

认知偏见和对失败的恐惧会大大延迟购买过程。在心理上,我们对不确定性感到不舒服,并且投资于一种无法奏效的昂贵产品并不是一个很容易逆转的决定 - 它对您的潜在客户的工作和晋升具有真正的影响。



1) What is your process for [business area] right now?



Asking about results right after will keep them top-of-mind for your prospect. The most sophisticated-sounding process in the world is useless if it’s not getting prospects the results they need. Your sales conversations should keep your buyers’ processes tied closely to their goals so you’re keeping them focused on their process’ impact rather than specific tools or practices.



Will failure in this area cause layoffs? Or is it simply an experiment with no larger implications? These two diametrically opposed endpoints could easily be serviced by the same process and goals, so dig deep to make sure you have the full picture.

4) How is it going?

Ask this question and hit the mute button. You’ve just had your prospect tell you what they’re doing and why -- now have them explain what’s not working. Presumably, they wouldn’t be spending time with you if everything was perfect (see #6), so be direct and find out what’s wrong.

在您的潜在客户完成之前,请勿介入 - 这种方法不仅可以确保您获得所有基本信息,还可以使您的潜在客户能够解决问题的各个方面,这将使他们在自己的脑海中扩大他们的痛苦。

5) Is there anything about your current process that you wish was easier?

Of course, fear by itself isn’t useful. Pair it with hope -- in your prospect’s ideal world, how would this process work? What do they want automated or taken off their plate? With this answer, you’ll start seeing where your product fits into their world and the specific benefits you can call out.


You won’t always encounter prospects who are willing to open up and share their fears, hopes, and dreams with you. So if they’re waffling or ducking your question, just pose it to them this way. They’ve taken time out of their day to speak with a stranger about spending their own money on something -- why?

7) What’s the implication to the business if you don’t meet your goals?

这是询问#3的另一种方式。更精确的措辞可以帮助集中不确定如何回答的潜在客户。它还可以让您阅读您的前景是否是正确的联系点 - 不知道成功或失败的更大含义可能没有影响或权力在购买时签字的影响。


It’s not always smart to get personal in sales, but this question is a perfect way to do so. After you’ve zoomed out and learned about how your prospect fits into the whole business, zoom back in and focus only on their world. Are they up for a promotion? A bonus? Is this project their first major initiative in a new role, or a last-ditch attempt to turn things around?

尽管每个雇主都会喜欢如果员工的决定是100%合理地做出的,但事实并非如此 - 情绪会影响我们做出的每一个选择。因此,获得个人并确切地弄清楚您的前景从这种情况中获得(或损失)。

9) Why wouldn’t you buy?






11) What is the hardest part of your day?

There are two potential answers here: It’s a process related to your product, or it’s a process that’s not. Either way, you’ve got options. If their biggest hairball can be cleared away with your product, go in for the kill. If it’s something else, figure out how your product can free up more time to work on their most pressing priority.




在你开始做任何娱乐ommendations, have your prospect self-identify what they wish was more effective. Having them kick off this part of the conversation not only demonstrates what’s most important to them, it eliminates the need for you to guess what’s hard or try to get the buyer to see your point of view -- they’ll just tell you what matters.


Ask this as a follow-up to #13. As in question #5, you’re juxtaposing a negative emotion (fear, stress, frustration) with a positive one -- hope. Once you understand what your prospect’s “better tomorrow” looks like, you can figure out whether your product will actually get them there, or whether you need to try a different tack.


HubSpot CRM

Originally published Oct 5, 2016 7:30:00 AM, updated February 01 2017

