If you're a social media marketer, two things are almost certain: You spend a lot of time on yourmobile phone, and you spend even more time teaching your friends and colleagues how to use the latest apps and features because you're at the forefront of it all.

Social media is constantly evolving.This makes marketers beg the question: How do I keep track of everything that's changing -- and still have time to do my job? 单击此处,借助我们的社交媒体工作簿来提高您的技能。

We feel your pain, and we're here to help. We've rounded up our tips and tricks for keeping up with social media news that we use every day here at HubSpot. And once you have a system down, keep track of what you're sharing on social media this month with these tools forL竞技

11 Tips for Keeping Up With Social Media News & Trends


The best place to find out the most recent news about social is -- you guessed it -- on social media. Start by creating a stream on Twitter with popular social media hashtags. You can use terms like #socialmedia, #smchat, or #inboundmarketing -- if you need more ideas, check outHashtags.org。避免searching for a term that's too general (like #marketing) because you'll quickly see a swarm of tweets flooding into your stream.

HubSpot customers can create a stream using HubSpotSocial Inbox。First, start by typing your hashtag into the search box at the top of the screen.


Then, check out your results. You will see a list of people and tweets matching your search term.


If you like the sampling of results that you see, you can create a stream with that hashtag.


If you're not a HubSpot customer, you can save searches directly on Twitter in a very similar manner. First, search for the term you're interested in using the search bar in the top-right corner of the Twitter homepage:


Then, when you reach the results page of your Twitter search, tap the gear icon and select "Save this search."


Then, the next time you head to the Twitter search bar, your saved search will appear for you to easily click and start reading:



The beauty of social media is that the experts often hang out there, too. Whenever there is a new announcement or update in the social media world, you'll find influencers discussing it on Twitter.


If you want some help getting started, here's a社交媒体专家和影响者的Twitter清单that we admire at HubSpot. It's a public list, so you can follow it, too.


现在您有了可以在社交媒体上关注的影响者和标签的列表,您可以设置一个Google警报for some of them. That way, you'll get regular updates when they post content or are interviewed about social media.

Pick your top three favorite influencers or topics and set up Google Alerts for them. This will help you stay up to date on any breaking news in the industry. We recommend getting these alerts once a day so your inbox isn't completely clogged.

All you have to do is type in your search term, select your frequency, and you are ready to go.



You can also choose to do this for certain social media terms or trends. The specificity of your search term will determine how many alerts you receive. For example, the term "social media" is written about every day, but "social media trends in North America" will generate more targeted alerts.

4. See what's trending on Instagram's Explore tab.

Instagram's Explore tab lets users search for terms and hashtags to see what content people are sharing on the platform that day. It also serves users with related searches to see what else people are talking about. You could search for terms like "social media" or #socialmediamarketing to see what's going on:



Discussions on LinkedIn about social media for business are extremely lively. Whether there's an update to Facebook, a new social network that's making traction, or a new theory on the future of social media, you are sure to find it in LinkedIn groups. Even better, you will meet a lot of other social media enthusiasts with whom you can network and ask questions.



As bloggers ourselves, we're going to suggest that you subscribe to a few blogs that post content about social media so you don't miss anything. If there's a new feature or trend, it will definitely be written about in detail on these blogs.

However, more important than subscribing to these blogs is making sure you set aside time each week to read through your content. Block off as much time as you need to go through the content -- that could be anywhere from 15 minutes a day or 15 minutes a week.

Here are a few blogs to get you started that cover social media:

7. Attend a conference, virtually or in-person.

Take the time to go to a social media conference. This will be a great opportunity to hear from social media experts in the industry and be able to ask the burning questions you may have. You will get the most up-to-date advice about running a social media campaign and what you should know when using social media.

但是,我们所有人都打包并参加谈论社交媒体的每一次会议并不现实。如果您无法亲自参加会议,则应跟随通过 - 您猜对了 - 社交媒体。每个会议或活动都会有一个相应的主题标签,您可以在Twitter,Facebook和Instagram上的会议期间遵循这些主题标签。社交媒体帖子通常是演讲者的报价,因此您仍然可以访问所共享的内容。

例如,每年,入站covers top social media trends, among a variety of other topics. The following stream shows people who are tweeting about INBOUND 2016 using the hashtag #INBOUND16.


8. Listen to podcasts.

An easy way to learn about what's changed in the social media space is to listen to the news on social media marketing podcasts. Podcasts vary in length and provide lots of valuable information from social media experts and influencers in the form of interviews, case studies, and rundowns of the latest news. You can listen to episodesduring your commute, at home, or just when you need a break from your computer screen.

We rounded up some of our最喜欢的播客剧集to learn about what's new with social media, including:

  • 营销智能:“海豚故事”如何每年带来80万游客到Clearwater海洋水族馆
  • The Growth Show: Episode 100: Guy Kawasaki's Unconventional Advice on Growth
  • 标签: Focusing on Creating Content and Community Versus Being an Influencer with Dan Joyce

9. Set up an IFTTT.


iftttRecipe: When you like a Tweet, automatically save the link from it to your Pocket account connects twitter to pocket

iftttRecipe: Create a search on Twitter and get a daily email with the results connects twitter to email-digest

iftttRecipe: When a specific hashtag is used on Twitter add the Tweet to a Google spreadsheet connects twitter to google-drive

10. Set up a news aggregator on Feedly.

There are various free news aggregation RSS feeds that you can customize and subscribe to to centralize news from a variety of different sources all on one page. I useFeedly, and after subscribing to different marketing and technology publications, I set Feedly as my homepage. That way, I have to glance at the big headlines before starting work each morning.

You can easily search for topics and names of publications to add to your Feedly to keep your knowledge as current as possible.



Taking HubSpot Academy'sfree online Social Media Certificationwill update you on how social media is being used today,make you a certified social media marketer at the same time. Explore up to eight lessons in social media, from social media listening and moderating to how communications teams use social media to manage a crisis.


尝试一些我们的建议,让我们知道他们是否可以帮助您跟踪最新的社交媒体新闻。raybetapp我们做了一些作表语用tions about how social media will evolve将来,请留意更多新闻和趋势 - 它们即将来临。raybetapp



Originally published Jul 17, 2018 8:00:00 PM, updated July 19 2018


Social Media Trends