If you're an SEO, I know you can relate to the following scenario.

You do thorough keyword research and create super awesome content that ends up performing well — score!

You are riding the waves of growth in SERPs and feel like you're on top of the world.

And the next day, there's an algorithm update that comes along ... and just like that, your rankings have tanked.

Regardless of whether an algorithm update rocks or destroys your world, they're an inevitable occurrence. So it's time to face the facts, and take the changes in stride.

As difficult as ranking in the coveted number one spot may seem, there is a list that'll help you get there: Google's 200 known ranking factors.

This list serves as our guide in a field that's constantly evolving.

In 2006, Google declared that it was使用200多个排名因素. While that's certainly the most comprehensive perspective, I've pulled all the known ranking factors together in one post and shared my personal top 10 to make it a bit more tactical.

But before you jump in, understand that everything is arguable in SEO, and there have been some controversies concerning these "200 known ranking factors". SEO's often differ in their perspective on which ranking factors matter the most — or whether they're important at all.

Nevertheless, user experience is one thing Google continually improves for their users. If you want to create more helpful content for your ideal audience, it's worth referring to these ranking factors to improve both your SEO and your overall marketing strategy.

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What is a ranking factor on Google?

Ranking factors are the criteria applied by Google (and other search engines) when evaluating pages to decide the best order of relevant results to return for a search query.

了解有效SEO是必要的. All marketers, content creators, and SEO strategists should be familiar with them — not because they're the end-all, be-all of SEO (they're not), but because they help create a better user experience, which ensures more leads and conversions for your business. So I would strongly recommend using these factors as a guide.

How many Google ranking factors are there?

There areover200 ranking factors that are generally considered correct (but again, it's debatable). Since 2006, there have beenthousands of algorithm updates.

With each update, SEOs test to see what's changed. So, some of these factors are proven, but others are just speculation.

All 200 (Known) Ranking Factors

I'll start with a rundown of all 200 ranking factors, then go in-depth into the top ten ranking factors that, based on my experience as an SEO consultant for B2B and B2C companies, have the most impact.

Here are the top categories:

  • Domain Factors
  • Page-Level Factors
  • Site-Level Factors
  • Backlink Factors
  • User Interaction
  • Special Google Algorithm Rules
  • Brand Signals
  • On-Site Webspam Factors
  • 异地WebSPAM因素

Domain Factors


  1. Your domain age
  2. Keyword in your domain
  3. Keyword is the first word in your domain
  4. Domain registration length
  5. Keyword in subdomain
  6. Domain history
  7. Penalized Whois owner
  8. Public WhoIs instead of private Whois

Page-Level Factors

Page-level factors are factors on each page that you can optimize, such as:

  1. Presence of the keyword in the title tag
  2. Having the keyword at the beginning of your title tag
  3. Keyword in your meta description tag
  4. H1标签中的关键字存在
  5. Keyword is frequently used in the content
  6. Content length
  7. Word count rankings
  8. Presence of a linked table of contents
  9. 关键字密度
  10. Presence of semantically related keywords
  11. Semantically related keyword in meta title and description
  12. In-depth quality content
  13. Useful content
  14. Page loading speed via HTML
  15. Page loading speed tested on Chrome
  16. Core web vitals
  17. 在同一网站上没有重复的内容
  18. Image optimization through ALT, title, and file name
  19. 内容新颖(较新,越好)
  20. 页年龄
  21. How many edits were made to the content during updates
  22. Historical data on page updates
  23. 正确使用REL =规范
  24. H2和H3标签中的关键字存在
  25. Presence of keyword in the first 100 words
  26. 语法和拼写
  27. 页面的原创性的内容
  28. Entity match
  29. Number of outbound links
  30. Mobile useability and optimization
  31. Hidden content on mobile (may not be indexed)
  32. Page optimized for mobile
  33. 有多媒体的存在,例如图像和视频
  34. Number of outbound links
  35. The quality of outbound links
  36. Theme of outbound links
  37. Presence of helpful supplementary content, like free tools and calculators
  38. Content hidden behind tabs (it may not be indexed and wouldn't show up in search snippets)
  39. Number of internal links pointing to the page
  40. 内部链接的质量
  41. 存在太多链接(可能会降低排名功能)
  42. The reading level of the page
  43. Presence of many affiliate links
  44. 存在许多HTML错误
  45. 域的权威/信任级
  46. Authority/trust level of the page
  47. PageRank
  48. Length of URL
  49. Closeness of URL to the homepage
  50. Presence of keyword in URL
  51. 人类编辑的意见
  52. Relevance of page's category to page
  53. Content formatting for user-friendliness and readability
  54. Priority of the page in the sitemap.xml
  55. 来自同一关键字的页面排名的UX信号
  56. Citing references and sources
  57. Use of a user-friendly layout
  58. URL string in Google search engine results
  59. Internal link anchor text to the page
  60. 使用结构化数据

Site-level factors

Site-level factors go above the page level and take a look at things on the entire site. They include:

