HubSpot Mongoose Call Tracking Magnet这是凯瑟琳·科兰(Kathleen Colan)的来宾博客文章。凯瑟琳(Kathleen)是呼叫跟踪解决方案提供商Mongoose Metrics的营销和内容总监,并在呼叫跟踪主题上撰写了数十篇博客文章,来宾帖子和白皮书。您可以在Twitter @mongoosemetrics或她的博客上关注她

To maintain a成功入站营销活动营销人员必须有效地跟踪和记录所有潜在客户转化,并将其与PPC广告和领先培养活动等特定的营销活动相关联。

HubSpot和Google Analytics(分析)等平台使跟踪在线转换数据(即联系表单完成)变得易于使用,但是何时何时接听电话并打电话呢?捕获这些离线转换,并完成lead conversionpicture, marketers need call tracking.



1.一对一:In your call tracking platform, assign a unique call tracking number to a certain marketing initiative, such as an email newsletter, online webinar, or PPC ad. Every time a call comes into this number, the platform will register the conversion and associate it with the proper initiative.

2. Javascript Snippet: Your call tracking platform will provide you with a Javascript snippet that you can install in the code of your website. As a visitor arrives to your site, source information will automatically be captured, and he or she will be shown a unique tracking number. If the snippet is installed throughout your site, the tracking number will follow him or her from page to page. As a call comes in, the referring site (i.e. search engine), the landing page, and the last page he or she visited before calling will be collected and associated with the conversion.

使用这两种形式的呼叫跟踪集成,您可以准确跟踪离线转换,并使用此信息来improve inbound marketing竞选性能。以下是如何完成此操作的三个示例:


With the Javascript snippet installed on your site, you can collect highly useful source data, including which search engines drove visitors and which keywords those visitors used to find your site. As a call comes in, the platform will capture the conversion and associate it with the specific keyword that was searched.

You can then combine this information with online conversion keyword data to fully understand which terms are driving the highest quality traffic to your site. Armed with this insight, you can more effectively evolve your SEO efforts, focusing页面优化and content development efforts around the terms that have proven to generate leads.

2. PPC广告系列


For ads,通过将跟踪号与特定广告系列,广告组,AD或关键字投标相关联,然后将数字关联到相应的广告中,然后将一对一集成使用。


  • 在广告副本中: Keep in mind Google and Bing allow a maximum of 70 characters in PPC ads, and a phone number with area code and hyphens (555-555-5555) will use 12 of these characters.
  • Google Call Extension:谷歌提供了一个叫扩展功能,它lows you to add a phone number to your ad without consuming valuable ad space. This number is then prominently featured below your ad.
  • Image Ads: If you have a graphic or display ad, you can feature a tracking number directly within the design.

For landing pages,使用JavaScript片段将跟踪号集成到您的目标页面中。通过这样做,任何呼叫都将自动与特定的广告系列,广告组,广告和关键字出价相关联。


3. Lead Nurturing

If you uselead nurturing email campaignsto progress leads through the sales funnel, repeat conversions is a clear indication a lead is motivated enough for your sales team to contact. To track offline conversions from these emails, add tracking numbers.

Within the email: There are a variety of ways to integrate tracking numbers into your emails on a one-to-one basis. Make sure to experiment with the placement to see which works best. Some options include:

  • 在图形横幅中
  • 在右列或左侧列中
  • In a call-to-action button or image
  • Directly within content



Originally published Jun 29, 2011 11:30:00 AM, updated October 20 2016

