Your relationship with a prospect isn’t the sum of one conversation. It’s also not the sum of your emails. A strong prospect relationship is built from a series of meaningful touchpoints spread out over time.


但是,随着更多的接触点,倾向于将电子邮件对话替换为电话。电子邮件不会进一步与潜在客户的关系,因此将其保存以回答平凡的问题并分享合同。 立即下载:25个经过验证的销售电子邮件模板[免费访问]


The Worst Sales Questions to Ask Over Email

1. “您喜欢通过电话或电子邮件进行沟通吗?

One thing I hear a lot from reps is, “But my prospect prefers communicating over email,” or “They just won’t get back to me on the phone.” No kidding! Do you think prospects want to build a relationship that will make it harder for them to tell you no?


I’m not suggesting you get so specific that every third touchpoint is a phone call, but avoid getting over-excited when a prospect says, “When can we get a demo scheduled?”或者 ”I think we’re ready to sign. I just have one question。”

When salespeople hear these phrases, we want to move the deal forward immediately -- but doing so over email is ambiguous and can harm deals by not giving real interaction enough attention.

而不是回复,When would you like to schedule your demo?“拿起电话问,”我很高兴听到你准备一个演示!是什么you hope to learn from this meeting?” You’ll gain more context, be better able to prepare, and be able toschedule a meeting实时。努力工作,并通过电话获取潜在客户。

2.“”Can I give you a call?

Don’t ask for permission to call or meet with your prospect. Close for their cell phone or direct number as early as possible -- ideally before you schedule the first meeting or discovery call.


If you wait until after a meeting or demo to ask for their number, the success rates plummet to around 15% because they’ve already gotten what they need from you.

Still feeling weird about closing for a cell phone number? Think of it this way. If you call a Porsche dealer and ask to test drive their latest model, the salesperson will say, “Sure, I just need a phone number for you.” Of course you give to them. It’s an exchange of information. The Porsche dealer gives you a car to test drive, and you give them your phone number.

To break the ice, I offer my cell phone number first. For example, I’ll say, “伟大的。看来我们都将在星期二上午9:00设定。我的手机号码是123-456-7890,您的手机号码是什么?

You’re giving them your number in exchange for theirs. This conversation tactic also establishes you’re not afraid to ask for what you want -- an excellent way to position yourself to a prospect.


如果潜在客户重新安排,您就会知道他们再次重新安排了Skyerockets的机会。如果您的潜在客户发送了最后一刻的电子邮件,要求他们推出会议或审判,因为他们需要更多的时间,请立即拿起电话,说:We can absolutely reschedule. When’s your next availability?


4. “Who is the person you Cc’d on your last email?

如果我的专业电子邮件线程spect and they Cc someone new, I pick up the phone immediately. I need to find out who this person is and why they’re important to the conversation.


For example, let’s say a customer sends an email asking, “Is your solution compatible with Platform X?” If I’ve already spoken with them over the phone and this question won’t move the deal forward, I would send my answer over email.

But, if the prospect Cc’s someone else on this email, I’d give them a call. Instead of immediately asking who the Cc’d individual is, I’d ask the prospect to clarify part of their question. Then, I’d follow their answer with, “By the way, who is Caroline Gilbert? I noticed she was Cc’d on our last email。”

This gives you more context into the sale and avoids an awkward email thread where you either ignore the new person or ask who they are directly, which can be uncomfortable for all parties.

5. "What did you think of the meeting last week?

Don’t ask for feedback on your proposal or the meeting you facilitated last week. It’s a weak position. By asking for feedback, you give your prospect an invitation to think about what didn’t go well. Your prospect’s opinion shouldn’t impact your performance. Your performance should already be stellar.

When asking for feedback over email, you’re basically saying, “I’m chasing you to determine what you think of me.”如果您需要反馈,请立即要求。如果您有会议,请询问您的潜在客户如何看待在您下来的电话之前。这使您看起来充满热情和自信。但是,请确保您不会抽出时间离开会议本身。相反,在演讲后五分钟安排他们的反馈。

Similarly, if you’re seeking feedback on a proposal, ask your prospect for time to talk it through immediately after you send it.

6. “您什么时候希望我伸出援手再次开始?

如果客户说他们需要延迟 - 例如,他们将距离移出一个四分之一 - 不要问他们何时让您接触基地。这是有需要和被动的侵略性的。相反,简单地说:“Thanks for the update.


Use email sparingly -- and do this universally. Don’t shift your approach based on the prospect. Making exceptions like, “好吧,这个人更喜欢电子邮件,所以我这次会这样做,”仅使陷入电子邮件的习惯变得更加容易。


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最初发布于2019年8月18日10:03:00 PM,更新于2021年6月10日


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