In today's marketing landscape, your website has become a more powerful tool than ever. Your website is a 24/7 salesman, and as such, it has the potential to be your most powerful asset and the centerpiece of your marketing efforts.

→ Free Download: 5 Key Steps to Building and Maintaining a High Performing  Website“align=


Your website is the core anchor for your digital marketing efforts. Designing a great website user experience requires understanding the problems different visitors have to solve.

1. Use white space.


根据Crazy Egg, white space around text and titles increases user attention by 20%. White space can also make your website feel open, fresh and modern and if your branding is consistent with these then it can help you communicate that feeling to the user. One downside of white space to keep in mind, however, is that it does indeed take up space.


考虑网站,Sara Does SEO, by Sara Dunn. In her UX, there is a lot of white space right from the start, pulling your attention to what Sara looks like and what can do for you. This allows the reader to focus her attention on the most important things. Each section of the homepage also provides one clear header and a few supporting points, making it easier to digest information.

Check out her website below.

网站of Sara Does SEO, using white space to improve the user experience“width=

2. Optimize your page speed.

One of the most frustrating experiences for users of the web is waiting for a page to load for too long. With the rise of the mobile devices, people are accessing content all over the world on many different platforms. While browsing online at Starbucks or while watching TV on their laptop, they expect a fast result for the content that they want.

When they don't get it, they usually bounce. Slow page load is an interrupting experience for the user and it can be a source of frustration and often users simply don't have the time to wait.

根据部分, an extra five seconds of page load time can increase your website's "bounce rate" by more than 20%. Whoa.

So, where do you go from here? Get your score. Google提供免费服务where you can get information on your page speed. Google will also offer you some suggestions for improving your load time on Mobile and Desktop.

To improve your page speed, start by compressing all your images before loading them onto your website. Image file size is one of the leading causes of a slow page speed -- using websites likeCompressor.io可以帮助您大大加快自己拥有的每个网页。

Learn more about decreasing your website's bounce rate inthis blog post

A great example of speedy load is Barnes and Nobles. No matter what device your own Barnes and Nobles loads quickly. Taking the extra caution to load some important elements first so that you know that the content is on its way.See for yourself

3. Use attractive calls to action.

Your customers are already accustomed to following visual cues to determine which content is important to them. Calls to actions (CTAs) that are clearly marked with an action word enable your website users to more easily navigate your site and get exactly what they want in the location they expect to find it.

In creating buttons for your website you should think about color and the psychology of color. In a study done by Maxymiser, researchers were shocked to find that hey achieved an increase of 11% in clicks to the checkout area of the Laura Ashley website, by testing color variations and action messaging. Different colors evoke different messages. Think about the message that you want to evoke for a user (trust, experience, intelligence) and choose your colors wisely.

A second thing to consider is the actual words you use for your buttons. The words should include a verb or an action word that excite the user todo something。Choosing the right words or psychological triggers is highly determined by the level of emotional identification that word prompts. No emotional connection means no action. So make your words bold, time sensitive and action-oriented.

A great example of the good use of calls to action isWUFOO。The company's entire page is action-oriented and uses buttons to encourage the user to go to the next step. At the end of the page, you'll see the use of time-sensitive language like "Sign Up Now" and action-oriented language like "Get Started." These are active action words that prompt and guide the user to move forward.


4. Use hyperlink differentiation.

When you add a link to any page, you're saying you want the user to click there. Make sure links are easily identifiable by visual cues. Underlined text and differently colored text draws the attention of the reader and lets him or her know this is a link to be clicked on.

Ina studydone by Karyn Graves, she shows that the regular web user sees blue and underlined text as links and knows to click on them. Exploiting user expectations and what they already know about using the web is tantamount to success.


When hyperlinking, also stop to think about the length of the hyperlink. The longer the link titles the more easy to identify they are.For example: "To check out the GE Website clickhere。“vs。“Check Out the GE Website here.



项目符号将使用户能够快速获取所需的所有信息:好处,解决问题的方法以及产品/服务的关键功能 - 所有时间都在很短的时间内。这将使您的主张更具吸引力,并使您的用户能够获取所需的所有信息。此外,您不必以简单的圆圈走传统的路线。

With tons of cool icons out there, you can also get creative with your bullet and help the reader further with images that represent your point. Why do this? Because it forces you to isolate the most important points you're trying to make without getting caught up in terminology or specifics.