  1. Presence of a contact us page or appropriate amount of contact information
  2. 网站上的内容提供价值或新见解
  3. TrustRank (how close your site is to a known and trusted site in terms of linking)
  4. Website updates for freshness factor
  5. 站点架构
  6. Presence of a sitemap
  7. Long-term site downtime
  8. Location of server
  9. https /使用有效的SSL证书
  10. 法律页面的存在(条款,条件和隐私政策)
  11. Unique metadata
  12. 使用面包屑标记
  13. Site-wide mobile optimization
  14. Site-wide user-friendliness (usability and interactiveness)
  15. 跳出率
  16. Domain authority
  17. User reviews
  18. Site reputation

Backlink factors

Backlink factors look at the sites that are linking to you to determine where to rank your page. Sites with better quality sites linking to them tend to be higher in rankings when they have quality content. The backlink factors are as follows:

  1. Age of linking domain
  2. Number of referring domains
  3. 来自单独的C级IP的链接数量
  4. 参考页数
  5. Anchor text of backlinks
  6. ALT tag of image links
  7. Number of links from .edu and .gov domains
  8. Trust factor of linking page
  9. Trust factor of linking domain
  10. Presence of links from competitors
  11. Number of links from expected sites in your industry
  12. Links from bad neighborhoods
  13. 非广告的链接数量
  14. Country TLD of referring domains
  15. Domain authority
  16. Presence of some nofollow links
  17. Diversity of link profile
  18. Context of content the content of linking page
  19. Presence of more follow links that sponsored or UGC
  20. 301重定向的许多反向链接到URL
  21. The text that appears when you hover over a link
  22. 页面上的链接位置
  23. 内容中链接的位置
  24. Links from relevant domains
  25. Links from relevant pages
  26. Presence of your page's keyword in the title of the linking page
  27. Natural rate of growth in number of links
  28. Spiky and unnatural rate of growth in number of links
  29. 来自特定主题或集线器的顶级资源reybet雷竞技下载的链接
  30. Number of links from sites that are considered authority sites
  31. 在Wikipedia文章中链接为来源
  32. Words around your backlinks
  33. 反向链接时代
  34. Links from real sites vs fake blogs
  35. Natural link profile
  36. Excessive reciprocal links
  37. Links in real content vs. UGC
  38. Backlinks from a page with a 301 redirect
  39. TrustRank of linking site
  40. Fewer outbound links on linking page
  41. Links in real content vs links in forums
  42. Word count of linking content
  43. Quality of linking content
  44. Sitewide links = one link

User Interaction


  1. Organic click through rate for exact keyword
  2. Organic click through rates for all ranking keywords
  3. Dwell time
  4. 跳出率
  5. 根据rankbrain在网站上在您的网站上进行交互的测量
  6. Total direct traffic
  7. Percentage of repeat visitors
  8. Blocked sites
  9. Percentage of visitors that click on other pages on the SERP after clicking visiting your page
  10. Page frequently bookmarked by Chrome users
  11. Number of comments on page

Special Google Algorithm Rules

Some Google Algorithm rules are not directly connected to your page or domain. They include factors that look at personalizing search results for the user or better search results as a whole. Here are some of them:

  1. Need for diversity in the SERP
  2. Need for freshness in the SERP
  3. Browsing history of user
  4. Search history of user
  5. 精选摘要的简洁答案,格式化,页面授权和HTTP
  6. Geo-targeting
  7. Adult content or curse words (excluded from safe search results)
  8. High content quality standards for YMYL keywords
  9. Legitimate DMCA complaints
  10. SERP中的领域多样性的需求
  11. Transactional searches
  12. Local search results
  13. 新闻报道与关键字有关的新raybetapp闻故事框
  14. 搜索意图
  15. Presence of big brands with relevant content (they are often ranked higher)
  16. 为Google购物优化的结果的存在
  17. Image results
  18. Branded search
  19. Easter eggs and April Fools' Day jokes and hoaxes from Google (this one makes me laugh)
  20. 垃圾邮件查询
  21. Spammy sites

Brand Signals

How great is your branding strategy in terms of SEO? If you haven't taken care of your brand mentions and brand all over the internet, you need to start now. Because there are some serious ranking factors related to your brand:

  1. Brand + keyword searches (for example, Hubspot SEO)
  2. Branded anchor text
  3. 推特profile with followers
  4. Official LinkedIn page
  5. Facebookpage with lots of likes
  6. Branded searches
  7. Known author or verified online profile
  8. Real social media accounts
  9. Top stories with brand mentions
  10. Brand mentions without links
  11. Physical location of offices

On-site Web

To rank high on search engine results, you need to ensure your site isn't spammy and doesn't look spammy - as with many things in life, looks play a role in how we're perceived. Here are some factors around that:

  1. 低质量的内容
  2. 链接到不良社区
  3. Multiple and sneaky redirects
  4. 标记的服务器IP地址
  5. Distracting ads and popups
  6. Popups that are spammy and difficult to close
  7. 过度优化站点
  8. Gibberish content
  9. 门口页面的使用
  10. Lots of ads above the fold and not much content
  11. 隐藏会员链接
  12. Low-value content sites
  13. Affiliate sites
  14. Keyword stuffing in meta tags
  15. Compute generated content
  16. Nofollowing all outbound links


外部网络spam factors affect spam based on what's done outside your website that connects with your website. They include:

  1. Unnatural and sudden increase in backlinks
  2. 入侵网站
  3. Lots of low-quality backlinks
  4. High percentage of links from unrelated websites
  5. Low-quality directory links
  6. Automatic links in widgets
  7. Links from sites with the same server IP
  8. Using “poison” in your anchor text
  9. Ignored manual actions in search console
  10. Selling links
  11. Temporary link schemes

Phew, we made it! Even though this list might seem overwhelming, I've condensed it to my top 10 to make things a bit more palatable.

