


“Reps do their best when you give them a quota and don’t let them think.”

These statements, well-echoed in the sales world, do a disservice to both sales reps and the sales leaders who manage them. If you are leading a team where reps are handed a quota, told to pound the phones, and merely incentivized by cash prizes, you're probably leaving a great deal of rep potential (and some cold hard cash) on the table every month.




We mean everything - CRM data, call data, email data, pipeline data, bookings, and revenue data. Let reps know how they compare against their own goals, and against their peers. Let them know what they are forecasted to close this month.


还要寻找在内部发布目标和指标的方法,以保持代表的动机。在洞察力,例如,我们使用自己的ESPNFree Sales Leaderboard Appto promote competition and reward reps by the numbers, as one example.


就像你give reps the freedom to explore the data and come to conclusions on their own, you should hold yourself to these same standards. In fact, Mark Roberge recently gave an entire Dreamforce presentation on this concept ofmetrics-driven coaching

If you aren’t already, establish weekly one-on-one meetings with the reps you coach, and use performance metrics -- not just volume but ratios as well -- to determine where reps needs help. Here are some example situations:

  • 您是否有一个代表,他打了两倍的电话数量,但与同行相比仅安排一半的会议?Focus on the conversations he is having after the connect, and provide suggestions on his talk-track as a first-step.
  • 您的一位代表之一是否从第一阶段到销售过程中的第二阶段失去了她的大部分机会?Maybe she is great at getting BANT from prospects but needs coaching on how to combat common objections and ask for a second meeting. Knowing that 30% of her opportunities are lost after qualification helps you understand this and coach effectively.

3) Let reps run experiments (constantly).

如今,销售的唯一不变是变化。如果您不常规迭代,并且实验您的销售过程,然后移动 - 您最大的竞争对手准备吃掉您众所周知的市场挑战。


  • A/B测试主题
  • 尝试新的销售脚本
  • 尝试不同的问
  • 探索攻击电话树的新方法
  • 尝试通过影响者出售

But be diligent. Make sure reps know this is not an excuse to go rogue on a sea of unwitting prospects. Have reps create their tests just like any other scientific experiment: by establishing a hypothesis, a control, and a variable, and measurable outcomes.

Not only will reps feel more motivated and empowered in their often monotonous day-to-day activities, but your entire team will continue to find new ways to sell effectively and crush the competition.

Can you think of other shifts you can make in your day-to-day to help your reps take ownership and rock-it in 2014? We'd love to hear them in the comments.



