
无论好坏,我们一直在寻找新的方法来做更多的事情,并更快地做到这一点。我们可以淘汰当天的待办事项清单during our commute?什么music should we listen to at work to make us work smarter?什么我们应该吃食物以刺激大脑活动

虽然说您可以提高生产力似乎很牵强in your sleep, 听我说 ...



没有什么能像晚上睡觉那样杀死生产力。根据职业与环境医学杂志,与睡眠有关的生产率降低的费用为每位失眠的每名员工3,156美元,而睡眠问题不那么严重的人平均约为2,500美元。Here are a few ways to increase the quality of your sleep.


根据国家睡眠基金会的说法,在早晨或下午锻炼可以帮助您在那天晚上更快入睡 - 然后在入睡后就更深入地入睡。定期有氧运动has been proven改善睡眠质量,并导致白天抑郁症状更少,更大的活力和减少性。



一些研究表明that food is processed differently at different times of day. Avoid eating a big meal within two to three hours of bedtime, otherwise your body will be busy trying to process those calories rather than resting.

不过,抱怨的肚子也不会帮助您入睡 - 因此,如果您饿了,请不要剥夺自己。请记住,有些食物比其他食物更有利于洋甘菊茶,温暖的牛奶和火鸡更好的夜晚睡眠。其他鲜为人知的食物可以帮助您入睡,还有西兰花,香蕉,猕猴桃,酸樱桃和大比目鱼according to SLeep专家Michael Breus博士


3) Set an alarm for a time that's a multiple of 90 minutes in the future.

We all have circadian biological rhythms (a.k.a. "body clocks") that regulate the timing of periods of sleepiness and wakefulness throughout the day -- and also periods of deep and light sleep throughout the night. Every 90 minutes that you're asleep, you go through two periods of REM sleep, separated by one period of non-REM sleep.



In other words, someone who only sleeps for four 90-minute cycles (six hours total) will actually feel更多的休息比睡八个小时的人休息。((Learn more about sleep cycles in this blog post

4) Develop a regular sleeping pattern.

If you go to bed at about the same time each night and keep your alarm set for about the same time each morning, you'll find it easier both to fall asleep and wake up.

“同时上床睡觉,每天晚上睡前进行相同的活动,”海蒂·康诺利博士说, the chief of pediatric sleep medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center. "Your body is getting a cue that it's time to fall asleep."

5) Don't check your phone before going to sleep.

这是我们大多数人的罪名:在撞上干草之前,请检查我们的手机(或平板电脑或计算机)。但研究表明that people who stare at a backlit screen right before bed report lower-quality sleep -- even when they get just as much sleep as someone who didn't look at their electronics before bed.

为什么?因为光线的存在和不存在告诉我们的大脑,他们是否应该释放使您疲倦的睡眠激素褪黑激素,根据国家睡眠基金会的说法。我们电子设备上屏幕发出的LED照明类似于日光,这可能会欺骗我们的大脑 - 使我们呆更长的时间并破坏我们的睡眠方式。



对于我们大多数人来说,入睡容易做起来容易做起来难。即使您锻炼身体,吃正确的食物,然后在睡前放下电子产品,您可能仍然会发现自己在努力漂流 - 知道会议记录在滴答作响,而早晨您可能会精疲力尽一个好感觉。

通过可视化技术,帮助更快入睡的一种方法是。利用您的想象力构成故事或描绘某些情况。例如,我有时会选择一种类型的糖果 - 例如里斯的花生酱杯 - 然后可视化一些关于它们如何制作的精致,虚构的故事。这是Lifehacker的另一项可视化练习, which explores using "Blue Energy."

“大脑并不总是知道假装和真实之间的区别,”博士Kathy Doner告诉Health.com。“如果你看一部恐怖的电影,你的肾上腺素可能会上升,就像你想象的那样生动地吃东西一样,你可能会开始垂涎三尺。”


The number of hours you need to sleep each night varies from person to person. Why?它与您的“计时型”有关-- your natural tendency to be sleepier and more awake at certain times of day. It also affects when and for how long you need to sleep.



By sleeping better and in ways that make sense for our bodies, we'll be more productive throughout the rest of the day.


For a lot of us, mornings are a manic rush of hitting snooze as long as we can afford to, followed by running around and getting out the door as quickly as humanly possible. But it doesn't have to be that way. Mornings are totally underutilized times to get in the right mindset for the day and cross a few things off your list, undistracted, which will set you up for success during the remainder of the day. Here are some ideas for making your morning routine more productive.

8) Avoid the earth-shattering buzzer alarm.


我最喜欢的警报声音的想法comes from Lifehacker:



I love这引用了缓冲区: "The creative mind is an early riser ... and the editing mind sleeps in."

大脑的研究表明that we are most prone to creative thinking right when we wake up. Why? Because our prefrontal cortex is most active just after waking up, while the more analytical parts of the brain (our "editing mind") become more and more active as the day goes on.




上床睡觉前关闭电子设备,这样您就不会盯着黑暗中的光线告诉您的大脑准备睡觉。同样,醒来有助于唤醒您的大脑。同样,我们所有人都有自己的昼夜节律 - 这些节奏受光的存在和不存在的深刻影响。

Let in light in the morning by leaving your curtains or blinds open when you go to sleep. If that isn't an option, try an artificial sun lamp,like this one from Philips。其中一些连接到闹钟,这些闹钟在您接近唤醒时间时会逐渐变得更轻,更轻,从而使闹钟最终响起时昏昏欲睡。




什么ever you choose to do, repeating the ritual will make it a habit, and the brain loves habits. The more often you "do" a habit, the more your brain will get used to doing it -- and the less effort and energy it'll take for you to do it in the future.

According to Tony Schwartz, President and CEO of The Energy Project, the best way to get things done "is to make them more automatic so they require less energy." He advises his clients to develop rituals; highly specific behaviors done at precise times that, over time, become so automatic that they require no conscious will or discipline. (Read this blog post to learn more about developing productivity rituals


我们了解一些工作需要您在早上检查电子邮件,但是您应该避免将其作为醒来时要做的第一件事之一 - 尤其是如果您在一天的剩余时间内。

取而代之的是,将醒来的第一部分花在做一些不涉及电子邮件的事情,例如洗个澡,喝咖啡或从事创意项目。正如理查德·怀特(Richard Whately)所说的, "Lose an hour in the morning, and you will be all day hunting for it.”

13) Eat a nutritious breakfast.


Take time in the morning to eat a healthy breakfast. Foods that boost productivity include eggs, bananas, yogurt, and blueberries. Check out the graphic below for some of the science behind why these foods are good for productivity, andclick here to see the full infographic on the perfect diet for productivity


还有什么其他productivity hacks for sleeping and waking up can you add to the list? Share with us in the comments.


最初发布于2015年10月30日7:00:00 AM,更新于2021年4月22日


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