Think your email skills are strong? Think again. As it turns out, we all overestimate our ability to communicate effectively over email.

In一项研究发表在人格与社会心理学杂志, email writers thought readers would correctly identify the tone of their emails about 78% of the time. In reality? Only 56% of emails were interpreted accurately.


这意味着,当您将电子邮件发送给客户时,there's a pretty good chance they won't fully grasp your intended meaning.


The following commonly used phrases are unnecessary, cliché, and easy to misinterpret. Eliminate them from your email repertoire to take your customer communication skills to the next level.


You might say this when you want to sound polite and considerate of your customer's busy schedule, but opening an email with an apology immediately undermines your credibility.

Instead of apologizing, get straight to the point: Why are you really contacting your customer, and what do you need from them? They'll appreciate your candor.


This phrase has the not-so-honorable distinction of being one of有史以来最过度使用的公司短语,除非您实际上是在谈论降落直升机,否则无需在客户电子邮件中使用它。





This seemingly innocuous phrase can make it seem like you've been hiding your true opinions this whole time, which obviously isn't great for building trust. The customer is relying on you for your expertise, so they expect you to share your true opinions openly and honestly, not just in select situations.

Cut this phrase from your emails and instead focus on telling it like it is -- without any crutch phrases.




Use "I recommend ... " instead -- it will make sure your remarks are read as friendly advice. Offer alternatives, not ultimatums.


客户服务专家business writers同意:“没问题”可能是一个大问题。表面上的礼貌短语通常是对“谢谢”的膝盖反应,但它可以巧妙地与您的客户交流,每当您为他们做某事时,它实际上都可以a problem. "No problem" sounds like you're forgiving your customer for an offense, rather than accepting their thanks.

Are we overthinking this? Maybe. Should you still cut it from your emails? Definitely. It's easy enough to replace with a "You're welcome," or "Sure thing," rather than risk the miscommunication.

6. "I'll try ... "

In a world ruled by deadlines and calendar invites, "I'll try" sounds wishy-washy. If you respond to a customer's request with "I'll try to get that done by Wednesday," or "I'll try to solve that problem with the product team," you aren't exactly instilling confidence in your ability to advocate for them and their challenges.

When communicating over email without the aid of body language and tone, it's important to convey information in precise, detailed terms.即使您不确定何时或是否能够完成某件事,也可以为客户提供真正的截止日期 - 将其推出足够远的时间以给自己足够的时间。

7. "The problem is ... "

而不是解决问题,而是问题, try to explain it is a specific challenge with a known solution. The additional information will help assure the customer that you know exactly what's wrong, and more importantly, how to fix it.

"The problem is we're experiencing a system-wide outage," sounds alarming and vague, but "We're working on fixing an isolated outage that will have you back up-and-running by the end of the day" sounds like you have a handle on what's happening.


在您在电子邮件中写这篇文章之前,请停下来思考:您是否曾经参加过精确的situation before? No? Then don't write this phrase. It will only frustrate an already-frustrated customer.

"I understand how you feel" might seem like a thoughtful, well-intentioned thing to write to a customer experiencing obstacles using your product or service, but it can come across as distanced and condescending in an email.


9. "As I mentioned before ... "

虽然看起来你总是解释ining the same things over and over again to your customers, it's important to avoid this morale-killing phrase. The average personreceives 122 emails per day,所以如果他们occasionally skim through or miss some of your communications.

Instead of drawing attention to the fact that you're repeating yourself (as satisfying as that might seem) try to be considerate of the fact that -- like you -- your customer is busy, and sometimes details slip through the cracks. If a customer is consistently missing the point, it's probably time for a call.Not everything can be solved over email.

10. "Checking in"

Nothing brings a recipient more trepidation than seeing a "Checking in" subject line in their inbox. If you have something specific in mind you want to review with your customer, indicate that in the subject line so they're prepared to respond -- and not freaked out or confused.

Now that we've covered the phrases you should avoid, let's dive into the ones you should start using instead.

1. "Thanks for…"


Instead, try thanking customers rather than apologizing to them whenever a minor inconvenience occurs. Say phrases like, "Thanks for your patience." and, "Thank you for your understanding." These messages compliment the customer while still acknowledging the roadblock.



The phrase, "Please feel welcomed…" invites customers to reach out whenever they feel comfortable. This creates an open door where users can ask questions at any point in thecustomer's journey. Even if they don't have questions right away, this phrase lets them know they can touch base with you if they need to clarify details in your original message.

3. "I hope all is well."


If you jump straight into problem-solving, the customer may feel like they're just another case you need to work on. Checking in on their well-being before troubleshooting shows that you're emotionally intelligent and invested in their experience.

4. "I would appreciate your help."

Sometimes you're going to have to ask a customer for help, but this can be easier said than done depending on the favor you're asking from them.


5. "Looking forward to hearing from you."


6. "My apologies for…"

While you'll want to limit your apologies, there are going to be times where you make mistakes and need to take accountability for your actions. In these instances, you should use the phrase, "my apologies," instead of "I'm sorry," for two major reasons.


Second, "my apologies" appears more genuine to customers. Since "I'm sorry," is a casual phrase, customers may think you're just using it as an easy out. But, using the phrase, "my apologies for..." shows that you've put some thought into your response and are aware of the inconvenience you've caused.


In some cases, you'll need to apologize for something that you didn't directly cause. Maybe it was a faulty product or that the customer was given poor advice from a previous rep. Whichever the cause may be, it's important to know how to respond to roadblocks that you have no control over. This phrase shows that you understand how and why a problem happened, and what effect that issue had on your customer.

In customer service, most friction occurs when customers feel like the rep doesn't understand their problem. So, by demonstrating an in-depth understanding of the issue, it becomes much easier for reps to align with customers during the interaction. Customers will trust that you're working to resolve their issue because they know you fully comprehend the case.


When troubleshooting doesn't go as expected, you can use this phrase to provide additional information to your customers. Rather than saying there was an issue or a setback, having an update implies that you're continuing to make progress on their case.


9. "I'd be happy to…"


10. "…"

In my third year of college, my Translyvannian marketing professor gave me the best advice when writing emails. She told me that I should look for every opportunity to include the word "you." This would make whatever I was asking automatically more persuasive to the reader.


To learn more, read our list of客户服务教育津贴il templatesnext.





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