
销售流程中的所有内容都表明您的营销预算是正确的……但是您以前一直在这条路。You've seen that rose-colored future, only to be disappointed at a slow start, lots of misunderstanding, and a lack of results for your quarterly meeting.


To get a fast start and an even quicker return on your investment, here are a few things you need to do right from the get-go.

1) Give Them the Keys to the Castle

If your agency is creating content -- whether for blog posts, offers, or infographics -- then you will want them to have access to your internal experts. Create a list of everyone on your team who can provide inside knowledge on your industry. This will reduce the back-and-forth between you and your agency contact, and it will empower your partner to take advantage of your organization's knowledge.




为代理商提供您的buyer personas, or if you haven’t created them yet, outline the types of customers you deal with. Detail their wants, needs, and challenges. The agency can form a plan to gather more information on your core customers or do research to understand this market better.

You should also give the agency the opportunity to go through your sales process. Have your key contacts at the agency talk with Sales, give them a product demo, or send them a few samples of your product. Make them a customer. Then, invite them into your company for a day or two to experience your view of the world.

A partnership requires more than just signed document. You are your product or service’s evangelist. Turn your agency’s employees into this as well -- by walking them through your sales process, not by paying an invoice.

3) Organize Your Marketing Efforts



Detail your current visitor-to-lead and lead-to-customer conversion rates. Review yourcost to acquire一个新的客户和t的平均生命周期价值hat customer. What are your goals for these numbers? What type of increase will actually make a difference in your monthly, quarterly, or annual reporting?

You need to be clear about what marketing goals will lead to business goals. Otherwise, your agency could focus on the wrong results -- and that won’t help your relationship or your company.

4) Outline Your Processes

您需要精彩的创意,以推动业务成果,并按时和预算下交付。这不是一个简单的壮举,这就是为什么您雇用了代理商的原因。但这是一项合作 - 不是外包的实验。

You are the protector of your brand the defender of your audience, and that gives you and your colleagues every right to review, request changes, and turn down ideas. That没有give you the right to ignore timelines for reviews and approvals or request an outrageous number of revisions.

Establish upfront how you want to review the work and the type of deadlines you can work under. Communicate who needs to review what and who gives ultimate approval. If your legal team needs to be involved, then help the agency understand why.

You and your agency both have the same goals. You just need open and clear communication and a few set expectations to prevent the relationship from turning sour.


If you've done any marketing in the past, you probably have used a hodgepodge of tools and hacks to execute on your campaigns. Do you use a CRM, CMS, or email marketing provider? Do you use analytics, social media, survey tools, ecommerce platforms, or a着陆页建设者? Do you have an all-in-one marketing platform?

您代理商的一部分工作是查看所有这些工具,并了解它们过去如何使用。如果该机构更多地了解您的创建营销过程,那么它可以接管这些帐户的管理,也可以通过使用来简化您的努力one integrated platform。并且对您的信息有了新鲜的目光,只会揭示一些重要的见解。


6) Set Communication Expectations

大多数与新代理机构打交道的营销人员的主要关注点是沟通。也许您的旧代理商在更新方面不存在,这就是您结束合作伙伴关系的原因。raybet平台或者,也许您已经与想要面对面见面的营销合作伙伴打交道。raybet平台沟通 - 以正确的速度和正确的格式 - 是创建信誉的关键。

If the agency doesn't currently use a project management likeTrelloorBasecamp,那么您需要实施一个。来回发送来回PDF,图像和内容无效 - 事情可能会发送到垃圾邮件或在每日消息的障碍中迷失。您不应该花时间寻找文件或弄清楚何时交付内容。







Starting an Agency