording – this program brings video conferencing and online meetings to your customers and team members. It expands the definition of webinar recording software to include product demos, online courses, and even virtual events.


You’ll see all the features of a sophisticated webinar recording software in ClickMeeting including screen sharing, polls, and analytics. As a bonus, you can even host paid webinars directly through the platform’s PayPal integration.


Some customers report there is no way to control the audio of participants, but if you’re using the software to record webinars without an audience and share them later, this shouldn’t be a problem.


织机网站主页显示文字说明它说它免费发送织机Video messaging, screen share, recording, oh my! Loom helps you instantly share expressive and effective content with your team or an audience. This tool is all about collaboration and knowledge-sharing which makes it perfect for the agile group who needs to share information fast.


Loom checks all the boxes for an adequate webinar recording system – it supports screen recording, exporting, and hosting all in one place. And, for on-the-go presenters, Loom can be used on mobile devices that run iOS.




QuickTimePlayer Website homepage that says QuickTime Player user guide for macOS Big Sur and a search bar below it to search the user guideRecording and editing video is QuickTime Player’s claim to fame. The Apple feature comes pre-installed on Mac computers so there’s no additional cost, software, or set up required. You’re probably aware that QuickTime Player can be used to share and record your screen. But did you know that you can record yourself talking through the content on your screen, too? This hack is quick and takesjust a few clicks.


QuickTime Player是免费的,易于使用。录制和导出视频是此工具最佳的选择。如果使用Mac,则可以立即录制网络研讨会,并在短短几分钟内将其共享。


如果你use a Windows computer, QuickTime Player won’t be an option for your pre-recorded webinar needs.You’ll also need toshare and host您已经拥有的平台上的网络研讨会,以便您的观众可以访问它。


飞涨Website homepage that shows a woman finishing a workout and text that reads meet on zoom a marketplace for immersive expereincesBy now, if you haven’t used Zoom, you at least know someone who has. This multipurpose tool is used to host small and large meetings, but it has powerful webinar recording software capabilities, too.




变焦的评论绝大多数是积极的,您可能几乎可以满足此工具的所有需求。但是,您将无法将网络研讨会保留在缩放平台上以进行播放,因此请务必have a home对于您的录音,一旦您导出了视频文件。


MovaviScreenRecorder homepage website showing a monitor with a man hosting a webinar and text that says Screen recorded capture screens in one click and a call-to-action inviting the viewer to buy nowMovavi屏幕记录器是一种付费工具,无论您是想录制已被邀请的实时网络研讨会,还是希望与他人分享自己的网络研讨会,都可以适应您的营销需求。Movavi屏幕录音机在Mac和Windows计算机上都可以使用。




顾客say the Movavi-provided tutorials and customer service could be more supportive. Having some video editing experience might help you use this tool effectively, although they say you’ll likely get the hang of it after a few days.


WebinarjamWebsite homepage that has a bright red background and shows a man hosting a webinar. Text says The most powerful all-in-on webinar platformWebinarjam是一个多合一的网络研讨会平台。这个名字不言而喻 - 网络研讨会录制软件是他们的果酱。雷竞技苹果下载官方版高清广播和每秒最多30帧只是此工具中的一些显着功能。知道您的与会者可以阅读您的演示文稿中的每个单词,并充满信心地分享您的屏幕。(即使我们知道你演讲keep text to a minimum anyway.)





8。Cisco Webex

Webex Website with a dark black and green background and text that reads Introducing All New Webex Sign up freeWebex prides itself on seamless collaboration and hybrid work experiences. This platform integrates with apps and software like Microsoft Outlook, Google Drive, and Zendesk to help you do exceptional work.


Webex meetings are secure. The software company keeps your data and privacy protected while you present to the world. Like Zoom, Webex has breakout rooms and virtual backgrounds to keep your presentation on brand and professional.


Initial set up of Webex might require assistance from your IT team in order to prevent issues with starting your webinar. If you don’t have the help of IT, check outWebex’s help centerfor assistance before you start recording your webinar.


BigmarkerWebsite homepage with a blue and purple gradient bar and text that reads the number one video platform for webinars, summits and virtual conferences and a call-to-action inviting you to start a free trialBigmarkeris a browser-based webinar recording software that doesn’t require you to download any applications. From product demos to online courses, this tool delivers much more than beautiful webinars. It supports invitation, reminder, and thank you emails, and could serve many purposes within your marketing tech stack like demand generation.




Stability and video clarity on this platform can be hit or miss if your internet connection is unstable. A high-speed internet connection has helped some customers overcome this hurdle.


GoogleMeet Website homepage with dark blue background and geometric three D shapes and text that reads join or start a meetingYou might know Google Meet as a video chatting app similar to Apple’s FaceTime. However, it packs a much bigger punch. Google Meet is a powerful tool that can be a free alternative to expensive webinar recording software.


Google见面uses smart AI enhancements that can detect and adjust to your network’s speed so that your meetings are always clear and reliable. All webinars are encrypted to ensure your data, and your audience’s data is protected.


Google见面doesn’t have a robust brand customization feature, so you’re stuck with Google’s UI. However, you can use custom backgrounds which give you some control over the look and feel of your meeting.




You can see attendee engagement in real time which means more flexibility for you to switch up speed, cadence, or even presenters if the audience is getting distracted.




GoToWebinar Website homepage of a man with headphones on speaking into a microphone and text overlay that says The leader in webinar software tell your story. Reach more people. grow your business. Start for free. Buy now and save up to 14 percent on webinars.为了扩展电话会议系统gotoMeeting,Gotowebinar通过提供需求生成工具(例如自动化电子邮件邀请,网络研讨会库),您可以用作目标网页以及集成机会将您的内容连接到技术堆栈中的现有属性,从而支持营销工作。


如果你configure your webinar as a course, you can issue certificates of completion to your attendees directly through the platform.


Users and external presenters must download the software onto their computers to use GoToWebinar which can negatively affect the user experience if they don’t download it ahead of time. Tackle this issue by reminding attendees and external presenters to download the software beforehand in your invitation and reminder emails.

Start Recording Your Webinar.

在线研讨会分散您提供的内容。记录ones are great for accessibility and extended value. Long after the initial recording, you can still earn leads from them.


webinar plan


Originally published Feb 10, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated February 11 2021

