Remember the good ol’ days when we found jobs through ads in the daily newspaper? Hard to believe, especially considering the fact that70%的工作是通过人际关系找到的,根据约翰·贝内特(John Bennett)的说法,麦考尔商学院科学硕士主任。


“网络”是一个流行语,我们中许多人都有与之认真的爱/仇恨关系。当然 - 我们所有人都希望通过结识我们行业的新朋友来扩展我们的网络,但是实际上会见他们的感觉就像是一场中学舞蹈……这是一种痛苦,痛苦的中学舞蹈。

网络为我们提供了解决不舒服的网络的方法。根据表演的2012年生活需求调查,40%的人比在网上与人互动更舒服。While reaching out to new people may be much less intimidating when we’re sitting behind a screen, face-to-face networking is an extremely valuable skill to hone if you want to build strong relationships with potential investors, managers, employees, partners, mentors, and clients.




下次您去参加活动时,请问自己:“我想见面,为什么?”某些事件注册平台(例如EventBrite)在注册页面上显示了事件的参与者列表。如果有这样的访客列表,请花点时间扫描它。在您希望与之联系的列表中查看个人raybet电子竞技或公司?太好了 - 现在查找客人的LinkedIn个人资料,以了解有关它们的更多信息,以便您可以在活动中寻找它们。


For instance, let's say you're the CMO of a successful lawn-mowing business. Your business could benefit from finding a new source of potential customers, so you figure a great way to do that would be to start building some共同营销关系因此,您可以吸引潜在客户的新受众。如果是这种情况,您可能需要考虑在活动中花一些时间,以寻找与您的业务相辅相成的人 - 也许是家庭装修供应商 - 您可以建立关系,从而导致可能的共同营销机会。

Do you want to spread awareness about a new project you’re starting? Do you want to meet an industry leader who can become a valuable mentor? Do you want to find potential new hires for open positions at your company?实现明确的目标将使联网不太模棱两可,并导致更有效的联系。


Approaching a big or small group can be intimidating, but with the right approach, you can join in on an existing conversation, or start your own successfully. Ease into the evening by introducing yourself to one person who is also flying solo and looking for someone to talk to.

Ahead of time, read up on industry news and trends so you’ll be prepared to spark conversation and ask for other people's thoughts on topics that are interesting to both of you. This is especially important if you’re attending an event outside your industry. I once helped organize a marketing and technology event with many sponsors, including a law firm. At first, they were hesitant about connecting with an audience outside their area of expertise. But by checking out a few prominent blogs and scanning industry news, they felt much more confident to meet marketers, and they made some valuable connections that night.

您在活动中的第一个联系是您与更多人会面的门户。也许他们是与可以向您介绍的朋友来的,或者您决定一起分为更大的团体。无论您先接近谁,relieve some of the awkwardness with informed, relevant conversation starters to get in the swing of things together.

3. Introduce yourself to someone who is a bigger deal than you.

We sometimes walk into networking events with high hopes of meeting the CEO of a company we admire, or the author of a book that kickstarted our career. We're so thrilled to be in the same place as them, but suddenly, you spot them across the room and become nervous, awkward, and who knows -- maybe even a little bit sweaty.


首先 - 确保您有目的。忙于他们的对话,告诉他们您喜欢他们的工作或欣赏他们的业务方法不会邀请刺激对话。实际上,更有可能唤起一个简单的“谢谢”。考虑一下这个人与您共鸣的人,并将其与您的工作,项目或哲学联系在一起。

Approach them with confidence, and introduce yourself not as a fan, but as an equal (because you are),并说出他们可以与之相关的思考的话,例如,您的申请非营利组织的入站营销在上一份工作中对我很有帮助,但是我正在过渡到制药行业的工作。如果您是我,您会改变您的入站营销方法吗?通过激发有趣且相关的对话,也给他们一个欣赏您的机会。


Often, we meet someone and exchange our names, company, job title, and where we grew up in about three minutes. Then we smile, look at the ground, and say something like "I love your shirt."


When the small talk is up, it's easy for the conversation to go south. I've learned to avoid this by makingthem对话的话题。我曾经在一次网络活动中陷入尴尬的沉默,但是当我引用一个项目时,我正在研究一个真正的“告诉我这一点”。这个人的随便提示给我留下了深刻的印象,我也能继续讲话,而且我也立即对他们感兴趣。

您可能在想,如果我们一直在谈论它们,我该如何建立联系?为此,我要说的 - 对他人表现出真正的兴趣可以说出您对您的说法,而不是谈论自己。

Besides, if a person doesn't reciprocate the behavior and encourage you to tell them about yourself afterward, then they probably weren't a valuable connection to begin with.Next time a conversation is flailing, ask for them to elaborate or tell you more about themselves and you'll find talking points you'll be able to expand on.


The highlight of networking events we all fantasize about is leaving with a concrete exchange that will move our business or career forward. Maybe it's a job offer, getting an investor on board, locking down a recommendation letter, or landing a client you've been after for months.


Consider your answer to the classic job interview question "Why should we hire you over the other candidates?" You come up with a true, succinct, humble, and exemplary answer of why you're the right person for the job. Your approach to getting what you want from networking isn't all that different, except it's important to express your flexibility.

在她的书中Lean In,Facebook首席运营官Sheryl Sandberg提到一个女人通过询问她的核心业务问题以及如何解决这些问题的时候,询问她的工作。灵活性和自信完成工作的结合是构建下一个大问题的绝妙方法。坚定自己想要的东西,但要明确您想要的是互惠互利的。

6. Exit a conversation gracefully.

重要的是要记住,网络不像速度约会。目的不是要尽可能多的人 - 建立有价值的联系。虽然重要的是不要出于这个原因而匆忙进行对话,但有时候我们需要跳船。无论您是与一个不会让您说话的人聊天,还是浪费时间抱怨老板的人,在结束对话时,您仍然应该有礼貌。




Plan on attending a networking event soon? Leave awkwardness at the door by walking in with full confidence. Remember -- the outcome of the evening is up to you.




