"Unriddled" is HubSpot's weekly digest of the tech headlines you need to know. We give you the top tech stories in a quick, scannable way and break it all down. It's tech news: explained.

The Great Google+ Shutdown

Last fall, theWall Street Journal报道说,2018年3月发现的一个错误可能已允许访问近一半的私人数据一百万Google+用户。


But rather than chalking up this shutdown to the breach, Google emphasized what a low rate of usage was experienced by the app among personal account users. And as of last Tuesday, the company has formally beenshutting downand deleting Google+ personal accounts.

除了采取新的安全措施,Google说at the timeof the WSJ report thatit would pivot to rebuilding Google+ as an enterprise network,noting“ Google+更适合作为企业产品,同事可以在该产品上进行有关安全企业社交网络的内部讨论。”

根据Google+官员的说法supportpage, full deletion of content from consumer Google+ accounts "will take a few months," leading some content to remain visible during the process. Once complete, the page says, Google+ will only available for G Suite accounts through workplaces or schools.Read full story >>

A U.S. Midwest Launch for 5G

U.S. mobile service carrier Verizon said last week that it launched "the first commercial 5G network in the world that works with a 5G smartphone" -- starting in the midwestern cities of Chicago and Minneapolis, on the moto z3 phone model, which has to be combined with the 5G moto mod to work properly.

5G the第五代无线连接。目前,4G为细胞连通性提供像LTE一样的动力。5G的目标是通过提供更好的速度,处理更多数据,更大的响应能力和与智能设备的连接来支持不断增加的移动互联网用户数量。

Initial reviewsof Verizon's 5G network say that, indeed, the speed is "blazing fast" -- but that coverage is almost impossible to find.Read full story >>

Okay Google, We're Going Grocery Shopping

Box store chain Walmart announced that it will soon allow customers to order groceries through Google-Assistant-powered devices, starting this month. The service could become available through other voice assistants later this year.

使用语音提示,“嘿,Google,与沃尔玛交谈”,用户可以将杂货项目直接添加到其沃尔玛在线购物车中。该功能还使用用户以前的沃尔玛购买的数据来了解这些项目的上下文。例如,“无论您是喝1%还是脱脂牛奶而无需指定,” Matthew Boyle写道Bloomberg

此举是在沃尔玛(Walmart)于2019年初从Google的购物平台上取消了其业务,并努力与亚马逊争夺电子商务市场领导力。Read full story >>


Sonos和Sonos和Ikea联手推出了Symfonisk:179美元的Rable-Lamp扬声器混合动力车,配备了声音质量和某些人说的功能,可与Sonos One聪明的扬声器。

该发布还与配备了Sonos技术的99美元书架发言人的揭幕仪式一起出现 - 据报道,这两种商品将于8月发货。

However, the lamp doesn't include, of all things, a lightbulb, so users will have to furnish their own upon setup.Read full story >>

Slow Your Follow Roll

To help prevent spam- or bot-like behavior, Twitter has historically placed a cap on the amount of activity users can complete in one day -- for instance, how many accounts they can follow and how many replies they can send.

现在,Twitter已减少了单个用户可以在一天中遵循的帐户数量 - 从1000到400。

The change, writes Sarah Perez ofTechCrunch, comes among a number of efforts to curb the abuse of "tools that allowed their customers to automatically follow a large number of users with little effort [and] to mass unfollow the Twitter accounts of those who didn’t return the favor by following the bot back."

Yoel Roth, Twitter's head of site integrity, published a lengthy thread on the platform to go into further detail on what went into the decision to further limit account-following activity.

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市场营销、广告、内容创造者和用户s alike all have a lot to say about Snapchat. Here's what they think about the platform's value -- and its future.Read full story >>

How One Company Is Trying to Make Tech More Inclusive, Starting With Coffee

在SXSW 2019上,似乎有许多对话和品牌激活的基本主题:我们如何使技术更具包容性?这是一家公司在咖啡店的帮助下回raybet电子竞技答这个问题的方式。Read full story >>

As Digital Ad Spending Outpaces Traditional Formats, Smartphone Ecommerce Is on the Rise

Around the world, digital ad spend is on the rise -- and in the U.S., that's especially true for mobile ads, which could be causing an uptick in smartphone ecommerce sales. But with growing scrutiny of Big Tech ad practices and competitive behavior, what does the future of digital ads look like?Read full story >>

最初发布于2019年4月10日7:00:00 AM,2019年12月11日更新