为了做出明智的决定,公司需要准确且可访问的数据。“可访问”部分是关键:如果数据不集中,整个组织都可以使用,您将获得data silos。筒仓非常适合耕种……不过,对其他企业而言并不是那么多。

A big reason for data silos is a lack of automation — data needs to be moved manually from one source to a database, application to application, et cetera. This friction promotes a culture of siloed data, which limits a business’s ability to make data-driven decisions, which inhibits growth. Plus, given the sheer amount of raw data an enterprise company can generate, manual data sharing quickly becomes not just impractical, but impossible.


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A data warehouse is a business intelligence system that brings together large volumes of data from multiple sources into a centralized repository for more efficient organization, analysis, and reporting. Sources could include website data capturing tools, purchases and transactions, inventory tracking systems, an企业资源计划系统(ERP), and marketing and sales software.



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Data warehouses are not a new concept, but have grown more sophisticated with the rise of cloud technologies. From low-level to high-level, a data warehouse usually includes a database to hold the raw data, software to extract data from the database and prepare it, and tools for analysis,报告和数据可视化。数据仓库还可以应用高级AI和机器学习技术。

What are the benefits of a data warehouse?

The main purpose of a data warehouse is to aggregate a business’s data assets into a single source of truth for analysis and insights, instead of requiring analysts to track down data from dozens of siloed sources. Additional benefits include:

  • More actionable information:数据仓库不仅汇编了大量数据,而且还促进了分析和报告,以帮助最终用户识别大型图片趋势并做出扎根于数据的决策。
  • 改进数据的完整性:将所有数据放在一个地方都是一个良好的开始,但是如果您处理不准确的数据,这是不值得的。数据仓库可以标准化和清洁其数据,因此您可以确保处理可靠的信息。
  • 实时数据:数据仓库实时更新您的业务最准确的情况。
  • 改进performance:数据仓库旨在处理非常大的数据集,而没有滞后时间或对公司其余技术基础架构的影响。raybet电子竞技即使数据量扩展,数据仓库也可以非常快速地操纵数据。
  • AI:Data warehouses are capable of integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning with their datasets to uncover hidden patterns via数据挖掘。人工智能是主要的竞争优势,因为它在商业智能中变得更广泛地采用。


Data Warehouse vs. Database

It’s important to note that data warehouses are different from databases. While both store data, their purposes differ significantly.


数据仓库可能由许多数据库组成。数据仓库通过从多个来源收集数据并允许数据分析来超越简单的数据库。数据仓库不仅存储数据 - 它们将其汇总用于长期业务使用。


You may have also heard of “data lakes.” A data lake also stores raw data from different sources, but this data hasn’t been filtered or structured. When businesses keep a data lake, they usually intend to use this data later in a more structured manner.


Because data lakes include raw data, the data is simpler to use and easier to edit. In data warehouses, the data is more expensive to make changes to, but better for long-term decisions.


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Operational Data Store




现在你已经熟悉的基本面data warehouses, let's take a look at some common concepts used by most businesses.

3 Data Warehouse Concepts with Examples

Basic Data Warehouse

A basic data warehouse aims to minimize the total amount of data that is stored within the system. It does this by removing any redundancy within the information, making it clear and easy to look through.

As you can see in the example below, this concept centralizes information from a variety of sources. Employees then access data directly from the warehouse. This system is useful for SMB who want a simple approach to data storage.


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Data Warehouse With Staging Area

Some data warehouses clean and process data before moving it into storage. These systems have "staging areas" where information is reviewed, evaluated, then deleted or transferred into the warehouse. This ensures that only relevant and useful data are stored within the software.



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Data marts add another level of customization to your data warehouse. Once data is processed and evaluated, data marts streamline information to teams and employees who need it most. That makes your departments significantly more productive because customer data is being delivered directly to them.



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数据仓库是商业智能系统的主食,为扩展公司带来了许多好处。如果您的企业面临管理大量日期并在整个团队中分配的挑战 - 同时也努力利用这些数据来获得有意义的见解,那么数据仓库可能是您的最佳选择。

Editor's note: This post was originally published in August 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.



Originally published Jan 19, 2022 7:00:00 AM, updated January 19 2022