
这个问题是,作为Hubspot招聘人员艾米丽·麦金太尔(Emily MacIntyre)puts it, "so boring."

但是,爱“ em or Hate” em,那些久经考验的面试问题甚至是经验丰富的面试官的候选人对话。



为了帮助您在下一次采访中保持干燥并组成,我们收集了许多流行的面试问题 - 策划了Glassdoor's listof the most popular interview questions in 2015 -- and supplied you with some guidance on how to nail the answers. No sweat. No tears. Minimal stumbling.

How to Answer 10 of the Most Common Interview Questions


候选人通常会在这个问题上挣扎,因为它迫使他们尴尬地脚步,自信与自信,自欺欺人和自我评估之间的界限。这就是为什么您有时会得到假性狂热的冲动的原因 - 格拉斯门(Glassdoor)的人们说,一个流行的人是整个“我是完美主义者”的常规。哦,你是你。


访调员在这里得到的是诚实的技能评估 - 就能力和差距而言。我停止在这个问题上被绊倒的方式是记住,角色中的技能不佳对公司和对我的不利一样。raybet电子竞技(如果您从未在招聘过程中滑过裂缝,最终扮演不适合的角色,请对此表示敬意。)


For example, if you're interviewing for an SEO position, a relevant strength to tout might be your analytical abilities. Start with that, and be prepared to explain some real-life scenarios in which you get to flex that muscle. For the same position, a perfectly reasonable weakness might be your writing. You could then go on to explain that while writing is part of your job, it takes you a while to get new pieces of content out the door. Glassdoor also recommends following up with how you're addressing that weakness -- so perhaps you could talk about how you're taking a class in business writing, or working with a colleague who's a skilled editor.

Again, you may find that there are gaps in the skill sets or qualities needed in the role -- but it's better you find out now than six months later when you're back on the job market. Plus, figuring out an honest answer to this question can actually help you be more successful in your next role.在一篇关于这个问题的帖子中,业务发展的HubSpot副总裁Arjun Moorthy指出,弱点并不是固有的负面。

"Knowing your weaknesses doesn't necessarily mean that you have to fix it yourself," he writes. "Often weaknesses are endemic to you and you're better off hiring around you to solve it."


"Knowing your strengths is the only way to find a career/job where you can be a star. We can't all be strong at everything."

2) Why are you interested in this role/company?

If you're focusing on candidate-centric things -- work-life balance, benefits, compensation, better commute -- you're thinking about this question wrong.

Glassdoor的建议?“对工作和公司进行研究,这样您就可以提供一些扎实的例子,说明您为什raybet电子竞技么对公司有利,以及如何可以将价值添加到他们。" Your interests should lie at the intersection of company needs, responsibilities of the role, and candidate competencies.

That being said, it's fine to show a little bit of your personal motivation. For example, if you're interviewing for a podcasting position, here's how you might break down the answer to this question:


Responsibilities of the Role:源talent, come up with episode topics, prep guests, and edit episodes.

Candidate Competencies:熟练于试镜,掌握行业的脉搏,面向截止日期,能够以想法出售人们。

Personal Motivation:I want to work with high profile people so I can learn from them and get some good connections.

所以,公司需要的交集,作用raybet电子竞技responsibilities, candidate competencies, and personal motivation? You might talk about how you've learned a lot over the years by interacting with, reading, or listening to the heavy-hitters in your industry, and you've seen firsthand the impact exposure to them can have on a company as well as an individual. Not only does an answer like that relate to the needs of the role and the company, but it ties in your abilities and shows that you're personally motivated by the mission.

3) Why do you want to leave your current role/company?

This is always a fun balancing act, particularly when you're running away from a job rather than to one. (Not the ideal situation to be in, but that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.)




4) Why was there a gap in your employment history?

Recruiters are more forgiving of employment gaps than you might think, particularly if you're working in marketing or tech. Often people leave jobs to pursue personal interests or take a professional risk that doesn't end up panning out -- and they're left without a job for a while.

I asked MacIntyre for her perspective on employment gaps just to make sure I wasn't being too lenient as a hiring manager. "There aren't too many red flags, unless they left a company suddenly without having a job lined up," she said. "I'm just listening for a good reason, whether it's downsizing, trouble finding the right role, or embarking on a career change."


