
Closed-loop marketing allows you to identify which of your leads turned into customers. And by understanding the behaviors of your most qualified leads and most loyal customers, you can use this intelligence to continue to iterate and improve your marketing efforts. With closed-loop marketing, you can effectively measure the results of specific marketing offers to continually improve your bottom line, hit those high goals, and show the finance department your marketing ROI. Below are 3 steps to leverage closed-loop marketing to improve your marketing offers.


为了确定您的个人营销优惠的性能(即电子书,网络研讨会,免费试验等),您需要开始跟踪它们。当您将营销系统与CRM系统like Salesforce, you can actually track which offers converted the most traffic into leads, and which of those leads became paying customers.

To set up tracking, create a unique campaign code for each of your offers in your CRM system; then add that campaign code to your登陆页面营销系统中的形式。当铅在报价表上转换时,数据将传递到您的CRM系统,在该系统中将将其存储在铅记录中,作为转换事件。此跟踪系统不仅会帮助您更好分析营销优惠的性能, but it will also give your sales team better insight into their leads' behaviors.

Step 2: Analyze the Performance of Your Offers

一旦您对营销优惠进行了跟踪,并采取了必要的步骤来使用像您这样的渠道来促进它们商业博客、社交媒体账户和电子邮件营销,你can start to analyze their performance. Remember to give your offers some time to bake and generate conversions (typically 1-2 months) before you start analyzing their performance.



After you've conducted your analysis, you can start to improve and brainstorm new ideas for better future offers. First, you want to think about your business goals and how you can align your offers with these goals. Are you looking to push leads further down the funnel, do you need more new leads, or are you looking for more loyal customers?

Once you've selected your goal, your analysis from step 2 should give you clear insights about where to start. If you want to push more leads down the funnel, identify the types of offers or topics that had the highest lead-to-customer conversion rates. At HubSpot, for example, we've found that webinars typically have higher lead-to-customer conversion rates than ebooks, so if we're looking to nurture leads further down the funnel, we'll offer a webinar over an ebook. You can also use your analysis as inspiration for your next offer. If you’re banging your head against the wall for a new idea,更新和重新利用旧的报价过去表现良好。而且,如果您公司的任何人都质疑您在营销优惠中raybet电子竞技采取的方向,那么您将拥有支持您的决策的困难数据。它没有比这更好的了!



Originally published Nov 22, 2011 4:30:00 PM, updated October 20 2016

