No matter how much you love your customers and your job, there can be some dull days. Those are the days when you wake up to a rainy morning, miss the train, spill your coffee on your impeccably white button-down shirt, and, on top of it all, have a customer yell at you on the phone because you're out of stock of the product they want.


During those gloomy shifts, sometimes, all you need is some words of wisdom and inspiration to remind you why you do what you do. After all, a happy employee makes for a happier customer and, overall, a more positive interaction.

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Customer Satisfaction Quotes

1. Zappos首席执行官Tony Hsieh

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"Let's take most of the money we would've spent on paid advertising and paid marketing and instead of spending it on that, invest it in the customer experience/customer service and then let our customers do the marketing for us through word of mouth."

While Hsieh recent passed this year, this is the generalphilosophyat Zappos, an online shoe and clothing retailer. In the opinion of Tony Hsieh and his company, a business should be modeled after building happiness for both customers and employees. That is the true recipe for success; customers can't be satisfied if the employees serving them aren't.单击以鸣叫此报价

2. Alex Allwood, CEO of The Holla Agency


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Alex Allwood trusts in thismantraas a customer experience specialist and author ofCustomer Experience is the Brand。随着每个行业在各个方面的竞争日益增长的竞争 - 从价格到技术再到创新 - Allwood相信,通过改善客户体验,从而使您的品牌区分的方式是满意的。杰出的客户体验是帮助客户记住品牌的原因,这就是为什么公司应该专注于满足客户需求和期望的原因。单击以鸣叫此报价

3. Julie Rice, Co-Founder of SoulCycle and Chief Brand Officer of WeWork

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"There's a certain way of creating a service, hospitality, and experience that perpetuates people feeling like they matter."

In aninterview, Julie Rice discussed how she wanted WeWork to have the same sentiment as SoulCycle about its members by having members connect with each other and the brand connect with its customers more. So much of what drives SoulCycle is its feeling of belonging. Members are continuously satisfied by their experiences with the brand not only because of the intense fitness classes but because of the community aspect. The relationships they build with other members and the acceptance they feel drives their satisfaction and lifetime loyalty.单击以鸣叫此报价

4.史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs),苹果联合创始人兼前首席执行官


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"Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves."

According to thisquote从史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)来看,客户满意度的最佳形式超出了客户甚至不知道自己的期望。最好的客户代表不要等到客户提出问题并提出问题解决问题。如今,积极的客户支持需求量很高。向客户提供产品解决方案,升级和新技术表明您优先考虑他们的需求,并知道最适合他们的需求。单击以鸣叫此报价

5. Maya Angelou博士,Poet/Educator/Historian

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"People will soon forget what you said. They will never forget how you made them feel."

In an interview with aWisconsin newspaper, Dr. Angelou talked about the things she's learned after living for 75 years. While it's unclear whether this quote was originally said by her or adapted from Carl W. Buehner, the point still remains pertinent to customer service teams. If you deliver a delightful service experience, customers will remember it and seek out your brand in the future.单击以发推文此报价。

6. Dan Peña, Chairman and Founder of the Guthrie Group

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"The best form of customer service is self-service. Constantly empower customers to get their own answers themselves."

A vibrant personality who's not afraid to speak his mind, Dan Peña is an American businessman that has achieved his success through his no-nonsense, gritty attitude. In this quote, Peña is arguing thatcustomer self-serviceis as, if not more, effective than traditional customer support. Self-service empowers customers to find their own solutions, getting them faster answers and freeing up your service team to work on more complicated support tickets.单击以发推文此报价。

7.百事可乐公司前首席执行官Indra Nooyi

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"The basic of business is to stay as close as possible from your customers, understand their behavior, their preferences, their purchasing patterns, etc."

在这个quote, Indra Nooyi outlines the importance of a company building a close bond with its customers. In order to truly satisfy your customers, you can't make mere assumptions about what they want. The only way to build products and services that they'll actually purchase is by paying attention to their actions and listening to their praises and complaints. Mold your company around your customers, rather than forcing customers to adapt to you.单击以鸣叫此报价

8.角色实验室的创始人兼首席执行官Angela Duckworth

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This quote comes from Angela Duckworth, a professor of psychology and winner of the 2013 MacArthur "Genius" grant. Duckworth is saying that people need to make plans if they're going to achieve a goal, and in customer service, that means you need to know how you can support your customers before you can actually help them. By auditing your customer service resources, you'll identify the most effective ways to support customers and engage them on channels that they're most comfortable using.单击以发推文此报价。

9. Ratan Tata, Chairman of the Tata Group

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"None can destroy iron, but its own rust can. Likewise, none can destroy a person, but his own mindset can. "

Ratan Tata is the chairman of the Indian business conglomerate, Tata Group. He's one of India's most prominent philanthropic business leaders and has been the face of the organization since the early 1990s. Even though he had family ties to the company, Tata started on the ground floor shoveling limestone in a car dealership until he worked himself into the position where he is today. Thisquotereminds him that his success has been built upon his can-do attitude and he can continue to succeed so long as he maintains that approach.单击以发推文此报价。

10. Girish Mathrubhootam, Founder and CEO of FreshDesk

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"Don't be a jerk, even if you are brilliant, don't be a jerk."

Girish Mathrubhootam is the Founder and CEO of Freshdesk, a customer service software that helps businesses manage their customer support teams. In an article posted on你的故事, Mathrubhootam sheds light on a common support roadblock that many SaaS businesses face. Most customer support reps are product experts and can get frustrated when working with users who don't share their same level of experience. This quote acts as a friendly reminder that even if your reps are brilliant, they still need to exercise emotional intelligence if they want to be successful.单击以鸣叫此报价

11. Shiv Singh, Best-Selling Author

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"The purpose of a business is to create a customer who creates customers."