I really hate this question, because it puts you in the position of explaining why you're a special flower when, frankly, there are other people out there that can do this job, too. There just are. But alas, people ask it anyway, so here's what I've learned about how to answer this question well.

首先,不要竖琴技能。他们认真考虑该职位的任何候选人都将具有类似的技能,因此这不是您可以提供的独特之处。人们倾向于差异更多的是他们的素质 - 持久,驱动,创造力等。

Then, try to align the qualities that make you stand out with the problem or difficulties inherent in the role. For example, if the role requires getting buy-in from a lot of different stakeholders in order to move work forward, that's a really tough thing to do. No matter how skilled you are at your discipline, inability to get over that hurdle will make you ineffective. So maybe you highlight that you're great at building relationships, and talk about how you've done that in the past. Or you could talk about your creative approach to problem solving, and how you've used that to get over people-related hurdles in the past.

这些都是您所独有的特质(是的,也许还有其他人),但是如果您有技能andthe qualities they need -- hey, you're sitting right in front of 'em, and the other person isn't. ;-)



因此,无论您如何看出这个问题,如果您听到的话,请记住招聘人员可能正在寻求了解是什么让您打勾。是什么激励了你。你热衷于什么。一些访调员愿意听到工作以外的成就,而另一些访调员则更感兴趣地听到与工作有关的事情 - 可以询问他们是否偏爱一个或另一个。但是,请准备好在每一侧的几个例子,以便您不会被隐喻的裤子放下。

If you're uncomfortable bragging, remember that this question is all about what you're proud of. They specifically asked to hear it! So don't worry about sounding like you're full of yourself, and tell a short but interesting story aboutwhat you did, and为什么对你很重要

"The best questions let the candidates shine," MacIntyre shared, "and that's why I love ones like this."

7) Tell me about a time you made a mistake.


还有一种方法可以回答这个问题,这不是一个巨大的失败,但也不是一个巨大的成功 - 这是一个错误,这在您的职业生涯中已经很远了,以至于今天毫无意义。例如,如果您在漏斗营销方面拥有九年的经验,并且您谈论的是您在2007年未能复制电子邮件的时间,那么您从技术上讲,您已经回答了这个问题,但并非令人满意。是的,您承认一个错误,但这与您今天的专业人员或您面试的角色无关。

Instead, think about a real mistake from the recent past -- the last year or two -- that has a clear takeaway you can share with the interviewer. Here's a hypothetical example that an interviewer would love to hear for, let's say, a Sr. Manager of PR:

"A few years ago I found myself in dire straits from a hiring standpoint. I misread some cues from someone on my team in terms of how engaged they were, and I ended up losing them to another team internally. It left us without a copywriter, and I ended up having to take on all of that extra workload while scrambling to backfill. In retrospect, I realize I should've been having more proactive conversations with that employee about her career growth. She loved the work she was doing as a writer, but just felt there wasn't enough progression for her on the team -- which I could've outlined for her had I been more communicative with her about it. I ended up finding someone great to backfill her, and I outlined a strong career path for her that we talk about on a quarterly basis."

8) How do you handle stress or pressure?


我的意思是,您要我说什么?我认为这就是为什么这个问题会大量赶上人们的原因 - 膝盖反应是,您被问到您的压力如何,而不是对此的反应。但这就是面试官所要做的:当压力大的情况出现时,您采取的行动。


By way of example, I know a lot of people I work with respond to stressful situations by taking a step back from the chaos and writing down a list of what needs to get accomplished to get their arms around the problem. They find breaking up a big, complex problem into its components makes it easy to start doing productive things to calm down.

Try to answer in terms of frameworks like that instead of cringing and saying "Oh, heh, I love stress, heh, bring it on!"

9) What would your direct reports/boss/colleagues say about you?

"This is one of those questions where they'll respond something like 'I'm not a micromanager,' or 'I lead by example,' so you have to take answers to this with a grain of salt," says MacIntyre.

But questions like this that lend themselves to trite or fluffy answers give you an opportunity to stand out. MacIntyre says if she does ask a question like this, she gets excited when she hears an individualized response -- something that tells her more about the candidate as a person. That could be anything from "I'm an unrelenting fan of Bruce Springsteen" -- something (presumably) unrelated to the work at hand -- to, "That I'm a sucker for beautiful design and I totally geek out doing it whenever it pops up in my role."


