No matter what they say, peopledojudge emails by their subject lines.

In fact,47% of marketerssay they test different email subject lines to optimize their emails' performance. That's why it's so important to craft subject lines that are compelling enough to get people to click through.

While they may seem like a small part of your message, they're one of the very first impressions you have on your email recipients. And they're a marketer's ticket for standing out in a crowded inbox.

Do you want your email content opened, read, and clicked? It all starts with the subject line. Read on for some tried-and-true tips to help jazz up your subject lines and boost your emails' engagement.


Email Subject Line Best Practices


1. Urgency


2. Curiosity

有时,主题行的工作是因为他们能够发送信息:“您将从打开此电子邮件中受益”。但是其他时候,保持某种神秘感是很好的 - 尤其是如果它是接收者的自然好奇心和兴趣。因为他们需要打开电子邮件以获取更多信息,所以它们可能会导致更高的开放率。但是,请确保主题行虽然神秘,但仍与您的品牌保持一致。太晦涩了,最终可能被视为垃圾邮件。

3. Offers

Here's where that benefit of opening a given email comes in. At the end of the day, people love new things and experiences -- especially when they come free, or at least discounted. Open with that by including it in your subject line. Personally, I'm much more inclined to open my daily newsletters when there's an offer of or allusion "free stuff" directly mentioned in my inbox.

4. Personalization

No two email subscribers are exactly the same -- and, sometimes, that means the emails you send them shouldn't be, either. At this point in time, marketers have never had more ways to learn about their subscribers' preferences, jobs, or general (dis)likes. So when you send them content, on occasion, make it catered toward the individual.

5. Relevance and Timeliness

When we subscribe to an email list, much of the time, it's because we want to be kept informed, or at least learn more about a given topic (more on that later). Similar to piquing your audience's curiosity, crafting email subject lines that incorporate trending topics or timely headlines can help you establish your brand as an authority within your industry -- and can compel people to click to read.




At risk of sounding like a broken record, here's another place where curiosity comes into play. By front-loading your email subject line with a compelling allusion to a story that the message tells -- but can only be read if opened or clicked -- your audience is like to become intrigued, and want to learn more. Again, make sure the story is relevant to your brand. Otherwise, it might just confuse your readers and prevent them from opening the email.

1. Keep it short and sweet.

电子邮件主题线将被切断,如果它们太长,尤其是在移动设备上。最多77% of email openstaking place on mobile, we recommend using subject lines with fewer than 50 characters to make sure the people scanning your emails read the entire subject line.

If you're struggling to keep your subject lines short, think about which words matter less and where you can remove a frivolous detail. For example, if you're sending an order confirmation, doesn't “Your order is being processed” look better than “Order #9435893458358 is being processed"?

Same goes for your regular emails: Don't waste your time including the word "update" or "newsletter" in the subject line. Some studies even suggest these words can decrease the message's open rate since it tells readers the email is associated with a series, and therefore they can catch the next one.

2. Use a familiar sender name.

That name recognition we mentioned earlier doesn't just apply to the famous -- it applies to the familiar. When setting your sender name, be as human as you can. is both inviting and unintimidating to people when they open their inboxes.

如果你已经遇到了从previ接受者ous conversation, use your own name as the sender's address -- even if the email is technically coming from the company as a whole. The best impression you can make on your customers is that they're working with you, the individual -- not the entire business.

“如果'来自'名称听起来不像是您想听到的人,那主题行是什么都没关系。”Copy Hacker'sJoanna Wiebe. Ultimately, people are busy, and they simply don't bother with you if you don't sound like someone who would make for an easy (or at least friendly) conversation.

3. Avoid the 'no-reply' sender name.

Thanks to the amount of spam email people get these days, most people hesitate to open email from unfamiliar senders. And even fewer people like talking to a robot. Think about when you call a company and can't get a hold of an actual person. It's frustrating, right? This goes for email, as well.

Never use "" I repeat:Never使用此电子邮件地址。它不仅使它看起来不那么风度,而且还阻止人们将您的电子邮件添加到他们的地址簿中。

取而代之的是,避免使用通用的电子邮件地址,并从真实的人发送电子邮件。例如,we once found that从“ Hubspot Maggie Georgieva”发送的电子邮件在打开方面表现更好比电子邮件发送从“中心点击率pot." (HubSpot客户:Learn how to personalize the "From" name and email address这里



品牌如何将此信息贴在主题行中的一个示例是狗步行公司WAG!raybet电子竞技用狗的名字做。这是HubSpot的一封电子邮件Amanda Zantal-Wiener已收到:

通过wag raybetappdog-walking服务的电子邮件通讯,带有主题行的宠物名称

That's great personalizationgreat timing.

