When I was 14, my dream was to play college baseball. But I had one small problem — I only weighed 100 pounds and could barely hit the ball out of the infield. Even though I still had four years to bulk up and improve my skills, I knew I had a long way to go before I could play at the collegiate level.


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Setting a goal like "improve upper body strength" wasn't enough. You had to write down how much you would improve your bench press by and how many times you would work out per week.


In this post, you'll learn exactly what SMART goals are and how you can set one today. Want to skip to the information you need most? Click on one of these headlines to jump to that section.

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In the working world, the influence of SMART goals continues to grow. The reason why successful marketing teams always hit their numbers is that they also set SMART goals. Use the template above to follow along and create your own SMART goals.

What are SMART goals?

SMART goals are concrete targets that you aim to hit over a certain period. These goals should be carefully drafted by a manager and their direct report to set them up for success. "SMART" is an acronym that describes the most important characteristics of each goal.



When you make goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound, you're increasing your odds for success by verifying that the goal is achievable, identifying the metrics that define success, and creating a roadmap to reach those metrics.

SMART goals are important to set as they:

  • Help you work with clear intentions, not broad or vague goals
  • Provide a method to gauge your success by setting benchmarks to meet
  • 给出现实且可实现的明智目标
  • 削减不必要的或无关紧要的工作,这些工作可能会脱离重要的事情
  • Set a clear beginning and end to adhere to in reaching your goals

If your goals are abstract, if you don't know what it will take to achieve success, or if you don't give yourself a deadline to complete steps, you may lose focus and fall short of what you want to accomplish.


简而言之 - 是的,if done correctly。设定不切实际的目标并试图在不考虑以前的性能,过度短时间或包括太多变量的情况下进行测量,这将使您偏离路线。



1. Blog Traffic Goal

  • Specific: I want to boost our博客的流量by increasing our weekly publishing frequency from five to eight times a week. Our two bloggers will increase their workload from writing two posts a week to three posts a week, and our editor will increase her workload from writing one post a week to two posts a week.
  • Measurable: Our goal is an 8% increase in traffic.
  • Attainable: Our blog traffic increased by 5% last month when we increased our weekly publishing frequency from three to five times a week.
  • Relevant:通过增加博客流量,我们将提高品牌知名度并产生更多的潜在客户,从而为销售提供更多关闭的机会。
  • Time-Bound:本月底
  • 明智的目标:在本月底,我们的博客将通过将我们的每周发布频率从每周五个帖子增加到每周的八个帖子,从而获得8%的流量。

2. Facebook视频视图目标

  • Specific:我想通过将我们的视频内容组合从八个主题切成五个最受欢迎的主题来提高每个本地视频的平均视图。
  • Measurable:Our goal is a 25% increase in views.
  • 可实现:当我们减少视频内容混合在Facebook上from 10 topics to our eight most popular topics, our average views per native video increased by 20%.
  • Relevant:By increasing average views per native video on Facebook, we'll boost our social media following and brand awareness, reaching more potential customers with our video content.
  • Time-Bound:In six months
  • 明智的目标:在六个月内,通过将我们的视频内容组合从八个主题缩短到我们最受欢迎的五个主题,我们将在Facebook上看到平均视频观看量25%。


  • Specific:I want to boost the number of email blog subscribers by increasing our Facebook advertising budget on blog posts that historically acquire the most email subscribers.
  • Measurable:Our goal is a 50% increase in subscribers.
  • 可实现:自三个月前我们开始使用这种策略以来,我们的电子邮件博客订阅增长了40%。
  • Relevant:By increasing the number of email blog subscribers, our blog will drive more traffic, boost brand awareness, and drive more leads to our sales team.
  • Time-Bound:In three months
  • 明智的目标:In three months, we'll see a 50% increase in the number of email blog subscribers by increasing our Facebook advertising budget on posts that historically acquire the most blog subscribers.


