

For you, those words might refer to the name of your team or department. But to customers, the worst "customer service" might remind them of hours wasted waiting on hold, repeating information to representatives, and not getting their problems resolved.

那是因为许多客户服务团队实际上并没有努力servetheir customers. Instead, customer service organizations treat cases like numbers, and not as people. Customers are forced to use long forms and complicated phone trees to get the assistance they need, instead of using the communication channels they prefer.

And worst of all, customers aren't empowered to succeed — instead, they receive one-off answers to questions and not the tools to develop a growth strategy.

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The dire state of modern customer service is a real shame — because as it turns out, helping your customers succeed helps your company, too. And successful companies are happy customers — and happy customers grow your business faster than sales and marketing by telling friends and family and, eventually, referring new, loyal customers. And customer happiness starts with customer service.

So, hopefully, by now, we've convinced you of the importance of providing excellent customer service. But what does that look like? Fear not — we're here to help with a crash course in customer service — along with more resourcesnewbee赞助雷竞技

In most customer service interactions, a customer reaches out to a company to make a request, ask a question, or note a complaint, and a customer service representative (or their team) works quickly to provide support, expertise, and assistance.

The quality of a company's customer service — good or bad — can play a huge role in a company's success.90% of Americansuse customer service as a factor in deciding whether or not to do business with a company at all.

On the flip side, unhappy customers with bad experiences can cost you valuable business.78%的客户由于客户体验差而退出了购买。

如果您认为客户服务(或客户支持)与客户的成功矛盾,请再考虑一下 - 通过提供优质的服务与客户建立关系是一个关键的构建块帮助客户成功

One of the biggest differences? While customer service is typically reactive, customer success is proactive — wherein customer success managers reach out to work with customers on strategy and goal-setting, compared to customer service representatives responding to individual problems and troubleshooting. But more on that later.

Types of Customer Service

There are a few different ways companies can deliver customer service to customers — let's dive into each:


许多组织主要通过电话交互提供客户服务。客户致电热线,输入队列,客户服务代表接电话。福雷斯特found that phone-based customer service is decreasing in popularity, though — and that phone service is viewed as an escalation of another channel, such as email or web-based service.


Text Messages

Twilio surveyed consumers to learn about their messaging habits, and while90% of respondentssaid they wanted to use messaging with companies — via texting on their phones or messaging apps (more on those below) — but only 48% of businesses were equipped to reach customers via messaging. Customers want to connect with businesses for things like order confirmations, reminders, status updates, surveys, and coupons — and that's partly because people keep messaging app push notifications turned on — because they're already using the platforms every day.

GrubHub使用短信消息传递to gleancustomer feedbackon recent orders and its mobile app.

example of customer service text

2. Email

A lot of customer service is still requested and delivered via email — where it's still possible to provide a human touch, even over a computer. In fact, Twilio found that email was the second most preferred method of customer service communication for all ages — which is perhaps a reflection of the time-saving capabilities of submitting requests on your own time, without having to wait on hold. Soon, we'll provide you with customer service email templates to send to cases to solve a variety of issues.

Zappos是众所周知的commitment to excellent customer service, but this email example might take the cake. It's not replicable for every single customer query imaginable, but the rep is clearly committed to delivering service — and making the customer happy in the process.




Many customers are now turning to DIY customer service methods to get the information they need quickly and easily without having to hop on the phone or wait for an email reply. And in response, businesses are developingknowledge bases,在他们发布文章和视频的位置,这些文章和视频说明了如何使用产品和服务,以便客户可以在需要时寻找无触摸的客户服务。

HubSpot Academy'sKnowledge Base塞满了很多文章和视频,可以解释使用HubSpot软件的分步流程。雷竞技苹果下载官方版对于更大的图片学习和培训,HubSpot Academy提供free certificationsand trainings to learn about the inbound methodology and specific verticals within the software.


消息传递迅速成为the most popular wayto seek out customer service help — and this can take many forms, including text-based messaging (discussed above), messaging apps, and direct messaging on social media (more on that below).