另一种有效的个性化策略是为收件人的位置量身定制主题行 - 诸如他们各自的城市最佳户外酒吧和餐馆的清单。

只是不要对这里的个性化过分。那可能有点令人毛骨悚然。但 little personalized在这里和那里的触摸表明,您对收件人的了解更多,而不仅仅是他们的电子邮件地址。但是,如果您不能(或不想)在主题行中使用个性化令牌,请使用“您”或“您的”,因此听起来仍然像您直接解决它们。


While email blasts that go out to your entire list might be relevant and helpful to some people, it won't be to others -- and could cause confusion or frustration. Why is this restaurant sending me a list of the best local steakhouses when I'm a vegetarian? Why is this company sending me case studies when I just signed up for its email list yesterday?

Personalize the experience using information from the actions your customers have already taken -- from which forms they've filled out, to which industries they're in, to what their personal preferences are. Inemail marketing,您可以使用称为列表细分的小东西来个性化收件人的经验。

您如何细分列表取决于您的业务和目标,但是您可以read this blog post for 27 ideas for how to slice and dice your email lists为了更好的细分。

6. Don't make false promises.

Your email subject line is making a promise to your reader about what you will deliver in your message. Make sure that you make good on that commitment -- and do不是尝试通过做出虚假承诺来打开电子邮件。这会让您的受众蒙不好,他们将学会不信任您的主题行,从而降低开放率和较高的退订率。


Speaking of making promises, if your visitor has downloaded an offer and you're delivering it via email, it's a great idea to use a subject line that says something like, “Your new ebook inside!” or, “Your guide awaits!” This works better than a simple “thank you” in the subject line because it makes it clear that something is waiting inside the email.

8。 Timeit right.

right时间rightsubject line can make a huge difference in open and clickthrough rate. A prime example? When food publicationEatersends at 6:45 P.M. on a Wednesday evening that said, "Where to Drink Beer Right Now" -- just in time for happy hour. Nailed it.

Another favorite example of mine is a classic email from Warby Parker with the subject line, "Uh-oh, your prescription is expiring." It was sent two weeks before the recipient needed to renew his prescription. By sending an email at the right time, Warby Parker increased the chances of their email getting opened -- and included a relevant call-to-action about getting a glasses upgrade, too.


Keep in mind that people scan their inboxes very quickly -- so the more clear and concise your subject line is, the better. It's usually a lot better to be concise than it is to use complex and flowery language -- unless you're going for an elusive subject tone to entice your recipients.

When you're going for a concise subject line, think first about how your email will benefit your recipients. You'll want to make that benefit very clear. For example, "Increase your open rates by 50% today” is more appealing than "How to increase open rates."


Subject lines are similar to calls-to-action, in that you want the language to inspire people to click. Subject lines that begin with action verbs tend to be a lot more enticing, and your emails could be drastically more clickable by adding a vibrant verb at the beginning.

可操作的主题行将激发人们通过灌输紧迫性和兴奋来点击您的电子邮件。例如,在邀请人们参加曲棍球传奇晚宴的电子邮件中,电子邮件主题行可能会读到“用棕熊传奇人物鲍比·奥尔(Bobby Orr)用餐”,而不是更通用(且较不可能的)“当地的波士顿体育传奇餐。”电子邮件使用“用餐”来帮助读者在餐桌上设想自己。

11. Make people feel special.

The psychology of exclusivity is a powerful thing. When people feel like they're on the inside, it gives them a sense of belonging that could build loyalty and compel them to convert better on your emails.

The right phrasing can make your recipients feel special -- and the effect can be magical. A few ideas for phrasing include:

  • "For our beloved customers only"
  • “为您提供独家报价”
  • "My gift to you"
  • “你被邀请了!”
  • "Private invite"

12. Create a sense of importance.




13. Use numbers.

A lot of businesses send emails with vague statements in their subject lines -- which is why using data and numbers is a great way to get your emails noticed, demonstrate a clear and straightforward message about your offer, and set the right expectations.

Just like with blog titles, using numbers in your subject line is an effective email marketing best practice. You might use numbers to refer to the title of your listicle, the page length of the offer you're sending, a specific discount, or the numerical benefit of a particular resource you're providing -- like "Join more than 750 others at this event!"