  • Specific:我想增加我们的注册Facebook Messenger webinar by promoting it through social, email, our blog, and Facebook Messenger.
  • Measurable:Our goal is a 15% increase in sign-ups.
  • 可实现:Our last Facebook messenger webinar saw a 10% increase in sign-ups when we only promoted it through social, email, and our blog.
  • Relevant:When our webinars generate more leads, sales have more opportunities to close.
  • Time-Bound:By April 10, the day of the webinar
  • 明智的目标:到我们网络研讨会当天的4月10日,我们通过通过社交,电子邮件,我们的博客和Facebook Messenger来推广注册量增加了15%。

5. Landing Page Performance Goal

  • Specific:我希望我们的着陆页从单列形式转换为两列形式来产生更多的线索。
  • Measurable:My goal is a 30% increase in lead generation.
  • 可实现:什么时候我们A/B tested我们的传统单列形式与我们交通最高的着陆页上的两列形式相比,我们发现两列形式在99%的显着性水平上比传统的单列形式好27%。
  • Relevant:如果我们生成更多的内容潜在客户,销售可以关闭更多客户。
  • Time-Bound:从现在起一年
明智的目标:从现在起一年, our landing pages will generate 30% more leads by switching their forms from one column to two columns.

6. Link-Building Strategy Goal

  • Specific:我想通过制定链接构建策略来增加网站的自然流量,该策略使其他发布者链接到我们的网站。这增加了我们在搜索引擎结果中的排名,从而使我们能够产生更多的自然流量。
  • Measurable:我们的目标是我们公司主页的40个反向链接。raybet电子竞技
  • 可实现:According to ourSEO analysis tool,目前有500个低质量的链接,指导到我们的互联网其他地方的主页。鉴于我们目前与其他企业建立的合作伙伴关系raybet平台数量,并且我们每月在没有任何宣传的情况下产生10个新的入站链接,因此,单个链接建设活动的另外40个入站链接是一个重要但可行的目标。
  • Relevant:Organic traffic is our top source of new leads, and backlinks are one of the biggest ranking factors on search engines like Google. If we build links from high-quality publications, our organic ranking increases, boosting our traffic and leads as a result.
  • Time-Bound:four months from now
  • 明智的目标:在接下来的四个月中,我将构建40个直接链接到www.ourcompany.com的反向链接。raybet电子竞技为此,我将与PR部门的Ellie和Andrew合作,与出版商联系并制定有效的外展策略。

7. Reducing Churn Rate Goal

  • Specific:我想为我的公司减少5%的客户流失,因为每个客户损失都反映了我们服务的质量和感知。raybet电子竞技
  • Measurable:每周与30个处于危险的客户联系,并在入职过程中每天为五个新客户提供客户支持。
  • 可实现:我们的产品产品刚刚有所改善,我们有能力投资于我们的客户支持团队,并且有可能有五个高风险的客户每月高档。
  • Relevant:We can set up a customer knowledge base to track customers’ progression in the buyer’s journey, and prevent churn by contacting them before they lose interest.
  • Time-Bound:In 24 weeks
  • 明智的目标:In 24 weeks, I will reduce the churn rate by 5% for my company. To do so, we will contact 30 at-risk customers per week and provide/invest in customer support to assist five new customers during onboarding daily and track their progress through a customer knowledge base.

8. Brand Affinity Goal

  • Specific:I want to increase our podcast listener count as we are trying to establish ourselves as thought leaders in our market.
  • Measurable:我们的目标是听众增加40%。
  • 可实现:We can increase our current budget and level our podcaster’s cadence, to have the means to hold insightful conversations for our listeners to tune into.
  • Relevant:我们创建了一个播客,并专门介绍了一个团队,以获取有趣的客人,声音混合和醒目的缩略图以使其开始使用。
  • Time-Bound:In four months
  • 明智的目标:在四个月内,我们通过为我们的团队提供预算和节奏,通过优质的声音混合和引人注目的缩略图为您的团队提供预算和节奏,从而增加40%的听众计数。

1. Use specific wording.

When writing SMART goals, keep in mind that they are "specific" in that there's a hard and fast destination the employee is trying to reach. "Get better at my job," isn't a SMART goal because it isn't specific. Instead, ask yourself: What are you getting better at? How much better do you want to get?