10) What questions do you have for me?

The biggest mistake you can make with this question is to have no questions. It indicates a lack of curiosity and research.

The second biggest mistake you can make is asking superficial questions. This also indicates a lack of research, but perhaps worse, it doesn't exactly make you sound smart.

What's an example of a stupid question? For starters, anything you can find out on your own through a bit of research. These include information like basic company history, product or service suites, key hires, or company performance -- provided the company releases information publicly.

Unless you're in the final stage of the interview, it's also smart to steer clear of questions that are related to HR -- things like time off, salary, or benefits packages. If you're still in the stages of exploring whether there's a mutual fit, jumping to this end stage may advance the interview process too fast, and it could turn out unfavorably for you as a result.

一些更好的问题要问那些built off of the conversation you've had with the interviewer. Dig deeper into something you talked about that lends itself to more nuanced discussion. For example, if you've been interviewing for a writing position and the interviewer briefly mentioned that writers on the team dabble in design, you might ask some follow up questions, such as:

  • “您提到作家涉足设计。他们在开始这里之前已经有能力设计了,还是在工作中学习?他们用什么资源来学习?”reybet雷竞技下载
  • "You mentioned writers dabble in design -- do they also dabble in other secondary skills, like coding?"
  • “您提到作家涉足设计。他们多久做一次自己的设计工作,而不是与内部设计团队,自由职业者或代理商合作?”

Another great topic for discussion is team structure, and how teams interact with one another. Getting context on how the team you're interviewing for is structured, and how they fit into to the larger organization, is not only a thoughtful question but also critical information for you to have. Without it, it'll be hard to know whether the position is right for you based on where you are in your career -- and where you want to be.



交货不佳可能是结结巴巴的问题,说分散了数量的“喜欢”和“ ums”,呼吸不足,说话尴尬的节奏,或者在您充分回答这个问题后很久才散发出来。这听起来像是陈词滥调的建议(也许是,但是我们在这里):The interviewer wants you to do well.They don't want to keep interviewing candidates, and they definitely don't want to be in a super awkward conversation for a half hour watching you squirm.

So, remember to:

  • Chill. Breathe.
  • 慢慢说话,这样您就不会言语或呼吸中间。执行此操作的一种方法是通过一个旧剧院技巧,您可以强迫自己说话little比您认为的慢一点。它可以帮助您说明,使您有时间更仔细地选择单词,并使听众更容易吸收您的意思。只是不要太慢,以至于他们认为自己处于时间扭曲之类的时间。
  • If you're unsure of how to answer a question out the gate, take a beat and think of how you really want to answer instead of starting a tangent just to fill the silence.
  • Look for facial and other physical cues that the interviewer is ready for you to wrap it up on a question.
  • Stop saying "like." And "um." Slowing down your cadence a touch will also help with this.

To reinforce the importance of remaining calm, cool, and collected in your delivery, I'll tell you an interviewing story my friend relayed to me about a really kind recruiter that helped her get her current job. In her first in-person interview, she was really nervous and apparently it showed in the first round of feedback.

The recruiter called her back and said, "When you come back tomorrow, drink a beer and just relax."


Everyone bombs some of their interviews. If you bomb the interview because of lack of preparedness, that's one thing. If you bomb it because it just wasn't a fit, try not to get down on yourself by remembering that it's not just thatweren't a fit. It's that you and the company weren't fitsfor each other。For example, if someone lobbed me one of those有意怪异的面试问题like "How many zeros can you fit in a Subaru?", I'd be both SOL in the job department and relieved because that's an insane question to ask someone.

You might also do well to remember that interviewing is kind of like dating. If it's been a while, you might really suck at it. But you'll get back in your groove the more you do it. So if you find yourself newly on the job market, try to stack your interviews in order of interest if possible -- scheduling the ones you have more interest in after you've had a few trial runs at less interesting roles.

如果您不能堆叠面试,请要求宽容的朋友或家人与您进行一些干燥的跑步。这会很尴尬,但是说出您可能会提出的常见问题的答案 - 大声说 - 在真正重要的时候,它更有可能以某种程度的口才提出来。

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The Next Five

Originally published Jan 27, 2016 7:00:00 AM, updated July 28 2017