Asking a question in your subject line can also draw readers in -- especially if you're asking a question you know is relevant to your recipients' buyer persona. This is just one way to pique that curiosity we mentioned earlier. For example, you might try the following: “Are you making these SEO mistakes?” or “Do you know what your website is doing wrong?"


另一个示例来自DocuSign。他们在主题培养过程中发了一封电子邮件,主题行:“您的客户在说什么?”电子邮件的主体包含一堆案例研究that were meant to help the recipient move closer to actually purchasing DocuSign. This was a smart move: Folks who are further down the funnel are likely more receptive to hearing customer testimonials.


大多数人都喜欢一个好双关语。这是一种让收件人和给您的电子邮件增添趣味的好方法。一些最好的副电子邮件主题线来自JetBlue,主题行类似于“ Land Wander--

Some of the best punny email subject lines come from JetBlue, with subject lines like, "Land wander- fullow fares now!"

Quirky - 一个社区主导的发明平台 - 措辞措辞,措辞之一:“ Abra-Cord-Abra!是的,我们说了。”第二部分是对话和自我指出的 - 这是大多数人在现实生活中开玩笑后会说的话。

If you're the least bit punny, think about small ways you can slip them into your emails when it's appropriate. Just don't overdo it. And remember the rule: When in doubt, ask a coworker.


A subject line that says, “OPEN NOW AND RECEIVE A FREE TRIAL” or, "50% off coupon today only!!!!!!!!" isn't going to get your email opened. In fact, it'll probably get your email ignored.

为什么?人们不喜欢大喊大叫,并且使用所有帽子和/或许多感叹号确实可以以错误的方式摩擦人们。实际上,根据Radicati组的一项研究,85% of respondents prefer an all-lowercase subject line所有帽子。


17. Don't include a question and exclamation in the same subject line.

这是一个主题行,可以自动在收件人的垃圾邮件文件夹中结束:"Want a solution fast? Act now!"

The fast solution isn't the problem the example above. It's also not “act now” — although those are known email marketing spam words. It's both phrases together. This is a classic email saboteur, and it comes in many forms. All you need is to ask and yell at the same time.

ThePLING_QUERY rule是Apache Web服务器的指令,该指令将电子邮件标记为垃圾邮件,如果它在主题行中包含问号和感叹号。上面的示例是一个常见的示例。一个好的解决方案?不要那样做!


18. Use engaging preview text.

尽管从技术上讲,预览文本不是主题行的一部分,但它确实出现在主题行附近 - 当然值得您注意。

Preview text provides recipients with a peek at the content inside your email, which email clients like the iPhone Mail app, Gmail, and Outlook will display alongside the subject line. (The exact amount of text shown depends on the email client and user settings.)


当您不自己设置预览文本时,电子邮件客户端将自动从电子邮件的正文中提取。根据您的电子邮件内容,这看起来可能很混乱,这也是吸引观众的浪费机会。(HubSpot客户:Click hereto learn how to set the preview text of your emails.)

19. A/B test your subject lines.

Although these tips and best practices are a great place to start, what works best for some companies may not work as well for others. It's all about figuring out what works best for your specific audience. That's where A/B testing comes in.

While it can be tempting to use your intuition to predict what subject line language will make people click on your emails, you should always A/B test your highest-stakes subject lines, and tweak the wording according to your results. What works best for your audience: Long or short subject lines? Including numbers or not including numbers? Questions or statements?

阅读此博客文章以获取A/B测试清单you can bookmark the next time you want to run one on your emails. (HubSpot customers: Learn how to A/B test emails in HubSpot这里

Examples of Catchy Email Subject Lines

To give you some added inspiration, here's a quick list of some of the most intriguing subject lines we've seen recently.

  • "Claim your UNLIMITED free photo book + pages and more" - Shutterfly
  • "Trip or treat! Up to $300 off ends tomorrow" - EF Tours
  • “慷慨的PTO和夏季星期五” - MediaBistro
  • 主题:“外面很可怕。”预览文本:“这是5美元留在里面” - 德利兹利
  • "Smoldering red lipstick" - Chanel
  • "Corelle. (Enough said.)" - Wayfair
  • “你知道这有多重要吗?”- Allstate
  • “使您的第二天晚上振奋。流行的派对礼服现已开始销售。”- 希望

At the end of the day, if your emails aren't getting opened, they're not getting seen. You have great content to share -- now, you have to prove it in your subject line.

Editor's Note: This blog post was originally published in July 2018 but was updated in November of 2019 for comprehensiveness.


email subject line best practices

Originally published Nov 3, 2019 7:19:00 PM, updated November 04 2019


Email Subject Lines