A key part of销售和营销一致性两组之间正在建立牢固的沟通。在HubSpot,我们建造了Smarketing(我认为这是由Dan Tyre两年前)这是销售和营销之间的合作伙伴关系,它使用多种不同的技术raybet平台来更好地调整销售和营销。这种关系中最基本的部分之一是沟通。我们发现,在销售和营销之间进行牢固的沟通有助于使营销和销售更加有效。根据过去4年中我们的经验,以下是改善销售和营销之间交流的技巧列表。

所有这些销售和营销交流技巧只是建立更好的销售和营销一致性的一部分。实际上我们有一个free sales and marketing alignment webinar如果您想进一步了解我们如何在销售和营销之间建立合作伙伴关系。raybet平台

Access Now: Sales & Marketing SLA Template


尽管在初创企业中有一种越来越多的文化来消除会议,但我们发现销售和营销之间的频繁会议有助于保持沟通的开放。我们每周都会举行一次销售会议,其中包括整个销售和营销团队。我们审查了两个团队本周的活动,更新销售团队的营销活动,反之亦然。今天,这次会议主要是关于共享信息 - 与70多人共享,这不再是获得反馈或讨论某些东西的好方法 - 但是在Hubspot的早期,它更小,更非正式,我们将讨论并向两种方式提供反馈。。会议需要30-60分钟,销售和营销人员在场以及公司内的其他一些团体。raybet电子竞技

In addition to the weekly Smarketing meeting, a subset of each team (about 10 people total) meets monthly to review our results in depth and talk about future plans for improvement. This is where we have more of a discussion, and we hold each other accountable for our portion of the partnership. This meeting started later at HubSpot, once the weekly meeting got too big to use it for discussion.

On top of these two standing meetings, there are of course impromptu meetings on different topics, and because of the culture we have built, sales and marketing are usually both represented in those meetings together. So marketing won’t get together to talk about leads without getting input from sales and sales won’t start a new sales effort without including marketing. Sounds like Smarketing to me!


在其他公司,这两个团队之间的主要关系可能是副总裁营销与副总裁销售之间。这是个错误。马克·罗伯格(Mark Roberge)和我试图在团队的多个级别建立牢固的关系,以使两个团队更像一个团队。您希望销售经理与营销经理交谈,希望每个人都在营销与个人销售代表交谈。这个想法是,与其没有达到销售副总裁的每个问题,然后与副总裁营销进行对话,然后下坡,而是通过增强团队中的每个人并在各个层面建立关系来解决他们的来源的问题。团队。今天在HubSpot,Mark和我只需要参与少量问题。

3. Mix Marketing and Sales Desks Together

At most companies the majority of communication and relationship-building is informal, so it surprises me when the marketing and sales teams sit in different parts of the office. Some companies might put sales and marketing near each other, but it is still one big group of salespeople and one big group of marketers that happen to sit near each other.




We ask each sales person to rate their leads in our CRM system. We send out periodic surveys to the sales team to give feedback on leads and the sales tools marketing provides. We have 1-1 conversations with many sales reps to get their feedback on marketing in person. We ask sales managers to get 1-1 feedback from their teams and then provide that feedback to marketing.




Communication requires the two parties to use a similar language and vocabulary. One of the things that we did at a very early level (only a few employees in the company) was to decide what a “lead” was and what an “opportunity” was, wrote down those definitions, and then built them into our reports and culture. If you don’t have agreement on what a “lead” is, you will constantly have the problem of sales complaining that the leads are bad and marketing complaining that sales is lazy and not working the leads effectively.

我们对“潜在客户”和销售的定义营销过程随时间改变了很多,but at all times we had firm definitions and had a销售和营销SLAthat defined exactly what each group’s responsibilities and goals were. (In fact, there was one period of two months where one of our definitions got a little hazy, and those were some of the rockiest months in terms of communication between sales and marketing.)


Finally, all of this communication between sales and marketing is built off of the principle that data never lies. Salespeople are not allowed to say “the leads suck” without data showing that the conversion rate has dropped or a key demographic factor has waned recently. Marketing isn’t allowed to say “sales are lazy” without data to show that they are only following up on each lead only one time.

This does not mean that informal qualitative feedback is not useful in sales and marketing. But it does mean that if there is a way to use data to verify your feelings, you should use the data.

At all of our meetings, we use data to understand the current state of sales and marketing, we have daily reports that show exactly the progress of both sales and marketing each day, and we generally don’t answer questions with “it feels like”. Data is a wonderful tool to help remove the emotion from conversations, and to focus your teams on the real problems.



Originally published Sep 9, 2010 8:40:00 AM, updated January 22 2020