Messaging apps boastmore than 5 billion usersworldwide, and businesses are starting to rely on them to offer quick and easy content distribution and customer service to audiences. Here at HubSpot, we use Facebook Messenger to distribute blog posts like this one, but other businesses are using these apps to make it easier for customers to make purchases and get the help they need — in apps they're already using to communicate with friends and family.

example of customer service messaging

Image Source


客户服务在社交媒体上is another up-and-coming way businesses are communicating with customers more frequently.

Customers can get fast and easy responses to questions they have on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and social media gives businesses permission to be a little more fun, too. Some brands even create specific accounts for customer support.

Yelp Eat24使用Twitter提供出色的客户服务,同时仍在使客户在此过程中发笑。


Image Source


Live chatis another option for提供快速的客户服务,而无需强迫您的客户等待电话— and it can be operated by humans or robots — specifically, chatbots.

Live chatwidgets can launch on company web pages to provide instant customer support and service — in another easy way that might be more convenient for your customers. They require full-time dedication to operate successfully, so some businesses turn to chatbots to operate them more affordably — likeCentury -link使用Conversica的Angie做到了开始与新潜在客户进行交流,以节省销售和客户服务人员的时间。

在HubSpot,我们的实时聊天出现在网站页面上,我们认为访问者可能需要额外的帮助 - 例如我们的定价页面:


7. In-person


虽然看起来面对面的客户检修e is a technique in the past, nothing makes a better impression than a great experience in person.

Now that you have a better idea of the various types of customer service, let's take a look at some specific examples to provide a little more context and inspiration for your business.

Good Customer Service Examples

For every bad customer service experience, you can think of, you might also be able to recall a representative or a business that knocked your socks off by going out of the way to solve problems for you.


Check out thesegood customer service examplesfrom a few more big brands — along with actionable takeaways you can bring back to your team. These businesses are within different industries, but all offer employees a tremendous deal of autonomy and resources to go the extra mile to solve customer problems.

一个这样的例子,即丽思卡尔顿公司(Ritz-Carlton Comparaybet电子竞技ny),为每个员工提供了自主权,最多可以花费2,000美元解决客户问题,而无需寻求批准。虽然这笔高昂的金额可能超出您的组织预算,但有更多的理由为什么this company has created such a policy bears remembering for every customer service team.

丽兹 - 卡尔顿(Ritz-Carlton)奖励员工的敬业度 - 因为它认为参与是培养致力于改善客户参与度的员工的关键。了解有关其理念以及其他三位客户服务领域的理念的更多信息 -in this blog post

Customer Service Quotes From Leaders


After all, attracting new customers with a fantastic product or service is only half of the journey — a big part of revenue growth is keeping existing customers so they come back and purchase from you again and again.

As it turns out, leaders of big brands like Intuit, Pepsico, and Zappos have a lot of wisdom to offer when it comes to customer service — and that's because they doubled down on it and made it their mission.

以亚马逊为例,其首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)一直试图通过使购物更轻松地优化客户服务体验。贝佐斯(Bezos)倡导“试图做好艰苦的事情”作为改善品牌声誉和建立积极品牌认同的基石。现在,亚马逊被称为购买所需物品的最快,最简单的方法 - 就像那样简单。

阅读其余的customer service quotesto inspire yourself — and your team — to provide the best service possible, and to see the bigger picture for your business.


Today, customers are in control. Their expectations for service are high, and it's minimally painless and virtually cost-free to switch to your competitors if you aren't meeting them. And the old customer service playbook isn't working. Successful customers can grow your business faster than sales and marketing, but in order to get there, customer service professionals must take on a new, more human approach to service.

现在,客户不仅希望您能解决他们的问题,而且他们还希望对上述服务感到高兴。他们想获得帮助什么时候他们要,howthey want it, and they don't want to have to jump through tedious hoops to get it — like waiting on hold all day, or not being able to connect via messaging apps.

Delight Customers With Remarkable Service

In today's customer service landscape, the customer has the power. So it's up to customer service pros to help them succeed. Remember, when you help your customers succeed, you'll allow your business to grow by positively impacting customers as well as your bottom line.

So, begin implementing the various types of customer service we reviewed and use the examples provided for inspiration.






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