希夫·辛格(Shiv Singh)是该书的最畅销作者Savvy, a marketing book that explores company cultures and how modern media influences the trust between consumers and businesses. In the book, Singh offers this quote as a mission statement for organizations who want to build trust with their customers. If your company focus on customer success, your customers will start referring other people to your business. Not only does this improve customer retention, but it also reduces your customer acquisition costs.单击以发推文此报价。

12. Joseph Jaffe, Founder of Evol8tion

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"Customer service is everything and anything that touches a customer – directly or indirectly. Customer service means servicing customers, and it's so much more than just solving problems or addressing complaints."

Joseph Jaffe is the Founder and CEO of Evol8tion, a marketing agency that connects small startups with established brands. This quote from his blog,Jaffe Juice, shows that customer service is more than just a reactive function. Any interaction with the customer can be consider customer service, and employees need to keep that in mind if they want to create a consistent customer experience. Jaffe goes on in the interview to discuss how proactive customer service can significantly improve customer satisfaction.单击以发推文此报价。

13. Sneh Sharma, Founder and CEO of Ittisa

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"Your talent and the right opportunities open the first few doors, but your attitude opens the rest."

Sneh Sharma is the CEO of the Banglor-based Media agency, Ittisa. Sharma is known for her creativity, work ethic, and attitude, which made her into the successful businesswoman she is today. In ablog postpublished on Ittisa's website, Sharma talked about how her perspective has kept her motivated and eager to overcome new challenges. This quote serves as some quick-fire inspiration for customer service teams who may need some additional motivation for their workday.单击以鸣叫此报价

14.伯克希尔·海瑟薇(Berkshire Hathaway)首席执行官沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)

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"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently."

If you're not familiar with Warren Buffett, he's one of the world's most successful and influential businessmen. He's the outspoken CEO of Berkshire Hathaway and is reportedly worth over $80 billion. This quote from 2003 demonstrates one of the reasons why Buffett has been so successful over the years. He understands that even the best companies can fail if they become complacent and stop prioritizing customer needs.单击以发推文此报价。

15. Kate Zabriske, Author

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"The customer's perception is your reality."

Kate Zabriske is a marketing consultant and author of the book,交流丛林:了解自己和他人。Zabriske has worked on marketing teams for popular brands like Toyota, Sodexo, and Microsoft. This quote highlights the importance of the customer's opinion, and how your brand's reputation influences marketing, sales, and customer service. Even if you think your business is great, the customer's perspective will always be the determining factor of your success.单击以发推文此报价。

Customer Retention Quotes

16. Alice Sesay Pope, former Senior Vice President of Global Head of Contact Centers at VISA


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"Customers don’t care about your policies. Find and engage the need. Tell the customer what you can do."

At HubSpot, our support team has the mantra, "solve for the customer, not our convenience." This means we focus on meeting the customer's needs even if that requires us to do a little more work than what our job typically requires. Alice Sesay Pope, captures that idea perfectly with this quote by saying customers aren't interested in your company's policies. Instead, they're more concerned with the solution you're going to provide them, rather than the roadblocks your support team is running into along the way.单击以发推文此报价。

17. Janet Robinson, former President & CEO ofThe New York Times

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在这个quote,珍妮特·罗宾逊(Janet Robinson)指出了客户销售与客户忠诚度之间的区别。如果客户不觉得与您的品牌没有联系,他们是否会一次又一次地购买同一产品。当客户对品牌体验而不仅仅是他们的特定产品真正满足时,也就是当他们将您的公司涌向他人时。raybet电子竞技您希望您的客户选择您,因为他们是忠实的推动者,不是因为您操纵他们这样做。单击以鸣叫此报价

18. Shep Hyken, Chief Amazement Officer of Shepard Presentations

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"I believe customer service doesn't cost — it pays. Just like advertising earns money by bringing people in, customer service pays by bringing people back."

Shep Hyken, a customer service and experience expert, quoted this in aninterviewwith the HubSpot Service Blog. Here, he discusses how customer satisfaction ties into the customer experience. In his opinion, customer experience shouldn't be the responsibility of a specific customer department. Every single employee in a company should always have a customer-centric mentality and focus everything they do on how it will be perceived by the customer and satisfy their needs and expectations.单击以鸣叫此报价

19. Brian Halligan, CEO & CO-Founder of HubSpot


“你的注意力应该包括创建社区outside of your site for people to connect with you, your products, and others within the community. Ultimately, this 'outside' focus will drive people back to your site."

Our CEO Brian Halligan said it best with thisquote由HubSpot推文。满足客户的最佳方法是提供超出他们进行实际购买的价值。是的,客户需要有效有效的产品或服务。但是,他们也想要(或者还不知道他们想要的)是一个社区。通过帮助他们与您的其他客户建立联系并建立一个可以将它们联系回您的社区,使他们满意并超越了他们的期望。单击以鸣叫此报价


Top 18 quotes of KONOSUKE MATSUSHITA famous quotes and sayings |

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“售后服务比帮助更重要ance before sales. It is through such service that one gets permanent customers."

This quote is attributed to Kōnosuke Matsushita, who was the founder of Panasonic in 1918 and was renowned internationally for hiscustomer-centricapproach to business. It's amazing that after 100 years, his ideas are still relevant to how companies provide customer service today. While you certainly need to delight customers before they make a purchase, keeping them happy after the sale is made is what motivates them to come back to your business— and not a competitor.单击以发推文此报价。

These quotes and inspiring industry leaders can brighten your work days and show how you — as a customer service, support, or success employee — can improve the reputation of your company by spreading a customer-focused mindset.

Next read this post on如何衡量客户满意度



Originally published Feb 2, 2021 9:11:00 AM, updated February 02 2021


Customer Satisfaction