The conversation is flowing smoothly, and then -- it stops. You don't say anything. Your companion doesn't say anything. You clear your throat. They scratch their knee. Your smile is getting strained. They look at the clock.

You're smack dab in the middle of a very ... awkward ... silence.

This is bad news during a first date or a job interview. But in sales, awkward silences are actuallygood-- that is, if you know how to use them to your advantage. The golden rule of using silence as a sales weapon? Embrace it.

Consider that it only takes四秒钟让人们对沉默感到不舒服。So next time you're tempted to break the silence, remember it probably hasn't been very long, and keep mum.





如果您的闭幕式持续了沉默,则可以将其视为潜在客户对您的要约不满意的标志。但是还有另一个同样可能的解释 - 他们正在考虑这一点。如果您破坏了沉默,您可能会打断他们的思维过程 - 他们可能已经距离说三秒钟了。"Let's do it."



When checking in with a friend after they've endured a stressful event, you probably ask,“你感觉怎么样?”and then listen -- even if it takes them a while to answer.

你可能不会问,“你感觉好吗?难过?生气?强调?为什么?你还好吗?”And yet, this is often what sales reps sound like when they ask a discovery question.

Instead of posing a question and letting the prospect answer, salespeople get excited and try to fill in the blank for the buyer after the first sign of silence. But by letting silence persist -- no matter how uncomfortable -- reps demonstrate interest in the buyer's answer, instead of what they think the buyer's answer could or should be.



有关寂静如何成为您最大的谈判策略的主要例子,请查看this article from Steli Efti,Close.io的首席执行官。在这种情况下,Close.io是客户,EFTI面临着一笔巨款,以使其组织退出合同。他没有同意全额支付全额,而是简单地保持安静,让客户经理 - 感受到EFTI沉默的压力 - 全部协商费用。在电话结束时,EFTI保存了 $ 225,000。


4) Silence prompts buyers to reveal their true needs and concerns.

Some prospects don't have a problem explaining challenges at their companies or issues with a seller's offering. Others are more hesitant to give honest or negative feedback.


When a salesperson asks a question the buyer might not want to answer, silence coaxes them into sharing the truth while making it clear you're prepared to carefully concentrate on their answers.



If the magic of awkward silence works (and it usually does), the buyer will guide the conversation. By analyzing what the buyer brings up next, the seller can determine what part of the product or service the buyer is especially interested in or concerned about.

6) Silence pulls disengaged prospects back into the conversation.


Give your audience time to look up from whatever they're doing. Once your silence has accomplished its goal, touch base with your prospects and ask if you're still on the same page, or if there's anything you can do to make the conversation more meaningful for their business. The result is a more fruitful conversation for them, and a more engaged audience for you.


Since today's sales process is all about the prospect and their needs, it's important for them to understand key points about your product or service to ensure it's the right fit for them.

Author and public speaking expertAndrii Sedniev says在演讲中的关键要点之前和之后,都会强调重要的信息,引起观众的兴趣,并给您一点时间屏住呼吸。很容易在演示文稿中漫步到重要的观点,但要给他们空间,您会增加它们的影响。

不要害怕销售电话沉默 - 利用它来发挥自己的优势。有了一点练习,这种技术将成为扫描的本质。

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最初发布于2017年8月9日8:00:00 AM,2017年7月28日更新

