As an Implementation Specialist, I wave goodbye to clients who have finished their marketing implementation process with HubSpot, and I welcome approximately 10 more into my funnel. Goal setting conversations are pretty similar across the board:

"I want to generate more leads, grow my business, and scale that growth," seem to be the prevailing reasons why small to mid size businesses purchase a marketing solution.

In determining where to start with our marketing in order to meet those lead generation goals, I always start with three basic strategies. These quick wins take no more than a couple hours to implement (if that), yet 9 out of 10 companies don't have these set up by the time we sit down to discuss what they're doing to capture prospects.

Today, I'm going to show you those three basic marketing components and how they will impact your business.

1. Solving for High Bounce Rates

Most clients who are exploring a marketing strategy for the first time have higher than average跳出率在他们的网站上(56-70%),一些可能在PPC上投资的人可能看到了异常高的跳出率(70%+)。整体解决此问题是一项长期游戏,与您网站上的内容和转换机会有很大关系。但是,在我们启动和运行内容策略时,我们可以通过某些方式利用高于平均水平的跳出率来利用我们的优势。

Think about it: if you have 1000 visitors to your site a month with a bounce rate of 56%, that's 560 visitors coming to your site each month that leave before interacting with your content (And that's on the lower end of high bounce rates)! Even if you're a smaller business and are seeing half that traffic, that's still 280 unique visitors you could be marketing and selling to.

It is likely you will never see those 560 visitors again.So, how are you going to capture those prospects before they leave?The answer isn't a prettier website or a static call-to-action above the fold.

The answer is:putting a pop-in mechanism where the highest concentration of your traffic exists: uponexit intent

弹出功能像弹出窗口一样,但没有将访客带到您的外面的页面,而是出现insideyour site (hence the name pop-in). Pop-in applications (which I'll discuss in a bit) typically give you the ability to determine when you want the pop-in to come up.

If your bounce rates are above 56%, set it to show upon exit intent. Exit intent is determined by the application when a visitor's mouse leaves your site to browse the navigation bar. This of course can only mean that your prospects are on their way out to either jump to a different tab or ex out of your site entirely.

通过在离开时抓住潜在客户的注意力,重要的是要提供足够的诱人优惠来让他们留下来。What do you have to offer?Is it a white paper? Is it 15 minutes of your time? Remember, most people who leave your site aren't leaving it because they've been offended or hate what you have to say. They simply have not found what they're looking for.

How can you make it easier for them to find their solution?Once you're able to nail that down, you're good to go. Just remember to add a little behavioral psychology flare by including a "Before you go!" call out, and you've got yourself a lean, mean, high bounce rate breaking machine.

Here's what it looks like when you've set it up:

出口意图1上的铅流量SBCSis a client of mine who started out with an 80% bounce rate on some pretty high traffic. At the time, the only resource they could volunteer was 15 minutes of their time advising students on the best way to arrange their curriculums, financial aid packages, and school tours. In the first day of setting up their pop-in, SBCS got an influx of approximately 70 prospective student requests. Suddenly, their biggest challenge was not in generating more leads but rather hiring enough admissions' staff to field the ones they were getting. All from one tiny pop-in that offered the right thing at the right time!

As a HubSpot evangelist, I can't help but recommend the pop-in feature included inHubSpot的营销工具的免费版本,which gives you access to the pop-in shown above. It's clean, easy to create, and integrates with HubSpot, which is an incredibly powerful marketing tool. However, if you're looking for a standalone way to take advantage of your high bounce rates,PrivyandWishpondhave some pretty cool options as well.

2. Defining the bottom of your Funnel

Most clients I meet for the first time come into implementation saying that they want to use an inbound marketing strategy to create sales. When I ask them to elaborate, they go on to say that they want to do content marketing: blogs, white papers, pillar pages, and nurturing campaigns. Essentially, they're looking at top-of-the-funnel activities as a means of generating bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) results.If you're not familiar with all this funnel talk, brush uphere


1. The "Contact Us" page is statistically the lowest-performing page across all sites in terms of visits and engagements.Only a small percentage (think less than 5%) of the traffic that comes to your site will ever visit your "Contact Us" page to do business. Even with the best marketing strategy, you will only ever increase that by a marginal amount.

2. "Contact Us" is not a bottom-of-the-funnel offer.Most contact forms are based around this notion of, "Contact us to learn more about whether or not you have the privilege of doing business with us!" As you can imagine, this doesn't exactly thrill your prospects. It's also not an offer, in that you're not offering anything; this one-sided exchange requires that your prospects be the ones offering you their information and their time for little in return.

What happens when you don't have a true bottom to your funnel? Every lead that you spend time and money getting in through the top and nurturing through the middle ends up falling out of your marketing funnel before they can ever reach sales.

When we define and create a true BOFU offer, we're creating a destination for our marketing efforts. The offer should provide more value than its TOFU and MOFU predecessors. A good BOFU offer is one that we can insert as a call-to-action in an email chain—one that we can market on social media and through PPC efforts.

