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Jeffrey Vocell
Jeffrey Vocell



网站design is changing. While some constants remain — such as the need for relevant, timely, and engaging content — additional elements that can boost website impact continually emerge.

web designer incorporating the elements of modern web design


为了帮助您缩小关注点并为您的网站找到最佳元素,我们正在分解现代最重要的元素网站设计you can implement to improve your site's performance.

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1. Unique Typography


例如,纽约客通过使用独特的字体立即被认可Adobe Caslon Pro

unique typography in modern web design by the New Yorker


Why is unique typography useful in modern web design?

Typography is a singular design element that gives a uniform look across each page on a website. For instance,The New Yorker网站leads visitors from one section to another based on the typography and font sizes.




现代网站设计元素:英雄图像图片like this onedo away with the concept of above and below the fold, instead offering a singular point of view. By focusing on just the image with text rather than a CTA or social buttons, Medium creates a strong visual experience that encourages you to scroll down to read more.

英雄形象也而声名狼籍n placed in the background with text and other content overlaid on top. Regardless of the approach you utilize, large images can help visually tell your story without having to rely on just text.

Why is it useful?

英雄图像为您的网站设定了基调,而无需文本或视频 - 正确的图像可以立即使访问者了解您的品牌的意义,您的工作或使您与众不同的内容。结果,既可以集思广益英雄形象的想法并从多个来源获得反馈,以查看哪个图像带来最大的影响,这是一个好主意。

3. Background Videos

Videos that automatically play in the background can add a lot of intrigue to a page. They can be used to tell a story and significantly reduce the amount of other content that is needed to explain your business.


background videos in web design by wistia


This background video serves as a brilliant way to get the visitor to click-through and stay on the page longer.

Why is it useful?

Background videos focus on enticing the visitor from the moment they land on your page. The video allows your visitor to understand the key points about your company without ever having to read a single line of text.

此外,处理视频60,000 times faster与文本相比,我们的大脑。尽管人们通常不愿阅读大量文字,但视频看起来毫不费力,可以很快消费。这也有助于连接速度正在增加,移动设备尺寸正在增长,从而为更好的视频体验提供了增长。


Simply put, flat design is any element that does not include or give the perception of three dimensions, such as shadows. Not only is flat design easier for users to understand, but it can also load more quickly on websites without complicated or overly technical elements.

Many organizations — both large and small — have shifted from realistic skeuomorphism to flat design. However, companies like Uber have put their own spin on the style by adding subtle shadows and dimensions.


sem-flat elements in modern web design by uber


Why is it useful?


5. Hamburger Menus

Most websites have long menus of options to choose from. The advantage of this is that the menu can take the visitor directly to where they want to go. The disadvantage is that they generally take up a ton of valuable screen space. The hidden, or hamburger, menu changes this. This condensed menu saves space and is intuitive for users to navigate.现代网站设计元素:汉堡菜单


Wondering why it's called a hamburger menu?


Why is it useful?


6. High-Quality Product Images



high quality product images in web design by hubspot


Why is it useful?

High-quality product images help designers highlight different features of a product in a more efficient and effective way.




With the rise of Pinterest, designers and marketers alike have become fascinated with cards. Individual cards help distribute information in a visual way so the visitors can easily consume bite-sized pieces of content without being overwhelmed.


card design as a web development element featuring Miiryia



Why is it useful?




In addition to background videos, short product or feature videos are also on trend as they can be used to highlight a specific use case. These short videos are great at bringing your solution to life, while not overwhelming the visitor with a long experience that they must sit through.

一个很好的例子来自Invision。They display this short illustrator of how easy it is to use their product by dragging-and-dropping a design directly on their homepage:

feature videos in web design by invision


Why is it useful?



modern website design elements: mobile-friendly layouts

First-generation websites were designed for desktops. As a result, they were built to accommodate larger monitors and point-and-click mouse control. The rise of mobile devices, however, means that web traffic may come from multiple sources — and your website must deliver the same experience regardless of user device type.


Why is it useful?

移动设备流量现在的帐户超过54 percent of all web traffic worldwide。This means that if your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you could be losing up to half of all prospective customers.

考虑智能手机用户访问的桌面友好网站。如果文本,图像和按钮无法调整以匹配触摸屏控件和较小的屏幕尺寸,那么潜在客户几乎不可能找到他们想要的东西 - 经过一些错误关注,他们可能会将业务带到其他地方。


white space in web design



Why is it useful?

网站navigation plays a critical role in user satisfaction. If visitors struggle to find your product or contact pages, they’re far less likely to click through and begin the conversion process.

White space helps focus user attention on the elements that matter most to your business. For example, if you have a featured product image or video at the top of your homepage, separate it from further content with white space. This helps it stand alone and highlights its importance compared to the rest of your site. If you surround it with visually noisy elements, however, the focus is quickly lost.


Speed Optimization in web design


Having an engaging, content-rich website won’t help drive conversions if your site loads slowly and users point their browsers elsewhere. As a result, it’s critical to optimize all elements of your site for speed to reduce the amount of time between click and content.

在实践中,这意味着优化所有图片到balance image quality and file size. For example, while PNG images offer higher quality and transparency, they’re much larger than JPEG images; in most cases JPEGs offer the best balance between speed and quality. GIFs, meanwhile, are ideal for animated images but use fewer colors, making them less-than-ideal for static images.

压缩网站上托管的任何文件也是一个好主意 - 许多现代压缩工具可以显着降低文件大小而不会相称的功能损失。站点所有者还应考虑其托管环境:例如,专用或VPS托管通常会提供比共享托管解决方案更快的站点加载速度。

Why is it useful?

According to statistics fromGoogle,随着页面加载时间从1秒增加到10秒,访客的反弹率上升了123%。搜索巨头还指出,尽管转向了更强的4G连接,但“大多数移动站点仍然很慢,并且肿胀的元素过多。”

As a result, even small investments into website speed optimization can pay significant dividends, especially since landing page speed is now used by Google as a ranking factor for mobile searches and Google Ads.



Editor's note: This post was originally published in August 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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主题: 网站设计

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