


But in the age of inbound sales, more and more salespeople have started reforming their behavior. “Seller beware” is becoming the new norm.

在现代销售的动力on the salesperson and vendor to choose, or资格,正确的客户端类型。为什么?因为这是正确的事情,在21世纪,您的公共角色只有一样好。这为长期健康的关系奠定了基础,确保您建立了高质量的客户生态系统,并减少了流失。这就是为什么我不是一个单行关闭的最大粉丝。

Every new customer you bring on who isn’t the right fit presents a churn risk. And if they don’t follow through, take direction when it comes to implementation, or see value from the product, their bad customer experience reflects poorly on you and your company.

Some legacy salespeople think this is a crazy attitude. They’re trained to sell to anyone who wants to buy and facilitate a quick buying process. But as inbound salespeople, we know who our products are made for, and we should only be selling to customers who are going to leverage value over time.




In this stage, salespeople do research to start the sales process with prospects who seem like a good fits. Disqualifying at the Identify stage is largely a function of making sure you’re targeting the right leads and is broad-based, so in most instances you’re making an educated guess.


  • Company size is much larger or smaller than your typical customer
  • Company revenue is much higher or lower than your typical customer
  • 垂直市场(即行业)不符合您的目标市场
  • Vertical market does not operate like your target market
  • Prospect is not in your sales territory
  • Prospect is not in a time zone or country that your country can support


The Connect stage is the first time you’ll speak with prospects. The goal of this stage is to understand if your specific point of contact is the right person to speak to, if they have a perceived need, and if the need is going to be addressed (or if the company is still in the educational phase).


  • The prospect is discourteous, rude, and purposely makes interaction difficult
  • 潜在客户以情绪而不是事实做出反应(这可能是负面的或积极的回应,但通常表明,潜在客户对公司优先事项的了解不足以做出决定)raybet电子竞技
  • The prospect is impulsive and goes from extremely excited to apathetic and back again
  • 潜在客户不想回答您的任何问题
  • 潜在客户希望自己运行销售流程,并且不会在任何事情上妥协


During the Explore process, a salesperson’s goal is to understand the nuances of their buyer’s goals, plans, and challenges. Start looking for alignment between your prospect's goals and your capabilities. You should also continue probing into whether your prospect is the best point of contact.


  • 潜在客户使不真实或相互矛盾的陈述没有加起来
  • 前景不愿意采取方向,似乎有竞争力,而不是愿意与您合作制定计划
  • The prospect doesn’t have the resources to successfully implement your product (time, money, or staff)
  • 前景非常混乱,不能与您共度时光
  • Your product is needed but isn’t a company priority right now


During the Advise stage, salespeople take all the information they’ve gathered during the sales process and present a customized plan tailored to the prospect’s specific needs and goals. Look for signs that your prospect is or isn't ready to approve the deal, and whether they'll be successful if they do.


  • The prospect suffers from “magic wand syndrome” and doesn’t realize that implementing your product will take work
  • 潜在客户不会遵循您的方向(例如,您要求他们阅读特定的内容或进行练习来教他们一些东西,而他们不这样做)
  • The prospect cancels meetings with short or no notice multiple times
  • The prospect seems to be going through the motions and isn’t really willing to follow your lead
  • You have to go over the same material more than three times before your prospect “gets” it

It takes an experienced salesperson to recognize when they should disqualify a deal. Almost all prospects will show some of these indicators, so it’s up to you to chalk it up to a lack of expertise or nervousness versus an actual poor fit. The key is to be 100% transparent, have open conversations with your prospects, and set expectations at every step of the process.

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