If you're a marketing professional, your job probably revolves aroundkey performance indicators或KPI。因此,您可以选择要改进的特定KPI或指标,例如访问者,潜在客户或客户。您还应该确定团队成员为实现这一目标,他们拥有的资源以及他们的行动计划而努力的团队成员。reybet雷竞技下载

In practice, a specific SMART goal might say, "Clifford and Braden will increase the blog's traffic from email ..." You know exactly who's involved and what you're trying to improve on.


While you may need to keep some goals more open-ended, you should avoid vagueness that could confuse your team later on. For example, instead of saying, "Clifford will boost email marketing experiences," say "Clifford will boost email marketing click rates by 10%."





SMART goals should be "measurable" in that you can track and quantify the goal's progress. "Increase the blog's traffic from email," by itself, isn't a SMART goal because you can't measure the increase. Instead, ask yourself: How much email marketing traffic should you strive for?

If you want to gauge your team's progress, you need to quantify your goals, like achieving an X-percentage increase in visitors, leads, or customers.

Let's build on the SMART goal we started three paragraphs above. Now, our measurable SMART goal might say, "Clifford and Braden will increase the blog's traffic from email by 25% more sessions per month ... " You know what you're increasing, and by how much.


This is in the same light of avoiding vagueness. While you might need qualitative or open-ended evidence to prove your success, you should still come up with a quantifiable KPI. For example, instead of saying, "Customer service will improve customer happiness," say, "We want the average call satisfaction score from customers to be a seven out of ten or higher."

3. Aim for realistically attainable goals.

An "attainable" SMART goal considers the employee's ability to achieve it. Make sure that X-percentage increase is rooted in reality. If your blog traffic increased by 5% last month, try to increase it by 8-10% this month, rather than a lofty 25%.



Yes. You should always aim to improve. But reaching for completely unattainable goals may knock you off course and make it harder to track progress. Rather than saying, "We want to make 10,000% of what we made in 2021," consider something more attainable, like, "We want to increase sales by 150% this year," or "We have a quarterly goal to reach a 20% year-over-year sales increase."

4. Pick relevant goals that relate to your business.


If you're aware of these factors, you’re more likely to set goals that benefit your company — not just you or your department.

So, what does that do to our SMART goal? It might encourage you to adjust the metric you're using to track the goal's progress. For example, maybe your business has historically relied on organic traffic for generating leads and revenue, and research suggests you can generate more qualified leads this way.

Our SMART goal might instead say, "Clifford and Braden will increase the blog's organic traffic by 8-10% more sessions per month." This way, your traffic increase is aligned with the business's revenue stream.




5. Make goals time-bound by including a timeframe and deadline information.


For example, which would you prefer: increasing organic traffic by 5% every month, leading to a 30-35% increase in half a year? Or trying to increase traffic by 15% with no deadline and achieving that goal in the same timeframe? If you picked the former, you're right.

那么,我们的聪明的目标一旦我们博的样子nd it to a timeframe? "Over the next three months, Clifford and Braden will work to increase the blog's organic traffic by 8-10%, reaching a total of 50,000 organic sessions by the end of August.”

Common SMART Goal Mistake: No Time Frame


Make Your SMART Goals SMART-er

Now that you know what a SMART goal is, why it's important, and the framework to create one, it's time to put that information into practice. Whether you're setting goals for a personal achievement or as part of hitting important marketing milestones, it's good to start with what you want to achieve and then reverse-engineer it into a concrete SMART goal.


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Goal Setting
