In an ideal world, salespeople would be able to focus strictly on sales. Their efforts would be lean and efficient without any administrative or technical responsibilities bogging them down.

For most sales organizations, that's the goal. It'sthe他们希望运营如何运行的完美模型。尽管这个目标并非总是可以实现的,但大多数公司仍然通过利用所谓的东西来努力sales support.

Here, we'll explore that concept a bit further and see what it can look like in practice.

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There's no definitive guide or structure for how an organization should approach sales support. A company's sales support infrastructure could include any combination of actual people, automation, digital tools, printed or online reference materials, or any other entity that can sort or analyze information to make sales reps' lives easier.


话虽如此,许多组织仍在雇用销售支持代表 - 工人的责任仅围绕着公司销售业务的不那么迷人,更卑鄙的元素。



销售支持通常负责产品培训 - 通常用于单个代表。听起来可能很明显,但是您希望您的销售代表尽可能地了解和准备。如果代表不知道他们在说什么,世界上最有效的销售过程将无法正常工作。

Selling a product without extensive knowledge about it puts you at a substantial disadvantage. What if the prospect has product-specific questions? What if they want to know the ins and outs of how you stack up to your competitors? How can you expect them to trust you ifyoudon't even trust your product enough to take time to understand it, yourself?

Product training can come from a variety of sales support parties and formats. In some cases, it might be conducted by product experts through personal meetings with reps.

它可能是通过培训课程 - 实际上或亲自进行。有时,在这种情况下,“销售支持”就像为销售代表提供手册和其他技术文档一样简单。





3. Lead Generation



When it comes down to it, a sales rep's job is to make the most of the leads they're given, so it shouldn't be on them to find those leads, to begin with. Their time is better spent translating prospect interest to business, your sales support infrastructure needs to make that as easy as possible for them — taking care of lead generation is a key part of that process.

4. Market Communication

Some sales support functions extend beyond the conventional reach of your average sales organization to other departments, including marketing. Active market communications — how your company reaches and interacts with the market around it — is often a key aspect of sales support.

Tasks like advertising, distributing press releases, coordinating email campaigns, or any other marketing-oriented action aimed at improving your brand image and spreading the word about your product or service can qualify as sales support.

A sales rep's job is considerably easier when they're speaking on behalf of a reputable business that prospects have some understanding of. That's why active market communication and letting the world know about your business is a crucial sales support function.

No matter the size, nature, or structure of your sales organization you absolutely should be (and probably are) leveraging some sort of sales support infrastructure. One way or another, you need to trim as much fat as possible from your sales reps' efforts — building out and refining how you approach sales support is the best way to get there.




Inbound Sales (Marketing)