您可能已经听说过这个叫Google的小东西。你知道在哪35亿搜索for information are made per day?

但是Google不仅仅是搜索引擎。So much more.

In fact, there are numerous Google business tools in addition to its search engine that can be hugely valuable if you're a marketer.

Download Now: How to Use Google for Marketing [Free Guide]

So, we decided to round up a list of the most essential Google marketing tools at your disposal so you can be sure your business is taking full advantage of all Google has to offer.


1. Google My Business

Want to get yourself some在Google上免费广告?I kid you not -- it's a real thing.

All you have to do is claim yourGoogle My Businesslisting (formerly known as Google Places), and your business can get featured in the search results (as well as in Google Maps) for local searches like the one pictured below. Check it out -- all the businesses within the red call-out in the screenshot below are local Google My Business results for the search "mexican restaurant, boston."

Best of all, unlike Google AdWords (which we'll touch on later), none of those businesses paid for their positions in these local results.


If you haven't already claimed your Google My Business listing,请按照此博客文章的简单步骤进行列表和运行。请记住,当Google带您完成列表的设置时,您也会自动为您的业务创建一个Google+页面,这将使我们进入第二个Google Marketing Tool ...

2. Google+业务页面

With thedeath of Google Authorshipand the elimination of Google +1s from search results, the jury is out about the importance of maintaining an activeGoogle+ Business Pagethese days if you're not a local business. That said, given Google's massive empire, we think it behooves all businesses to play it safe and create a Google+ Page, even if you only update it every so often. To create a page,get started here

But if you're a local business, setting up and maintaining a Google+ Page goes hand in hand with your Google My Business listing (see above), making Google+ even more critical for you. And considering your Google My Business listing will include a link to your business' Google+ Page, it's important to take some extra time to make your page the best it can be.

Learn more about how to optimize your Google+ Page inthis free ebook, and you can在此处查看HubSpot自己的Google+页面

HubSpot's Google+ Business Page

最后,如果您的受众在Google+上处于活动状态,那么添加它可能很明智Google +1共享按钮to your website -- particularly to articles on your blog. Google uses social signals as a ranking factor, so making it easy for your website visitors to share your content on Google+ can help your content rank better in search. To learn how to create Google +1 buttons,查看这篇文章

HubSpot customers can easily add the Google +1 button to their blog within the集线器营销平台

3. Google Webmaster Tools

想更好地了解您的网站在Google眼中的健康状况吗?只是set up a Google Webmaster Tools account。Google Webmaster Tools will alert you to any red flags that could prevent your site from getting found in search results, and help you analyze your existing search traffic so you can understand how visitors are currently finding you.


4. Google Suite: Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms

Collaborating on a project with other marketers on your team? Google Suite is a collection of some great collaboration tools you can use in place of typical software on your desktop. Here they are:

Consider using them to share and collaborate on marketing data analyses, ebook or blog post drafts,营销或滑梯演示, or surveys and polls. Projects save automatically and can also be accessed across devices with a quick download of a mobile app.

抓住该免费指南to learn how Google Suite can benefit your marketing campaigns.


5. Google AdWords

If you want to give your organic efforts to rank in search a bit of a jumpstart, it might make sense to dabble inGoogle AdWords, Google's pay-per-click (PPC) product. If you have yet to try it, here's how it works:

You create ads that target specific keywords related to your business, and your ads appear above or to the right of organic search results on Google when people search for these keywords (see screenshot below). The cost your ads depend on the competitiveness of the keyword you're targeting, but you only pay if visitors actually click on your ad.

For more resources about how to do PPC effectively,在此处查看我们的PPC营销中心

Google AdWords search engine results by Boston Plumbers

请记住,AdWords可以迅速成为一种昂贵的营销工具,并且与有机搜索不同,它可以快速获胜,而不是长期,持久(和免费)的结果。也就是说,如果巧妙地使用,PPCcanhelp you plan your organic search strategy.

By testing different keyword variations using PPC, you can quickly figure out which keyword will send you quality traffic. You can then use this knowledge to target yourorganic search engine optimizationand content creation efforts. This leads us to tool number five ...

6. Google AdWords Keyword Planner

If you're looking to boost your organic SEO, you'll want to do somekeyword researchfirst and foremost. Keyword research helps you identify keywords to target as you're creating blog and website content, focusing your SEO and content creation efforts so you can get found by the right searchers.

Google AdWords关键字计划者, though a tool meant to help you plan your AdWords campaigns, can also help you search for new keyword ideas and suggestions to help you with your organic keyword research as well. Keep in mind youwill需要设置一个AdWords帐户以使用关键字计划器,但这并不意味着您实际上必须创建广告。


If you're a HubSpot customer, ourKeywords Apphas keyword research tools built right in. The app provides keyword suggestions based on relevancy, monthly search volume, and difficulty.

7. DoubleClick Search by Google

If Google AdWords helps you decide which keywords to target,DoubleClick Search是您搜索引擎营销(SEM)策略的另一半。

DoubleClick is a suite of products by Google to help advertisers make and measure their ads so that they target the right spaces online. Its Search tool's purpose is to "close the loop" on their marketing efforts between search and display, so that both advertising channels are complementing each other. The tool helps you understand which keywords to target given your audience, and how this market's search behavior is changing in real time.

