While some might believe selling is in part a natural talent, companies still devote time and money to sales training. It’s up for debate whether the amount of training reps receive is enough, but still, it happens.



That said,pipeline management对于接受培训的销售经理特别重要的领域是一个特别重要的领域。为什么?因为它会影响底线。我公司在今年早些时候与销raybet电子竞技售管理协会进行的研究表明,培训销售经理在管道管理上的公司的收入增长比忽略的公司高9%。

There are two key components of pipeline management training: learning how to recognize what a healthy pipeline looks like, and how to conduct an effective pipeline management coaching session.

What a Healthy Pipeline Looks Like

We use three metrics toassess pipeline health:

  • Size -Most sales managers err on the side of “bigger is better,” but we have reason to believesmaller can actually be more productive。原因是较小的管道通常会淘汰不良的交易。将管道规模量身定制到个别销售人员而不是推出团队范围内的授权也很重要。
  • Content -A big pipeline isn’t worth much if the prospects in the funnel aren’t aligned with the company’s goals. What prospects is your company trying to target? What products or services is it trying to sell? If those opportunities aren’t in the pipeline today, they won’t be sold tomorrow.
  • Movement -密切关注前景的进步,并寻找粘点。如果您可以识别出故障点,它自然会导致教练对话。

Effective Pipeline Management教练

Now that you know how to assess a pipeline, you should sit down with each rep -- ideally 3-4 hours per month -- and talk through their funnels.

但这可能更重要的是说什么议程不应该include. Most of all, pipeline management meetings shouldn’t be the sales manager and rep scrubbing data for an hour. That’s just inspection for inspection’s sake.

Instead, pipeline management should be proactive and forward-looking. Managers should focus on just a few deals and dig into the particulars with the reps so they can have an impact on the outcome.

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Originally published Aug 26, 2014 6:00:00 AM, updated June 15 2021


Sales Pipeline Deal Pipeline