
It's official: In certain parts of the world, there are now more Google search queries on smartphones than on desktop computers and tablets.

This week, Google's Jerry Dischlerwrote in a post on the official AdWords blogthat "more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries, including the U.S. and Japan."Google declined to name the other eight countries. We also know that their definitionof "mobile devices"doesn't include tablets- 相反,Google将平板电脑带有台式机。也值得注意移动查询包括基于移动浏览器的搜索,除了来自Google的移动搜索应用程序的搜索。

How recently did this change take place? Google didn't say -- although we've been expecting this for a while now.In March 2014, Matt Cutts said he "wouldn't be surprised" if mobile search exceeded desktop queries within the year.

This major turning point comes just weeks afterGoogle's major algorithm update,这扩大了Google将移动友好性用作排名信号的使用。更新奖励移动友好的网站,并惩罚那些在移动搜索结果中未完全优化移动设备的网站。

现在移动搜索查询已经超过了书桌上top queries, the business implication of the mobile algorithm update has become that much clearer:如果you're still thinking of mobile as a secondary priority, your business' online presence will start to suffer.AsDischler says, "The future of mobile is now."

对于像我们这样的营销人员来说,这些变化似乎令人恐惧。但Dischler提醒我们that they present a "tremendous opportunity" to reach our audience through all the new touchpoints of a consumer's path to purchase. It's our job to make sure our mobile search strategies are reaching people in these different search contexts.

Have some ground to make up? We're here to help. Below are the main things you need to think about when optimizing your website for mobile visitors.

HubSpot Customers:如果your website, landing pages, and blog are on theContent Optimization System(cos),然后从技术角度来看,您的网站已经准备好了。HubSpot的COS使用响应式设计来适应任何移动设备,并完全通过Google新算法上的嗅探测试。但是我们仍然建议您查看下面的最后两个提示,以获取一些额外的优化提示。

4 Things to Think About When Optimizing Your Website for Mobile

1) Implementing responsive design.

Google识别出三种不同的配置为移动友好型:响应式设计,动态服务和单独的移动网站。这是第一个 - 响应式设计 -Google recommends as the #1 design pattern。Here are some of the benfits of responsive design:

  • A Single URL.Responsive design lets you serve the same content to users from a single URL regardless of device. This means Google only has to crawl one version of your website, making it easier for them to find and rank your content. You'll also avoid giving users thedisruptive experience of accidentally clicking on the mobile link (possibly shared through social or email) while on a desktop computer.
  • Less maintenance and overhead.您可以保留一组资源,而不是维护两个网站。reybet雷竞技下载
  • Reduces load time.Load time matters, especially on mobile. Because responsive design uses a single URL for all your pages on any device, you do not have to implement a redirect for any page elements or create a mobile-specific view, which helps speed up the experience for the visitor. (Click here要了解更多来自googlele about speed and load times.)

另外,如果您正在使用响应式设计,则可以忽略下一个提示 - 它可以解决您的网站何时已经响应。

2) If you aren't using responsive design, setting a mobile viewport.


这正是您如何在网站上设置移动视口的方式。在智能手机上查看您公司raybet电子竞技的网站。如果您发现自己需要双敲击或捏到Zoom才能查看和与内容进行交互,则未设置移动视口。设置移动视口允许该页面反映内容以匹配不同的屏幕尺寸。Learn more about configuring viewports here


Image Credit:Google Developers

3) Making sure you don't block the crawling of any page assets, especially if you have a separate mobile site.

In order to get found in search, it's super important that Google's spiders can crawl your JavaScript, CSS, and image files. Make sure you're not accidentally blocking any page assets (CSS, JavaScript, and images) for using robots.txt or any other methods -- otherwise Google's algorithms won't be able to index your content.

要测试Google如何“看到”您的内容,请输入您的网站URLGoogle的“获取为Google”工具。它会告诉您您是否在网站上遇到任何索引问题。如果you use separate URLs for your mobile and desktop pages, don't forget to test both of those URLs. (Keep in mind, though, that Google's new mobile algorithm recognizes the benefits of using a single URL for indexing and sharing content across devices.)

4) Making your text, images, and overall design work for mobile.

As the number of people searching the web on mobile increases, so will the number of people browsing your website on mobile. If the design of your website doesn't work well on a smartphone or tablet, they might give up and leave your page.

Here are a few tips to ensure your designs are legible and easy to interact with on mobile devices, tablets, and desktop:

Enlarge your fonts.

Small fonts mean some of your website visitors will have to pinch-to-zoom to read and interact with the content on your site. (Chances are, a lot of them won't bother, and they'll leave your page.) Larger fonts allow visitors for a much better experience, no matter which device they're using. Here are the font sizes we recommend:

  • 头条新闻:22 PX最小值
  • Body copy:14 px minimum

(Note: iOS automatically resizes fonts under 13 px, making them larger on your behalf.)

Make calls-to-action touch-friendly.


如果您使用的是按钮,则将其最小尺寸为44 PX x 44 PX,因此它足够大,可以用手指按下手指。我们还建议将CTA放置前后,以便易于看到和触及。最后,当您设计网页时,请考虑在CTA周围间距,以便人们可以轻松地触摸它而不意外单击他们并不是故意的东西。

Use high-quality images that have a compressed file size.

Large file sizes take far longer to load on mobile than desktop because of the phone's technical parts and internet connection. To optimize images, marketers should use high-quality photos that have a compressed file size. Try to keep images under 1 MB when possible, and if they are larger, try to resize the image so the file size can be as small as possible.

如何减少图像的文件大小?HubSpot客户不必担心它 - 上传到HubSpot软件的图像会自动压缩。雷竞技苹果下载官方版否则,t喜欢TinyPNGwill help you reduce file size.

取决于您的连接(3G,LTE,无线上网), websites can load at much different speeds -- and this can affect a users experience. It can really pay off to couple small image file size with other speed enhancements likeCDN, minimizing the amount of video on mobile-specific pages, and so on.

Use alt text on images.

Like on tablets and desktops, there are mobile apps out there thatblock images by default。Google and other search engines also sometimes have trouble "seeing" images. Help your website visitors have a better experience on your website by using alt text (short for "alternative text"),当关闭这些图像时,通常会代替图像 - 它为那些具有阻塞图像的读者提供了一些上下文。

Alt text is just a text field describing an image in a way people and computers can read. For example, for an image of HubSpot's Facebook Page, you might choose the alt textHubSpot Facebook页面。

To add alt text to an image, all you have to do is add an attribute to the image tag, usually by clicking into your CMS' image editor.(HubSpot customers: To add alt text, click "Edit image..." and enter your description into the "Alt Text (description)" field.)


There are license-constrained media out there like Flash that aren't supported on mobile devices.如果您曾经看过智能手机上无法播放的视频或内容,那么您已经知道它可能会感到多么令人沮丧和贫穷。

To give a good experience to mobile users, use HTML5 for all of your videos and animations instead of media players like Flash. You might also consider including a summary of the video, notes, or even a whole transcript -- it doesn't hurt for SEO, either.


Keep your mobile visitors top-of-mind when designing the overall look of your website by using a proper balance of live text and imagery. Like with the CTAs, consider the spacing around your text boxes and images to make sure your webpage is legible and easy to interact with, regardless of which device your visitors are using to access your page.

是否想了解更多有关优化移动网站的信息?Read this blog post

free guide: make your site mobile-friendly


