虽然谷歌保持我们与所有的脚趾algorithm updatesthey keep rollin' out, one thing has stayed pretty consistent for inbound marketers looking to optimize their websites for search: keyword research.


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More and more, we hear how muchSEO发展了在过去的十年中,以及关键字本身的不重要词已经成为我们每天进行搜索的能力。

在某种程度上,这是真的。在SEO专业人士眼中,使用与人的搜索完全匹配的关键字不再是最重要的排名因素。相反,这是意图behind that keyword, and whether or not a piece of content solves for that intent (we'll talk more about intent in just a minute).


Keyword research tells you what topics people care about and, assuming you use the rightSEO tool,,,,how popular those topics actually are among your audience. The operative term here istopics- 通过研究每月进行大量搜索的关键字,您可以识别并将内容分类为要创建内容的主题。然后,您可以使用这些主题来决定您要寻找的关键字和目标。

Byresearching keywordsfor their popularity, search volume, and general intent, you can tackle the questions that the most people in your audience want answers to.

How to Research Keywords for Your SEO Strategy


Step 1: Make a list of important, relevant topics based on what you know about your business.


如果您是普通的博客作者,那么这些可能是您最频繁的主题。也许它们是销售对话最多的主题。把自己放在你的鞋子上买方角色-- what types of topics would your target audience search that you'd want your business to get found for? If you were a company like HubSpot, for example -- sellingmarketing software(碰巧有一些很棒的SEO工具...但是我离题),您可能有一般的主题存储桶,例如:

  • "inbound marketing" (21K)
  • "blogging" (19K)
  • “电子邮件营销”(30k)
  • "lead generation" (17K)
  • “ SEO”(214K)
  • "social media marketing" (71K)
  • "marketing analytics" (6.2K)
  • "marketing automation" (8.5K)

在每个关键字的右侧看到括号中的那些数字?那是他们的每月搜索量。这些数据使您可以衡量这些主题对受众的重要性,以及您可能需要创建内容的内容来成功使用该关键字的内容。要了解有关这些子主题的更多信息,我们进入步骤2 ...

Step 2: Fill in those topic buckets with keywords.

Now that you have a few topic buckets you want to focus on, it's time to identify some keywords that fall into those buckets. These are keyword phrases you think are important to rank for in the SERPs (search engine results pages) because your target customer is probably conducting searches for those specific terms.

例如,如果我为入站营销软件公司的“营销自动化”(Marketing Automation)拿了最后一个主题存储桶,我会集思广益一些关键字短语,我雷&raybet电子竞技#31454;技苹果下载官方版认为人们会与该主题相关。这些可能包括:

  • 营销自动化工具
  • how to use marketing automation software
  • 营销自动化是什么?
  • how to tell if I need marketing automation software
  • lead nurturing
  • 电子邮件营销自动化
  • top automation tools

And so on and so on. The point of this step isn't to come up with your final list of keyword phrases. You just want to end up with a brain dump of phrases you think potential customers might use to search for content related to that particular topic bucket. We'll narrow the lists down later in the process so you don't have something too unwieldy.

虽然越来越多关键字正在加密by Google every day, another smart way to come up with keyword ideas is to figure out which keywords your website is已经被发现。为此,您将需要网站分析软件,例如Google Analytics(分析)或HubSp雷竞技苹果下载官方版ot的消息来源报告,可在Traffic Analytics tool。Drill down into your website's traffic sources, and sift through your organic search traffic bucket to identify the keywords people are using to arrive at your site.



Like I said in the previous section,用户意图现在是您在Google等搜索引擎上排名良好的能力的最关键因素之一。今天,您的网页解决搜索者的问题更重要故意的to solve than simply carries the keyword the searcher used. So, how does this affect the keyword research you do?

It's easy to take keywords for face value, and unfortunately, keywords can have many different meanings beneath the surface. Because the intent behind a search is so important to your ranking potential, you need to be extra-careful how you interpret the keywords you target.



Step 4: Research related search terms.

This is a creative step you may have already thought of when doing keyword research. If not, it's a great way to fill out those lists.


在Google SERP底部的相关搜索,该搜索读为“与可爱小狗相关的搜索”以及关键字建议

Want a bonus? Type in some of those related search terms and look at他们的related search terms.

Step 5: Use keyword research tools to your advantage.

Keyword research and SEO tools such asahrefs,,,,Semrush, 和Ubersuggestcan help you come up with more keyword ideas based on exact match keywords and phrase match keywords based on the ideas you've generated up to this point. This exercise might give you alternatives that you might not have considered.

