
作为营销人员,这是我无法真正帮助的事情。我立即对目标受众和销售策略制定策略,尤其是在广告期间Super Bowl


When a video really impresses me, I research the advertising agency that conceptualized the campaign for its clients — like this one, from Sarto Restaurant:




What is a creative agency? What do they do?




If this sounds pretty broad, that's because marketing agencies usually are — there's so many niches and specialties agencies can tackle. Because of the slight ambiguity, you might be wondering how these agencies operate, or even … how they make money.

Agencies are a business. Businesses have plans in place to earn revenue, but there are some exceptions that are unique to agencies. Next, let's dive into a list of ways agencies stay afloat.


1. Pricing Models


Some pricing models are more beneficial to agencies than others — it differs from company to company. Maybe your pricing model is based on one you've seen from a different agency, but it doesn't quite work for your business goals.


Fixed Rate

If you've ever put down a deposit for a service, and then paid the rest of the rate after completion, you've participated in a fixed-rate model. This model is determined by calculating how many hours a project takes, combined with the hourly rate. That amount is split into two fees: One upfront, and one due after the project.


如果您的代理机构逐件事,此定价模型可能会很有用,因为此方法还包括retainer approach。简而言之,您无需考虑为每个客户收取多少费用,因为它已经确定。

However, agencies can run into an issue if the project takes much more than the projected hour amount. If that happens, the pricing should reflect the work, but that's difficult if the fee is already set. To alleviate this, specify your offerings — for instance, one Twitter campaign for one month could be its own rate.


This pricing model is determined after a project's completion. Based on ROI, the price will be determined according to what the agency and clients agree on, sharing risk and rewards.



For this pricing model to work, agencies need a proven track record of exceeding customer expectations. That's why, it can be hard to sell this model if you work for a startup — you'd have little history to show past work.



An hourly rate is determined by the amount of hours a company spends working on a project for a client. In this scenario, if my social media agency ran a client's social media channels for the duration of a campaign, I would charge based on the amount of hours spent doing that.

If I spent 40 hours working on a campaign at a rate of $125/hr, then I would earn $5,000 from that client. Generally, agencies come up with their hourly rate based on the seniority of the employee(s) involved, or agree on a set price across the board.


但是,使用此模型很难预测现金流。它还可能使客户疲倦 - 完成工作所需的时间越长,您获得的付款就越多。因此,客户可能不确定项目长度的效率。


机构常常帮助提供广告服务the client broadcast the campaign they've helped the client create ... Typically, agencies will take a percentage of the ROI from those ads, which is one way to make extra revenue.



Agencies can charge clients based on ROI of paid media. Ads, search results, and sponsored content that's paid to be promoted are common examples of this ad type. Usually, they're used to expand reach and traffic.

For example, If I were running a social media campaign for a client, and one of my content marketing strategies included paid ads, I might consider including the cost it takes to run them in the total price I charge the client. Alternatively, I could also choose to take a percentage of the ROI after the campaign is over.

The inclusion of paid ad return in projects ensures the work gets paid for, regardless of results. You can also use paid media to promote your company. Because paid media supports waiting until the end of a campaign to charge, this strategy works well with a value-based pricing model.


Owned media simply means all the content created by your agency. So if my social media company makes blog posts, tweets, main feed posts, pins, and other multimedia elements, those are all considered "owned". The purpose of this type of media is to nurture leads.



3. Projects




This is a case-by-case basis. For one-off projects, the client and agency agree on a set of services and price. Generally, one-offs call for pricing models that can be flexible, so that prices can be set individually.


一次性对于机构ca结构是有用的n sustain a flexible pricing model. Additionally, if companies offer many services that clients can choose from, one-offs keeps goals focused. This approach allows clients full customization.




This scenario is common, and a lot of agencies set their client relationships up with contracts.



Inbound Marketing

代理商可以从他们的营销工作中赚钱。当然,您的代理商很可能会为客户开展营销活动。但是,有多种方法可以使营销获利你的代理 - 例如,如果您在网站上运行PPC广告。

Inbound marketing is one of the best ways to save money from branding your company. If you provide value for your target audience upfront, you won't have to waste time and resources cold calling and emailing. Additionally, your leads will be more valuable.




Other than gaining more business, referrals help strengthen the relationship you have with clients. Ask them for their input on your offerings, and if they would recommend your company to a friend. That way, you're being proactive about lead generation.


Agencies can benefit from partnering with other organizations to generate revenue and leads. Think about influencers, clients, and other agencies in your industry that have potential to be in a campaign with your company.

Partnerships are mutually beneficial relationships that earn both parties leads and generate revenue. Thought leaders are going to reach out to even if you don't secure a partnership; You can still expand your network and make new connections.


If your agency works with influencers, consider partnering with a few on a brand awareness campaign. They will be an advocate for your company, and maybe appear in a few ads or sponsored posts.

As you're thinking about influencers with whom to partner, remember to choose one related closely to your industry if they're not a client. Those influencers will have audience members that are interested in content similar to yours, and have great potential to be quality leads.

Check out this post from Twitch's Instagram, for example. The post announces popular gaming YouTuber, lilsimsie, as an ambassador. Kayla Sims hosts streams on Twitch, where she often plays the computer game模拟人生4

Because she has 200,000 followers, she's likely an effective influencer for Twitch. Between her YouTube following and Instagram following, Sims has the potential to bring views and ad revenue to Twitch from streams.


Similar to the last example, instead of partnering with an influencer, team up with a client. You can use their testimonials as part of a lead generation campaign. This is also a lower-cost alternative to the price of leveraging influencers.

You can obtain the testimonial for free, and use the visual assets you created for the client as the content for the ad. For instance, take a look at this post from influencer agency Viral Nation:

The post shows how one of their clients worked with Goldfish for a sponsorship. Ideally, this post will demonstrate the types of clients Viral Nation works with, so similar influencers will consider reaching out. This type of content is helpful for prospective agencies and influencers that are looking for campaign help and representation.

此外,来自影响者Priscilla Ventura和关注Goldfish的代理商的粉丝可能会遇到这篇文章,并决定询问有关服务的信息。

With other agencies


But you know your agency would benefit from offering a little more to clients. For that, consider partnering with an agency that offers services that complement social media — perhaps this is a website branding company.

A partnership deal could include a bundled services offer: Clients can receive both services from each agency for a special price. This is a great way to obtain new leads and generate new business. Complementary agencies wouldn't be direct competition, and there's an advantage of tapping into their clientele.

Sometimes, creative agencies are the unsung heroes behind your favorite campaign. It's always fun to look at which agencies produced a viral campaign. But in order to obtain the resources to create an effective campaign, you need revenue.


Creative agencies can use a lot of the resources around them to pull in extra money. If you're part of an agency that is struggling to make ends meet, consider some of the out-of-the-box ideas, above, to either restructure your pricing model or increase revenue through partnerships or additional services.


最初出版于7月24日,2020年7:00 am,2020年7月24日更新