

The change came in the earlier part of what would be some of Facebook's most tumultuous years in its history.

Only a few months prior, the company admitted that it had been武器化外国行为者将误导与影响2016美国总统大选的希望。而且,3月份,通过选民分析公司的个人用户信息已经不当地收获并杠杆化Cambridge Analytica

Free Resource: How to Reach & Engage Your Audience on Facebook

到8月,新闻饲料算法的变化导致raybetapp商业页面的参与下降 - 在某些类别中,多达50%。

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但一年后,一项新的研究raybetapp新宇说,2019年订婚可能会大幅反弹 - 但具有特定类型和内容来源。

Here's a closer look at those numbers, and at the type of content that's shown the strongest performance in 2019 thus far.

A 54% Increase in Web Content Engagement

For part of this study, NewsWhip focused on engagement with Pages on Facebook to engagement with content shared on the social network.


在今年1月1日至3月10日之间,新西希发现了Web内容 - 也就是说,与Facebook的raybetapp本机或团体的某个地方出现的文章或内容的链接 - 在同样的情况下看到1.5x更多的参与2018年的时期。

完全参与1月1.  -  10月10日

Engagement with web content on Facebook saw an overall increase of 54%. Source:raybetapp新宇

该研究还指出,由于共享的大部分内容来自公共Facebook页面之外的其他来源,因此它可能表明新闻进料算法的变化具有其所需的效果。raybetapp这是 - 用户与朋友和家人共享的链接更多,而不是来自页面的内容。



raybetapp新宇also examined the performance of native Facebook Page content in the time since the News Feed algorithm change -- and while the study didn't indicate any specific metrics around an increase or decrease in engagement with this content, it did find that certain formats outperformed others.

当时它宣布新闻Feed算法craybetapphange, Facebook said that live videos received 6X the engagement as prerecorded ones, suggesting that Page administrators might be able to strengthen their rankings but publishing more of this type of content.

但是,新raybetapp宇宙发现,现场视频实际上包括最低百分比的顶级职位格式 - 具有主导10,000个帖子的照片。



照片占2019年近10,000个Facebook帖子的近一半 -native视频,不活着,尾随后面。




当它来到了平均数number of engagements per post content type, however, native video -- again, not live video -- outperformed photo posts, driving the highest average overall engagement in the period studied.



Shares and Comments


Average Shares by Post Type


然而,当它来到平均评论时,实时视频终于占据了列表 - 这可以通过经常在现场视频中心的故障,病毒性质,例如新闻,或其他专业,高度讨论的主题的突破,病毒性质来解释raybetapp像奖项所示的事件。




Interestingly, while photos were the dominant content category overall for the top 10,000 posts, they fell to the bottom of the list for average comments.


什么也在最后一个公制的最重要的 - 当时达到每个帖子的平均评论时,现场视频擅长其他内容格式 - 是潜在的会话性质驱动它。

如前所述,可以通过突破,病毒性质实况视频主题来解释平均评论范畴内的实时视频的高性能,这通常更有可能引发更多的谈话。这正是Facebook - 特别是,它的首席执行官Mark Zuckerberg - 已声称要为网络一贯。

当新闻饲料算法的变raybetapp化首次宣布于去年1月,Zuckerberg指出了在Facebook上进行更多“有意义的社交互动”。事实上,在同一帖子中,他指出了现场视频的倾向,鼓励这种对话 - 注意到“电视节目和运动队周围有许多紧凑的社区”,“我们看到了人们互动的方式比常规视频更多。“

Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 2.01.57 PM来源:Facebook

But in more recent public commentary, Zuckerberg has seemingly shifted his stance on what "meaningful interactions" on Facebook look like -- and suggested that it's more likely to come in the form of private messaging, and not in reactions to public posts.

这是Zuckerberg发表的最近注释的论点,其中他概述了这些有意义的对话的愿景,并强调隐私 - 预测“通信的未来”将越来越多地转向私人,加密服务在哪里人们可以自信他们对彼此的说法保持安全,“那里在Facebook的应用程序套件上进行了这种通信。



Should that approach begin to span across Facebook's entire portfolio of products -- including its own core app and Instagram, which it acquired in 2012 -- the way we measure content or social engagement will shift entirely.


Instead of reaching and engaging as many people as possible, it seems, the focus will shift to the idea of smaller communities and networks: a vision that was actually first speculated by来自Facebook的小组成员at SXSW 2018.

Despite one of the primary purpose behind the initial News Feed algorithm change being to prioritize content that would lead to the authentic engagement -- there were still likely to be users who felt uncomfortable with the idea of amplifying their voices in such a public venue, like a branded Facebook Page that can be viewed by nearly everyone.


小组成员在SXSW 2018讨论社交媒体

That introduced the the need for what Facebook Design Lead Tutti Taygerly at the time called "smaller, more intimate networks" -- perhaps the type envisioned by Zuckerberg in the messaging-centric future he's outlined.

“有时,它更容易在一个群体中分享更紧密的分享,”泰格利解释 - 补充说答案可能位于“更小,更亲密的社交网络”中。

So what will content engagement look like in that type of digital environment -- especially when it comes to that from businesses?

Whatever it is, the hope is that it will spark the aforementioned (and somewhat dwelled upon) meaningful interactions -- without creating an echo chamber.

The broad takeaway and theme of these findings and these future plans alike is conversation, says Taygerly -- "something that’s happening real-time, with a group of people."

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Free Resource: How to Reach & Engage Your Audience on Facebook

Originally published Mar 21, 2019 7:00:00 AM, updated March 24 2021