几乎与4 billion peopleworldwide currently connected to the internet, there has never been a better time for businesses to include blogging in their marketing strategy.


In this post, we’re going to highlight the many benefits of blogging for business and how you can get started with creating relevant content that drivesinboundlinks and traffic to your site.

Let’s get started.

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The Benefits of Blogging for Business

One question many people ask afterstarting a businessis whether blogging is worth it in 2021.

Short answer: Yes! And here the reasons why we say so.



Now think about the ways people find your website:

  • They could type your name right into their browser, but that's for an audience you already have. They know who you are, you're on their radar, and that doesn't help you get more traffic on top of what you're already getting.
  • 您可以通过购买电子邮件列表来支付流量(don't you dare!), blasting them, and hoping some people open and click through on the emails. But that's expensive and, you know,illegal
  • You could pay for traffic by placing tons ofpaid ads,这不是非法的,但仍然很昂贵。第二秒钟用完了钱,您的交通也停止了。

So, how can you attract new traffic or readers to your site? You can through写博客并优化您的网站search engines

Here's how it works.



Every time you create and publish a blog post, it's另一个索引页在你的网站上,这意味着更多的机会for you to show up on the search engine results page (SERP) and drive traffic to your website in organic search.

We'll get into more of the benefits of blogging on your SEO a bit later, but it's also one more cue to Google and other search engines that your website is active, and they should be checking in frequently to see what new content to surface.

2. You can repurpose blog content for social media.

为您的业务博客还可以帮助您通过社交媒体发现。每当您创建新文章时,您都可以创建人们可以share on social networks- Twitter,LinkedIn,Facebook,Pinterest-这有助于将您的业务暴露于可能尚不了解您的新受众。

博客内容also helps keep your social media presence going.

Instead of asking your social media manager always to create brand new content for social media (or creating that content yourself), your blog can serve as that repository of content.



3. It helps convert traffic into leads.

Now that you have some traffic coming to your site through your blog, you have an opportunity to convert that website traffic into leads.

Like every blog post you write is another indexed page, each post is a new opportunity to生成新的线索

The way this works is straightforward: Just add alead-generating call-to-actionto every blog post.

Often, these calls-to-action lead to things like free ebooks, whitepapers, fact sheets, webinars, trials, or basically, any content asset for which someone would be willing to exchange their information.

To be super clear for anyone unfamiliar with how traffic-to-lead conversions work, it's as simple as this:

  • 访客来网站
  • Visitor sees call-to-action for a free offer
  • 访问者点击通话行动,然后到达着陆页,该页面包含一个表格for them to fill in with their information
  • 访客填写表单,提交信息,nd receives the free offer

If you scroll down in this blog post, you'll see a call-to-action button.

In fact, 99.9% of the blog posts we publish havecall-to-action buttons, and yours should, too. That is how you turn your website traffic into leads for your sales team.

Inbound Marketing - Blogging Strategy笔记:Not all blog readers will become leads, and that's okay. No one converts 100% of the people who read their blog into leads. Just get blogging, put calls-to-action on every blog post, set a visitor-to-lead conversion rate benchmark for yourself, and strive to improve the benchmark each month.

4. It drives long-term results.

The best business blogs answer common questions their readers and customers have.

If you consistently create valuable content or articles for your target audience, it'll establish you as an industry leader or authority in their eyes.

Can you imagine the impact of sending an educational blog post you wrote to clear things up for a confused customer? Or how many more deals a salesperson could close if their leads discovered blog content written by their salesperson?

"Establishing authority" is not a vanity metric as concrete as traffic and leads, but it's pretty powerful stuff. You can use it to衡量销售支持

Because at the end of the day, that's what many of your blog posts are.