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Once you have an idea of the keywords that you want to rank for, now it's time to refine your list based on the best ones for your strategy. Here's how:

Step 1. Understand the three main factors for choosing good keywords.



Google ranks content for relevance. This is where the concept of search intent comes in. Your content will only rank for a keyword if it meets the searchers' needs. In addition, your content must be the best resource out there for the query. After all, why would Google rank your content higher if it provides less value than other content that exists on the web?


Google will provide more weight to sources it deems authoritative. That means you must do all you can to become an authoritative source by enriching your site with helpful, information content and promoting that content to earn social signals and backlinks. If you're not seen as authoritative in the space, or if a keyword's SERPs are loaded with heavy sources you can't compete with (like Forbes or The Mayo Clinic), you have a lower chance of ranking unless your content is exceptional.

3. Volume

You may end up ranking on the first page for a specific keyword, but if no one ever searches for it, it will not result in traffic to your site. Kind of like setting up shop in a ghost town.



If you don't know the difference between head terms and long-tail keywords, let me explain. Head terms are keywords phrases that are generally shorter and more generic -- they're typically just one to three words in length, depending on who you talk to.Long-tail keywords另一方面,通常包含三个或更多单词的较长的关键字短语。

It's important to check that you have a mix of head terms and long-tail terms because it'll give you a keyword strategy that's well balanced with long-term goals and short-term wins. That's because head terms are generally searched more frequently, making them often (not always, but often) much more competitive and harder to rank for than long-tail terms. Think about it: Without even looking up search volume or difficulty, which of the following terms do you think would be更难排名?

  1. 如何写一个伟大吗blog post
  2. 写博客



因为一个正在寻找东西的人specific is probably a much more qualified searcher for your product or service (presuming you're in the blogging space) than someone looking for something really generic. And because long-tail keywords tend to be more specific, it's usually easier to tell what people who search for those keywords are真的looking for. Someone searching for the head term "blogging," on the other hand, could be searching it for a whole host of reasons unrelated to your business.



Just because your competitor is doing something doesn’t mean you need to. The same goes for keywords. Just because a keyword is important to your competitor, doesn’t mean it's important to you. However, understanding what keywords your competitors are trying to rank foris一种帮助您提供关键字列表的好方法。

如果您的竞争对手也在列表中的某些关键字中排名,那么努力改善这些关键字肯定是有意义的。但是,不要忽略竞争对手似乎不在乎那些。这可能是一个很好的机会to own market share on important terms, too.

Understanding the balance of terms that might be a little more difficult due to competition, versus those terms that are a little more realistic, will help you maintain a similar balance that the mix of long-tail and head terms allows. Remember, the goal is to end up with a list of keywords that provide some quick wins but also helps you make progress toward bigger, more challenging SEO goals.


Step 4: Use Google's Keyword Planner to cut down your keyword list.

Now that you've got the right mix of keywords, it's time to narrow down your lists with some more quantitative data. You have a lot of tools at your disposal to do this, but let me share my favorite methodology.

I like to use a mix of theGoogle's Keyword Planner(you'll need to set up an Ads account for this, but you can turn your example ad off before you pay any money), andGoogle趋势

在关键字计划器中,您可以获得您正在考虑的关键字的搜索量和流量估算。然后,获取您从关键字计划者那里学习的信息并使用Google趋势to fill in some blanks.

Use the Keyword Planner to flag any terms on your list that have way too little (or way too much) search volume, and don't help you maintain a healthy mix like we talked about above. But before you delete anything, check out their trend history and projections in Google Trends. You can see whether, say, some low-volume terms might actually be something you should invest in now -- and reap the benefits for later.

或者,也许您只是在查看一份太笨拙的术语列表,并且您必须以某种方式缩小它的范围... Google趋势可以帮助您确定哪些术语在上升,因此值得您更多的重点。

Best Keywords for SEO

明白,没有“最好”的关键词,those that are highly searched by your audience. With this in mind, it's up to you to craft a strategy that will help you rank pages and drive traffic.

The best keywords for your SEO strategy will take into account relevance, authority, and volume. You want to find highly searched keywords that you can reasonably compete for based on:

  1. The level of competition you're up against.
  2. 您产生超过当前排名的内容的能力。

And ... You're done!


请确保每隔几个月重新评估这些关键字 - 一个季度是一个很好的基准,但是有些企业更喜欢这样做。随着您在SERP中获得更大的权威,您会发现,您可以在努力保持当前存在的过程中添加越来越多的关键字以应对,然后在新领域中生长。



Editor's note: This post was originally published in May 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Originally published Jan 20, 2021 2:30:00 PM, updated April 27 2021