Creating that offer is simply a matter of identifying where in your sales process you create the most value and doing a bit of storytelling around that.

When you sit down with prospects, in an attempt to find a use case for your product/service, do you ask them questions around their company's infrastructure? Do you help them break down expenditures on their current solution to identify inefficiencies? Maybe you create a roadmap for how a solution through you would increase their ROI over a period of time or decrease overhead in the coming months.

Most companies' prospects are better off for having talked to them. Chances are you're doing some or all of the above in your sales process but have yet to create a narrative around it. That's a waste of potential, if you ask me. Crafting that very narrative will be your first step in creating an effective BOFU Offer.

Here's what that narrative looks like in offer mode:

Consultation LP KavaliroKavalirois a client of mine that focuses on recruiting solutions for job seekers and staffers alike. The consultation offer above is the offer they're making to staffers, and they have another one for job seekers as well. Since this has gone live, they've not only generated leads but have also funneled their incoming leads based on priorities and personas because of how fine-tuned this offer is.

Their prospects are ultimately still hitting that "Contact Us" button, but it's under a different premise. That premise is a consultation whose sole aim is to to be helpful and to drive value. The beauty of this offer is that it hands this prospect off directly to the sales team.The above offer is simple, elegant, and it gets to the core of what Kavaliro's prospects truly care about.

Kavaliro is winning right now because it is a pleasure for their prospects to hop into a sales conversation, fully knowing that buy or not, they will leave better off for having attended. On the flip side, Kavaliro equally knows that if they're able to communicate the above points to their prospect base on a person-to-person basis, the chances of closing business are higher than ever before.

找到你提供最大的价值,一个d create a narrative around it.That's your bottom-of-the-funnel offer.

For easy implementation, you can replace the content on your contact page with an offer that follows the above principles. Or, if you're looking to have something a little more reminiscent of a marketing offer, you can replicate this BOFU approach on a landing page. Kavaliro has their page built on HubSpot, but if you're not looking to purchase a marketing platform, there are some free standalone options inUcraftandOntra Pages。更多的钱,你仍然可以追求standalone option in a more robust manner throughUnbounce.

3. Optimizing your site for search engines

You're now capturing leads before they can leave your site and have an amazing offer for those who don't. Now you have to get enough eyes on your site so that the conversion math plays out in your favor. When discussing traffic, most of my clients immediately say, "I want to increase traffic by positioning myself on social media and blogging about my expertise!"

虽然这是两个好的访问量,optimizing for organic search will help you maximize your reach. Every "hit" your website gets from a search engine tells a story about your page and how valuable it is. If that story isn't aligned with what you want to be known for, you either won't be known at all depending on your competitive atmosphere, or you will generate the wrong kind of traffic.

Optimizing your site around SEO best practices is THE lowest hanging fruit there is because of how simple it is to execute.The hardest part about it (which also isn't that hard) is determining the keywords you want to target. There are two ways to think about which keywords you want to optimize for:

1. Keywords that define what you do as a business.


2. Keywords that define the problems / opportunities your prospects are facing in their own language.


The first step is to generate that data throughGoogle AdWord's Keyword Planner.Keyword PicKeyword Pic2There are about 600 more keywords on the above page that you're not seeing, which you can download on your own in Excel format when you try this exercise.

All 646 variations of those two words have been generated based on user data.You'll notice that once you generate variations around both words, you get a column that says "Average monthly searches" and "Competition." Average monthly searches represents just that, and competition shows a low/medium/high rating based on the number of pages that are optimized for the listed keyword.

Your job now is to sift through the list and find a group of keywords that have a high monthly search and low competition.You want keywords that are most searched and are seldom written about by competitors. This gap in the market is what you should optimize your pages for.

Now comes the easy part: actually optimizing your site. There are five places where you want to insert that strategically-chosen keyword on your site. Most of them are found in your content management system's page meta settings. These settings list your page's:

1. Page header

2. URL

3. H1 title(s)

4. Meta description

5. Content body

通过将关键字放置在每个区域中,您正在为Google创建一个通用线程,以便在整个页面上遵循“此页面有关X”。在下面的示例中,您可以看到HubSpot围绕“ LinkedIn标题”优化了其博客,这是本博客文章的所有页面上的所有页面元素中的一个共同主题。结果,任何包括“ LinkedIn标题”在内的搜索都有很大的机会返回此博客文章。

SEO PicSEO Pic 2-1

Make sure not to put more than one keyword in these places now that you know, lest you get caughtkeyword stuffing。Even if you think the keywords are relevant, search engines are trying to drive a good user experience. By having many keywords in these five places, you're telling search engines that your page can be around any one of X amount of topics and will undoubtedly be de-prioritized in favor a more specialized page.

As you can see, getting a marketing strategy off the ground doesn't require a huge marketing budget, just a little bit of know-how and some elbow grease. Hopefully this post has helped those of you looking to get a little more bang for your buck from your digital presence.

Start the free SEO training course from HubSpot Academy.

Originally published Apr 17, 2018 11:00:00 AM, updated December 20 2019