Think about it:

  • Suppose prospects find answers to their everyday questions via blog posts written by people at your company. In that case, they're much more likely to come into the sales funnel trusting what you have to say because you've helped them in the past — even before they were interested in purchasing anything from you.
  • Prospects that have been reading your blog posts will typically enter the sales funnel with more knowledge of your products and services, your place in the market, and your industry. That makes for a far more productive sales conversation than one held between two relative strangers.
  • 遇到需要深入解释或有记录答案的特定问题的销售人员可以从博客文章的档案中提取。这些文章不仅有助于与销售代表不得不从头开始创建资产更快地移动销售流程,而且它们将销售人员定位为对他们的前景的有用资源,从而有助于建立信任。


入站链接或反向链接200 factorsthe Google algorithm considers when ranking a site on its search engine result page.Many expertsand small business owners also believe backlinks to be the 3rd most crucial factor in search engine optimization.

Although generating inbound links is essential,41%SEO专家说,链接构建是搜索优化最具挑战性的部分。

When you create articles that are not only valuable to your potential customers but also to other companies that your audience sees as industry leaders, it’d be easier to gain relevant links.


Another benefit of backlinks is that they help you build yourdomain authority, which helps improve your overall discoverability in search engines.


It would be fantastic if you could take a trip to Hawaii, go to the gym, and sleep for as many hours as you want, and still be able to drive traffic to your site.

Good news, though! That's what blogging does — primarily through search engines.


Imagine you sit down for an hour on Sunday to write and publish a blog post. Let’s say that blog post gets you 100 views and ten leads on Monday. You get another 50 views and five leads on Tuesday as a few more people find it on social media, and some of your subscribers get caught up on their email and RSS. But after a couple of days, most of the fanfare from that post dies down, and you've netted 150 views and 15 leads.

It's not over.

Since that post is now ranking, it means that for days, weeks, months, and years to come, you can continue to get traffic from that blog post. So while it may feel like day one or bust, in reality, blogging acts more like this:

Contact generation HubSpot Blogging

所以当你打打盹报警,冲浪in Hawaii, and pumping iron, you're also driving traffic and leads. The effort you put in yesterday can turn into hundreds of thousands of views and leads in the future.

What’s more, you can monetize your blog content in many creative ways. Business models such as affiliate marketing mean you can generate an income from blogging on just about any topic — from makeup and beauty to camping and motorcycles.

各种各样的会员计划out there where you can generate an income from referring people to relevant products and services.

When it comes to blogging, most of your sales will likely come from your older articles.

More than half of the traffic generated each month on the Hubspot blog comes from posts published in previous months. They come from old posts.

在当前月份产生的潜在客户也是如此 - 我们每个月生成的潜在客户中约有90%来自前几个月发表的博客文章。有时几年前。

We call these types of blog posts "compounding" posts. Not every blog post will fit into this category, but the more evergreen blog posts you write, the more likely it is that you'll land on one of those compounding blog posts.

In our research, we've found that about1 in every ten blog posts end up being compounding blog posts

Compounding blog posts


While you might not see immediate results, over time, you'll be able to count on a predictable amount of traffic and leads for your business without any additional resource investment — the work to generate that traffic and those leads are already done.

如果您想了解有关博客长期影响的更多信息,以及如何从在有机搜索业务中排名的博客文章中获得更多好处,请查看本文,"The Blogging Tactic No One Is Talking About: Optimizing the Past."


Another benefit blogging affords every big, and small business is a medium to share their company news and stories.

Blogs can contain not only articles but also news that highlight what a company is up to.

Have you hired a new content marketing manager? Share it on your blog.

Interviewed online marketing and industry experts? Post it on your blog.

Have a brilliant case study that showcases how your products and services help customers? Tell your audience about it on your blog.

Are you hosting a local fair or trade show? Drum up attention for the even through your blog.



There are other reasons businesses might want to开始博客,但我认为它们较小,并且偏离了博客的核心好处。



How to Start Blogging for your Business

You’ve seen the benefits your business blog can get you — more traffic, leads, authority, and a better relationship with your audience. And you’re undoubtedly itching to get started.

But how?

Our guide onhow to start a successful bloghas everything you need.


blog post templates

Originally published May 25, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated July 28 2022

