The first game my father ever played in professional baseball, the coach walked him to the mound, slapped him on the back, and said, “We have two men on base -- you get them out, I won’t put you back on a plane tonight. Throw the ball. Throw hard, Chip.”



I believe in that. Really. In my little universe, that's how I think about creating great content that stands the test of time. It's something that you get up every day and just ... do.

但是这种承诺并不总是那么容易。虽然我喜欢为谋生创造一些东西,但就像其他所有人一样,有时我会得到作家的障碍。有时我的团队落后于我们的目标。有时我工作很长时间。如果您发生的事情发生在您身上(来吧 - 不要否认),我整理了有史以来最好的体育私人谈话的汇编 - 当我需要一点选择时,我会浏览的视频激发我工作的不同部分。

When it’s the middle of the month and we don’t have enough leads ...

阿尔·帕西诺(Al Pacino)的史诗般的演讲任何给定的星期日: "We can climb our way outta hell ... one inch at a time." (0:47)Note: This video contains strong language.

When I'm trying to plan a newA/B测试变化 ...



来自文斯·伦巴第(Vince Lombardi):“您不时地做事,您一直在做正确的事情……我从来不认识一个值得他盐的人,他内心深处不欣赏磨碎学科。”(0:16)

当我试图说服我的团队时,我们应该花时间create lovable content...



努特·罗克尼(Knute Rockney):“别忘了,今天是我们要赢的一天。”(1:58)

当新竞争对手进入我们的市场时 - 他们让我感到紧张...

From the movie,奇迹:“伟大的时刻是从伟大的机会中诞生的。这就是你今晚在这里所拥有的。earnedhere, tonight. One game. If we played 'em 10 times, they might win nine. But not this game. Not tonight. Tonight, we skate with 'em. Tonight, we stay with 'em, and we shut them down because we can!" (0:22)


来自伟大的Mighty Ducks,终极的小孩子曲棍球电影,“鸭子一起飞!……当每个人都说做不到。(哦,只有58秒长。只要看整个事情。这是完全值得的。)


After Assistant Coach Yoast from记住泰坦decides to do the right thing, he announces to his team, "You want to act like a star, you better give me a star effort." (1:41)


There are some days when no one seems to be downloading your work. Those days, don't you just want to yell, "Are you not entertained?!" like Russell Crowe did inGladiator

When I'm just having an overall bad month ...

最后,我最喜欢的体育视频剪辑曾经是关于不可能的英雄杰森·麦克韦(Jason McElway),他是自闭症团队水上男孩,他从高中篮球长凳上脱颖而出并改变了他的命运 - 让我意识到有时候有时候可以有点一点不同的 ...

Despite the lackluster speech, my aforementioned dad managed to get out of that inning, make the team, and manage arespectable career。但是我总是想知道,如果他的教练更像上面的鼓舞人心的领导者,那会发生什么。

Image Credit:D.Clow-马里兰州


最初发布于2013年6月6日上午9:00:00 AM,2017年2月1日更新