Top 10 Google Ranking Factors

在进入我的十大Google排名因素之前,请记住这一点:SEO中的一切都值得商bat。虽然几位SEO专家可能会接受这10个因素theirtop ranking factors as well, other SEOs might disagree. But for me, these are what I've found to be most important.

I chose my top 10 based on what I've seen improves the user experience, optimizes conversion rates, signals trustworthiness, ranks well, brings in high amounts of organic monthly traffic, and promotes customer retention and loyalty. Let's dive in.


As mentioned above, Google has always emphasized quality content. Providing content that provides value and unique insights not found on every other website can improve your ranking simply because your audience enjoys it.

To do this:

  • Ensure you are the subject expert in what you are writing about or that you understand that topic in-depth according to research.
  • Hire subject experts to write your content.
  • Provide factual information that informs your audience about the questions that are the most important to them.
  • Don't write fluff.

2. Content that covers a topic in-depth.

想排名在第一页?停止写作薄content. Research has proven time and time again that content that covers all areas, whether long or short form, tends to do better in search results. Here's what to do:

  • Study your competitors' content and write about what they missed.
  • 介绍所有相关领域,并回答读者可能遇到的所有问题。
  • Make the text readable by adding elements like images, a clickable table of contents, jump links, and CTAs to relevant information.

3. Organic click-through rates.


You need to write a convincing meta title and description to improve your organic click-through rate. Here are tips for writing the best meta title and description:

  • Use power words.
  • 确保您的关键字在元标题中可见。
  • Keep your meta title under 62 characters.
  • Keep your meta description at about 150 characters.
  • 您的元描述应该对读者有所帮助(使用它向他们展示他们如何从阅读您的内容中受益)。


4. H1中的关键字。


5. The content's length.

Content length is one thing that several people debate about when it comes to SEO. Some believe an upward of 2000 words should be the standard. However, that shouldn't always be the case. Sure, long-form content seems to获得最多的反向链接, but it's crucial that you write long-form only when you need that to cover the entire topic.

It's also a best practice to check what your competitors have because that can be an indicator of quality content. If all competitors have between 2000-4000 words and you write 200 words, you will likely not rank high for that term.

6. Website domain authority.

Domain Authority (DA) is not a ranking factor despite what many say, and the simple reason is: Google didn't create it. When asked if it is a signal,John Mueller replied,“ ...这是Moz的工具”。

But from my perspective, it's good to keep in mind because Moz uses particular signals to create that score (and other tools like SEMrush and Arel=" noopener" target="_blank" hrefs) that are similar to Google's ranking factors.

当更加可信的网站链接到你的和you have content that ranks well, that is an indicator that you should be trusted, which in turn increases your rankings even further - all of which plays into DA. So in a nutshell, you might want to focus on growing your DA even if Google doesn't confirm it.

7. Total number of backlinks from relevant sources.

The total number of your backlinks and referring domains are important, but only when they are from relevant sources. In February 2021,John Mueller commented链接相关性的重要性,哟u can build many backlinks, but Google will ignore them if they are not relevant.

Rather than focusing on building millions of backlinks, focus on more relevant and quality backlinks.

8. Page loading speed via HTML.

Last year, Google announced that core web vitals would become a ranking signal and it'splanned to launch in mid-June. Core web vitals is a part of PageSpeed, and page speed affects user experience.


9. Mobile usability.

User experience is key for SEO success and users are increasingly accessing your website via mobile. That's why Google sends constant mobile-friendliness notifications in Search Console when it sees that your site isn't responsive.

If you want to score points with Google and, more importantly, your users, work on your mobile usability.

10. Over-optimization.

Don't overdo it — this serves as a reminder that you must prioritize optimizing for humans, not the algorithm. When you over-optimize your pages, Google sees that you're trying too hard and might believe you are trying to game the system. If that happens, you get penalized.


  1. Quality of internal links pointing to page
  2. 站点架构
  3. 站点可用性
  4. Contextual links
  5. Outbound link quality
  6. Dwell time
  7. Branded searches
  8. Image alt text

That's all, folks!

You've now gotten to know the 200 known ranking factors and my preferred top 10. Use this article as a guide, not as hard rules. I'm not Google and only Google can confirm what the exact ranking factors are. Most of this data is from what I have seen from working with several websites over the years.

Remember, user experience is key, so continually optimize for your target audience, and you will be duly rewarded.


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