For the first time, companies will spend more on digital ads than they will for those appearing on more traditional formats, like TV and print in 2019.

根据来自eMarketer美国数码网络tal ad spend will comprise more than half of total U.S. ad spending, totaling about $129.34 billion in 2019.

Out of that amount, two-thirds will be spend specifically on mobile ads.

以下是这些广告出现的地方 - 以及有关广告所花费的其他最新数据,这些数据可能表明未来趋势。


AseMarketerpoints out in its forecast, digital ad spend is largely dominated by what it calls the "duopoly" of Facebook and Google: a term that refers to the significant amount of digital ad spend (about 59.3% in 2019) received by one of the two platforms.

But coming in third place is a platform that seems to be encroaching on the duopoly's territory quicker than anticipated: Amazon.

最近last September,eMarketerforecasted that Amazon's share of digital ad spend would reach 7% in 2020.

241077 (1)来源:eMarketer, September 2018 forecasts


245298来源:eMarketer, February 2019 forecasts

Why Amazon?

Last落下, Andrea Leigh and Ben Winters of Ideoclick -- a company that works with manufacturers to optimize online sales -- spoke at Code Commerce 2018 to the rapid growth of Amazon's advertising platform.


And while none of the above forecasts has Amazon surpassing the Duopoly in the next year or two, Winters did say that Amazon's ad revenue is growing at 5X the rate as Google's.

根据温特斯的说法,考虑到互联网上有54%的产品搜索发生在亚马逊上。现在,出现在这些搜索结果中的前三个列表 - “将整个屏幕占据上方的整个屏幕 - 滚动之前可见的所有内容”重新编码罗尼·莫拉(Roni Molla)写道 - 全部由广告组成。

屏幕截图2019-02-21在2.06.50 pmAn Amazon search for "dog food" yields only ad results above the fold

Also worth considering is the amount of data in Amazon's possession on user preferences and buying behavior -- because of which, it knows where to display those ads to get the most return.

What's more: Amazon continues to expand its collection methods, in part with its cashierlessstores. The store's "walk-out technology" enables customers who have downloaded the Go app to add the items they want to a bag and leave, with the help of sensors.

IMG_3728Amazon's Go store in San Francisco, CA

该传感器技术不仅读了购物者在篮子里放置的东西,而且还测量了他们采摘,观察并放回哪些产品 - 模仿电子商务浏览体验,而且在现实生活中。


Looking Ahead

今年早些时候,我们询问了美国,英国和加拿大的855人 - ”How do you think online advertisements will change in the next five years?"- 重点是这些广告的格式。



这与早期发现eMarketer, 哪个表明公司比以往任何时候都在数字视频广告上花费更多。


241892 (2)来源:eMarketer

At that figure,eMarketersaid, budget spent on video ads will make up a quarter of all digital ad spend in the U.S. -- compared to digital ad formats like static or animated images, or text-based ads.

我们自己的研究发现,消费者行为遵循该数据。去年10月,我们850 people across the U.S., UK, and Canada which ad format was most likely to lead them to purchase an item online -- nearly half of all respondents indicated that they're most likely to purchase an item online after seeing a video ad, over all other ad formats.


"The steady shift of consumer attention to digital platforms has hit an inflection point with advertisers, forcing them to now turn to digital to seek the incremental gains in reach and revenues," said eMarketer's Forecasting Director Monica Peart in its most recent report, "which are disappearing in traditional media advertising."


Originally published Feb 22, 2019 7:00:00 AM, updated December 11 2019