
知道要跟踪的内容后,您应该考虑打算审查指标的频率。并猜猜什么 - 并非所有指标都应得到平等对待。实际上,有些事情可以每周进行一次跟踪,而每月一次。



In this post, we're going to cover some of the most important metrics you should track weekly.换句话说,您应该养成健康的习惯,以在整个月中始终如一地检查以下指标。然后,我们将介绍如何改善它们,以及如何为下周做准备。

7 Metrics Every Marketer Should Check Weekly

1. Blog Post Views

Tracking the number of views you get per blog post is great way to get quick feedback on your blog articles.You're more likely to get a higher view count if you picked a topic your audience liked and wanted to share.

使用HubSpot页面性能, you can see how many views you got on each post, as well as your total view count.To do this, sort the columns within the tool by number of views, and pick a time frame like one month. Now you can查看您最近的帖子彼此相对的表现。

Want an extra tip? You can also compare your recent posts' view counts to your overall average by exporting页面性能并在Excel中平均运行所有帖子。


How to Improve Your Blog Views

Measure blog post views to figure out which blog content is performing the best. Knowing what content naturally got the most views can help you decide what topics and types of posts to write next.


2. CTA Click-through Rates

After someone reads your content, you want that person to take the next step and click on your CTA, ideally to direct the visitor to a landing page.您应该最紧密地衡量CTA的指标是您的点击率,或者的百分比单击CTA。使用HubSpot的CTA工具,您可以跟踪不同CTA的性能,看看哪些表现最好。

HubSpot Professional和Enterprise客户甚至可以将其更进一步,并根据读者的生命周期阶段或列表的成员资格来展示智能CTA。HubSpot Enterprise客户可以选择A/B测试其CTA。








In HubSpot's社交收件箱,跟踪您的社交范围增长。See a bump? What did you do differently last week that might have helped you grow your network? Important to note, even though this report gives monthly data, you can still drill into individual weeks to see the progress you're making.


How to Improve Your Social Reach




4. Email Click-through Rates

当您进行电子邮件营销时,最重要的指标不是有多少人打开您的电子邮件,但是有多少人点击了电子邮件促进的任何内容。That could be the number of people who clicked a link in your email or clicked on the CTA. This metric is known as your email click-through rate.In HubSpot, you can get all of that data throughHubSpot电子邮件工具

Bonus: If you are a HubSpot Enterprise customer, you can A/B test your emails too. The CTR of each email variation will help you determine what email elements are most successful. When using HubSpot, your two A/B test variations will go to two small segments of your entire list, say 15% to version A and 15% to version B. Once there is a clear winner, HubSpot will send the rest of your list that winning variation! Not too shabby.


How to Improve Your Email Click-through Rates




Arguably the most important metric for marketers to keep their eyes on is lead conversion, or the percentage of visitors who convert into contacts by filling out a form on a landing page. The conversion rates of your landing pages will then determine how many leads you are able to generate.



看看你的landing page dashboard。哪个页面转化率最高?Which pages have the most views? Look closely at your high-performing landing pages to see what made them successful. Was it the content piece on the page? Is the form optimized for your audience? Did you personalize the content on the page? Did you send the landing page to a particular segment? Identify what attributes made one landing page more successful than others, and then replicate it for future lead conversion success.

6. Traffic Sources

消息来源报告是您找出谁来您网站以及他们如何找到您的最佳资产。If you do anything, make a habit to check this report once week - at least!


  • 有机搜索:从搜索引擎(例如Google和Yahoo)访问有机搜索结果
  • 推荐:从其他网站上的入站链接访问
  • 社交媒体:来自Facebook,Twitter,LinkedIn等社交媒体网站的访问
  • 电子邮件营销:您发送的电子邮件访问
  • Paid Search:Visits from paid search results from the search engines or other PPC providers
  • Direct Traffic:从直接将您的网站地址键入浏览器的人访问
  • Other Campaigns:来自独特跟踪URL的人的访问
  • Offline Sources:没有来源集的引线和资源




在来源报告中,您可以在HubSpot上查看精选的时间段或整个历史记录。您可以钻入“有机搜索”,以查看哪些关键字正在吸引网站的流量。您可以单击“社交媒体”,看看哪些渠道表现最好。阅读更多有关using Sources以及您可以通过此报告收集的信息。对于COS客户,您可以使用此报告查看单个页面的性能。

How to Grow Your Traffic

Sources is the perfect report to figure out your strongest marketing channels. In the example above, organic traffic is the biggest driver of traffic to the site, but social media has the highest conversion rate. By digging into the specifics and adjusting the date range, you can really understand how the different channels perform.

看看来源报告一周一周的基础上。Figure out what channel is performing the best, and think about what you did that past week to contribute to its success. (Seeing a theme in this article?) If you only used certain channels in a week, you can highlight just those channels to display on the graph. For your next week, plan on replicating your success by either focusing on those channels that performed well or creating similar content that led to the traffic bump.


Even though you should be looking at certain metrics on a weekly basis, you should always keep your eye on the prize: your end of month goals.这adjustments you make throughout the month by looking at your data on a weekly basis can really contribute to whether or not you reach your monthly goals.



How to Get Ahead of Your Monthly Goal



Want to print this post for future reference?

What other metrics do you check on a weekly basis? Which metric could you never live without? Let us know in the comments!

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最初发布于2014年3月7日上午9:00:00 AM,2018年5月9日更新