一个很好的例子,非常规子弹来s。在此页面上,他们使用图标作为子弹来以易于阅读的方式突出其成就。另外,请注意子弹周围的空白,使您可以专注于每个部分。 website, whose user experience uses bullet points to segment key information“></p><h3>6. Use images (wisely).</h3><p>互联网上的人们在评判公司网站上变得更加聪明,更快,然后决定是否要进一步浏览该网站。raybet电子竞技当他们第一次访问您的网站时,他们可以轻松挑选出他们在其他地方已经看到的通用库存照片,或者类似于非个人摄影风格。使用库存摄影可以降低信任,也可以作为通用和非唯一的脱颖而出。不幸的是,这些协会也将您的业务转移到您的业务上。</p><p>在新泽西州和纽约市移动公司Harrington Movers的Spectrum,Inc。进行的案例研究中,他们只需用实际搬运工的图像代替库存照片就可以在页面上增加转换。raybet电子竞技通过添加实际移动卡车的图片与库存照片,他们对页面的转换和信心相同。((<a href=Read the full study here。)

底线?而stock photography can be high quality, it fails to create a connection between the user and the brand.

Ultimately, no stock photography will be as capable of conveying你的品牌、服务和产品的方法t to. Only your own actual images can do that while also speaking clearly to your potential customer. Use images strategically and place them in your website to support the content and allow the users a visual break from text, but make sure they are relevant and non-generic.

Check outthis infographicon real images versus stock photography.

图表对真实与股票摄影对网站用户体验的影响“></p><h3>7. Include well-designed and written headings.</h3><p>Your headings and content should be driven by what your potential customers are looking for. Including keywords in your title is also very important for targeting your message and attracting the right audience.</p><p>搜索引擎通常会给其他内容提供更多的重量,因此选择正确的标题并使其脱颖而出可以显着提高您的搜索能力。但更重要的是,标题引导您的用户通过该网站,使您可以轻松扫描并找到直接与他们说话的内容。</p><p>A great example of well-designed headings with consistent content comes from<a href=Tilde。Here you can see that the headings stand out in size and color and accurately describe the content that follows.

Tilde website with well-designed headings“style=

8. Keep your website pages consistent.

Consistency means making everything match. Heading sizes, font choices, coloring, button styles, spacing, design elements, illustration styles, photo choices -- you name it. Everything should be themed to make your design coherent between pages and on the same page.

In order to provide your user with a beautiful experience as they navigate through your site, it is important that they know they are still in your website. Drastic design changes from one page to the other can lead your user to feel lost and confused and to lose trust in your site.


Winshape Foundation is a great example of consistent design. All of its pages follow one common pattern: navigation on the right, big header, sub header with a background image and some content below. I know that no matter where I click, I'm still on their website, as all their styling is consistent.Check it out here

使用一致的页面设计Win Shape网站来改善用户体验“></p><h3><a href=9.抓住您的404。

而search engines don't punish you severely for soft 404 errors (page not found), a user will. When a user approaches a link or an image, they are expecting this link will take them to the next place they want to go.

Simply put, encountering a 404 error page annoys your user, and makes them rethink spending their time on your website (when they probably could go elsewhere for a faster solution). Next to slow page load time, running into 404s is another highly frustrating event for a user and it completely disrupts their journey throughout your website.

要检查您是否有404,可以在网站上设置Google网站管理员工具并检查爬网错误。Here's how。You can also use thisfree 404 checker

As an additional resource, you can also make sure that when your user lands on a 404 it provides them with the option to get back on track.Check out these cool examples of 404 pages.

LEGO website with creative 404 error page“></p><h3>10. Be responsive & mobile-friendly.</h3><p>Technologies have advanced to meet our needs to be mobile. Websites are also a significant part of this evolution. It's imperative that your website is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate no matter what type of device they use to access it.</p><p>Recently, Google started penalizing sites that aren't optimized for mobile devices, making the need for responsiveness even more crucial. This is probably the single-most valuable way in which you can improve your website's usability. If you're not sure whether your website is mobile,<a href=you can use this free tool.

I hope these tips have given you some ideas on how you can revamp your website to be more user friendly without shelling out the dollars on a complete redesign. To see more examples of useful websites, check out our free guide below.

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