如果您将手工巧克力与长胡须,严肃的凝视和男性美学联系在一起,那么您并不孤单 - 尤其是如果您像Jean Thompson一样是2002年的巧克力行业的一员。

1991年,汤普森(Thompson)与微软(Microsoft)一起离开了职业生涯,成为了近十年的全职母亲。但是,对巧克力的投资,地震和终生的热情使她重新获得了劳动力,并担任首席执行官Seattle Chocolate


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"What's this housewife going to do to help the company?"

When asked what made her decide to return to work, Thompson said,"我经历了女性赋权运动以及从该运动中得到的选择。我是一个单身的工作人员,然后是一个全职的母亲,现在我是一个工作的妈妈。”她继续说,“这给了我很多关于当今女性可用的选择的看法。”

During her time as a stay-at-home mother of two, Thompson became an investor in Seattle Chocolate. Throughout their early years, they struggled, and the 2001 Seattle earthquake meant the factory had to be rebuilt from the bottom up.

"I went back to Seattle Chocolate because, at that point, I owned it and it was failing. I knew it had potential and I believed in the product. I started off working as a member of the Sales and Marketing team, but when the CEO quit six weeks into my tenure, I had to make a decision: hire a new CEO or step into the role myself. I chose the latter."


While this might seem daunting to some, Thompson remembers, "I approached every day one decision and one crisis at a time. That's how the first few years went."

地面学习worked well for Thompson. Once she had a few years of experience in the role, she also benefited from taking ad hoc collegiate courses on operations and financials. "The more I know, the better I can hold the experts who work for me accountable," she explains. Thompson has also lined up a few mentors, "Women who run large, successful companies who can help me during this growth phase."

While she's enjoyed many early successes, there were challenges as well. The biggest? A lack of faith. "I had 25 employees and heard comments like, ‘What's this housewife going to do to help the company?汤普森回忆说,“与其感到不知所措,这对我来说是火箭燃料。



Turning Chocolate into a Cure for Hunger

Part of refocusing Seattle Chocolate as a business was to define a strong mission -- and execute on it. "We knew we wanted to help the Seattle community but weren't sure how. We settled on hunger."


They partnered with local food banks in New York City, San Francisco, and Seattle, so all proceeds from the jcoco brand give people access to healthier food. To date, they've provided300万食品with an eye on an eventual 10 million.

Thompson even got the mayor to declare December first "Chocolate Gives Day." Now, every year, the proceeds from all chocolate purchased that day go to local food banks.



例如,该公司最近完成了raybet电子竞技重塑品牌。Historically, chocolate brands have tended towards earth tones and neutrals. Seattle Chocolate partnered with artists to create vibrant and completely unique packaging for each of their bars.



“我的鲜艳色彩,流行艺术和独特的女性品牌都很开心。当我与大型零售商遇到我们的巧克力时,他们非常有兴趣听到我必须说的话以及我为什么会卖出的话。巧克力市场is a big one, and I knew how to reach a huge audience segment within that market. It was important to communicate that women weren't just waiting for men to bring home chocolates for them."

该公司还raybet电子竞技发现了成功Bing广告。必应的目标受众非常符合西雅图Chocolate's audience, which allows them to reach just the right person with every dollar spent. In fact, Bing's ads have outperformed those on Google for each of the company's last two campaigns.




汤普森(Thompson)了解到在正确的时间向零售商出售的重要性 - 以及让高管们不支持她的公司愿景的高管。raybet电子竞技“他想快速成长,翻转西雅图巧克力。我不同意。”

The Secret Ingredient

So, what's really behind Seattle Chocolate's meteoric rise? Thompson's answer is quick: "Hiring the right people is so important. I like smart people. But it's more than that, you must have aligned values."

Thompson also touts the benefits of hiring millennials. "They are my rocket fuel. If they agree with your giving mission, your approach to philanthropy, and how you treat people, they'll love working for you."

She says, "Understanding the people component is the most important part of running a successful business. You can coach performance issues, but you can't coach a good attitude or negative energy."

当被问及她对其他企业家扮演类似角色的建议时,汤普森说:“相信您的直觉。我读了这本书'Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking' and it's all about trusting your gut -- do that and you'll always do the right thing. There's nothing wrong with ignoring the occasional spreadsheet and going with what you think and feel, instead."

I'd like to think she also meant to add, "并始终吃每天的巧克力。"




