
Some of the most frequent questions that I hear are: How do you keep up? How do you keep yourself motivated and inspired? How do you keep producing fresh content without burning out?

I am sure many bloggers have different tricks. Here are mine.


For someone who works so much (while trying to maintain a normal life), this is a tricky one. It's easy to keep pushing yourreading plans在您的待办事项列表中,直到完成“实际”工作为止。但是,没有定期看到别人的作品并保持行业趋势的最大影响,您会很快发现自己被淘汰了。

And this is not just about keeping up with expert articles and professional resources.It's about reading in general。阅读使我能够刷新我的想法,切换到另一个主题,并最终受到启发。这也是我知道的最有效的自我发展和个人成长策略。

But back to the lack-of-time issue I am dealing with. How to find time for reading while you can barely find time for sleep?


  • 学会快速阅读。我在阅读方面非常有效,尤其是在阅读行业新闻方面。raybetapp我没有时间检查RSS供稿:我使用我值得信赖的Twitter列表将行业新闻交付给我时。raybetapp您可以使用Tweetdeck桌面通知或设置HubSpot Social Inboxemail notifications to watch the news without interrupting your workflow. If I spot something reading-worthy, I'll click the link, scan through: that's it, the news is absorbed into my mind. One minute at a time to get a bit smarter ...
  • Embrace audio books and podcasts。我在通勤上班或完成琐事的同时听音频书籍 - 这样,花了很多时间!
  • 发展自己的方式来组织阅读清单。我尝试了很多笔记和列表构建工具。他们都有一个共同的问题:当我忙碌时,我忘记了更新它或检查它是否出色的任务,因此我最终落后了。因此,我正在使用我不能忽略的东西:我的收件箱。我发送链接到我自己。在阅读收件箱之前,我不会清除它们。我非常认真地将收件箱保持为空,因此这些总是会妨碍我的。因此,我会尽快读它们。
  • Get very efficient at tracking potential content ideas。I am currently usingcyfe。我已经设置了一个单独的cyfe仪表板,里面装满了小部件,以监视各种搜索结果:Twitter搜索结果的结果,Google Plus Plus搜索结果,Google Alerts等。(HubSpot客户,您也可以使用社交收件箱,也可以)



This is very important. The moment the idea comes to your mind and you feel good about it, write down as much of what you think as you can.

I use traditional college-born note-taking habit here: I take brief notes using anything I have at hand: A piece of paper, iPhone, or a laptop. I note down everything that's on my mind at this very moment and I don't stop until I am done. I draw arrows, write down bullet points, mention tools, and examples. (By the end, I think I am the only one who can understand those notes.)



3) Get brainstorming help.


That's the main reason why I startedmyblogu:它使您有动力和启发。只需向社区询问想法,您就会看到很多来自您的利基市场和之外的博客作者(甚至可以找到独特的观点)。我变成了一个much more productive writer当我开始使用myblogu进行头脑风暴。


There are more ways to benefit from collective knowledge to get inspired. The other two platforms I am using are:

  • Quora。我觉得这个网站非常well organized and clutter-free (unlike other q&a sites I tried).
  • HARO。最近对我来说,这并不比以前那么成功,但这仍然是收集报价和观点以发现文章意外角度的好方法。

4) Try a different content format.

当我疲倦,无聊或卡住时,我将视频或滑梯甲板放在一起 - 认真地。

I don't have time to procrastinate, so creating something visual is actually how I get a rest. It is very refreshing and inspiring, especially if you know the right tools. Here are mine:

  • haiku甲板创建令人敬畏的Slideshare演示文稿
  • snagit为视频教程创建屏幕捕获
  • iMovie andAnimototo edit and beautify videos
  • 帆布创建简单的信息图表或视觉说明
  • GifdeckGyazo GIF创建动画GIF指令。





这是我的个人解决方法,可以定期生产有用的内容。有一些工具适合所有东西 - 其中许多是免费的(或便宜)。另外,它们为博客作者制造了很好的饲料。为什么:

  • By using tools, you come up with new, original content ideas.Sometimes when I am stuck, I am just searching Google for different tools and start testing them. Then I just think which problem it may be solving, describe how and add lots of useful screenshots: That's a perfect piece of content for "when I am stuck" moments.
  • 读者喜欢足智多谋的文章。Everyone would like to know what to do and how to do once they are done reading. By listing related tools, you make your article more actionable, memorable and bookmark-worthy.
  • 了解有用的工具使您成为知识渊博的作家。If you apply old tools to solve new problems, you get an article idea no one ever thought about! For example, long ago, when marketers were looking for ways to monitor Pinterest, Iwrotea tutorial on how to do that using an old RSS tool I had been using for ages. That article did insanely well and I didn't even have to do any new research to write it -- I just remembered the old tool and got an idea on how it could be helpful for the new social media platform.

这些是我的写作生产力技巧 - 没什么特别的,但是他们已经为我工作了近十年。

How do you keep yourself inspired? Please share your tips with us in the comments below.