8. Google Trends

In addition to the Google AdWords Keyword Planner,Google趋势可以成为帮助您做出更智能关键字选择的好工具。它使您能够评估某些术语的普及,将它们与其他关键字变化进行比较,分析它们的受欢迎程度如何随时间和不同的区域/语言而变化,并显示相关的关键字,这有助于获取新的关键字建议。

Trying to decide between two keyword variations for your latest blog post title? Do a quick comparison in Google Trends to see which one is getting searched more often:


Google趋势can also help you identify trending topics, news, and content, which may be helpful for spotting opportunities toraybetapp新闻杰克。。。but more on that in number 10.

9. Google Drive

Google DriveGoogle的免费在线存储服务是否允许用户在云中最多15 GB的免费存储,例如照片,文档,设计,视频等。Google Drive允许您与他人共享文件或文件夹,使协作变得容易,并减少过多的电子邮件附件的头痛。


10. Google Alerts

Google Alerts使您可以监视网络以提及特定关键字或短语。设置后,每当在线提及这些短语时,您将通过RSS收到电子邮件警报或结果。例如,您可以在有人提及您的公司,产品,高管或您的竞争对手时注册以获取通知。raybet电子竞技

This PR tool is a great way to stay on top of your business' online reputation and react to online mentions of your brand in a timely manner.


11. Google News

raybetapp新闻劫持, or capitalizing on the popularity of a news story to amplify your sales and marketing success, is a great way to piggyback off the success of a news story that is already getting traction. If you're interested in taking advantage of newsjacking in your marketing content strategy, useGoogle News搜索并确定与您的行业有关的新闻,具有良好的新闻劫持潜力raybetapp。

To learn more about newsjacking and how to integrate it into your content strategy, check out our "Complete Guide to Newsjacking。"

12. Google Voice

In an era when people use their phones to surf the web, it's only natural that we use the web to manage our phone conversations as well.谷歌语音, albeit only available in the U.S., allows you to do just that -- making it easy to manage multiple phone lines, create personalized voicemail messages depending on who's calling, and easily transcribe voicemail messages.

This also allows you to measure how useful a phone number is on your website. If you include this number on a Contact Us page, for instance, you can gain insight into the needs and behavior of users who visit your site.

To learn more about the various features available with Google Voice, check outGoogle's support documentation, and watch the video overview below.

13. Google Calendar

井井有条是成为一名富有成效的营销商的关键 - 尤其是如果您戴着多顶帽子。进入Google Calendar,一种组织一天,跟踪会议并与他人分享时间表的简便方法。如果您的业务使用,事情变得更加有效Google Apps for Work因此,您的同事可以自动使用Google日历预订会议室并查看同事的会议供应。

But when it comes to marketing, Google Calendar can also be a great tool for setting up an editorial calendar to organize your blog and other marketing content, which can be shared among content contributors both internally and externally.

有关设置自己的编辑日历的灵感,请查看我们的免费博客编辑日历模板as well asthis post for setting up your editorial calendar in Google Calendar

HubSpot客户可以轻松设置editorial calendar that's integrated with their blog以及HubSpot软件中的其他HubSpot营销平台应用程序。雷竞技苹果下载官方版


14. Google Analytics

How many of your website visitors are brand new versus returning? How long are people spending on your site? Does it have a highbounce rate

所有这些重要的分析问题都可以通过谷歌分析, Google's free website analytics product. Google Analytics can give you smarter insight into your website traffic and help you understand how people are finding and navigating your site.


That said, website analytics is definitely not a replacement for marketing analytics (here's the difference). You'll still need integratedmarketing analytics softwarelike HubSpot's to help you measure your entire marketing funnel and track your visitors all the way through to becoming leads and customers -- the metrics by which marketers are ultimately measured.

15. Google FeedBurner

Want to grow your reach? Then you should be allowing your visitors to subscribe to your website content, particularly your blog, using feeds. By setting up aGoogle FeedBurneraccount, your site visitors can subscribe to your content and receive regular updates via their web browsers, RSS readers, or email. And considering订户对商业博客的增长和覆盖范围至关重要, offering subscription options for your content isn't something you want to overlook.

HubSpot customers can get RSS feeds (as well as email subscription features)为他们的博客就在开箱即用。

16. YouTube

That's right!YouTubehas been a Google product since 2006, and considering事实YouTube's more than 1 billion users watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and generate billions of views every day, video marketers can't afford to ignore it as a powerful marketing tool.

So if you haven't already,create a YouTube channel for your business here。这n check out HubSpot's own YouTube channelhere

17. Google AdSense

If you do manage a YouTube channel, don't forget Google Adsense.

AdSense is the perfect tool for marketers who manage and create content for a growing internet property, but don't know how to make money off of it. If you apply to YouTube's Partner Program and host ads on your videos, you're actually required to have an AdSense account.

这tool connects your web property with a network of advertisers who are looking to host ads on channels that appeal to their audience. So, if you manage a blog, website, or video channel that matches the audience of an active advertiser, AdSense will place their ad on your property, bill the advertiser, and pay you for hosting it.


Learn how to Google Suite can make your next marketing campaign run more smoothly.

How to Run a Marketing Campaign with GSuite

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最初发布于2018年4月5日8:15:28 PM,2018年4月6日更新


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