
So, what causes all these terrible forecasts? And, more importantly, what can you do toimprove forecasting结果?Vantage Point已经对预测进行了研究,并发现了两个基本问题。

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Many sales organizations use a forecasting framework that doesn’t reflect the way their salespeople sell.我们的研究shows 85% of B2B companies use a forecasting approach based on a pipeline of opportunities that are given an estimated deal size, slotted into a stage of the company’s sales process, assigned a likelihood of being won, and forecasted at a future close date.



如果您的预测基于与您的销售人员无关的模型,则很容易理解为什么您的预测很烂。你是developing forecasts使用没有反映现场实际发生的事情的数据和假设。

这就像试图阅读本文moving your eyes from right to left rather than left to right. Similarly, many companies try to shoehorn their forecasts into an opportunity-based model with stages and percentages when it just doesn’t make sense to do so. Unsurprisingly, these forecasts don’t make sense either.



  • 帐户级别的预测:如果您有一个商业模式,则使用此功能,其中大量交易来自少数现有客户。
  • Territory level forecasting:如果您的销售人员覆盖具有数十个甚至数百个帐户的地理位置,请使用此功能。

因此,如果您使用传统的,基于机会的预测模型并遭受不稳定的预测,请考虑是否应该使用其他方法来开发预测 - 更紧密地反映出预测销售团队的销售动议。否则,您将继续投入大量时间,这些活动将永远不会产生更好的结果。这比实际的预测还要糟糕。

你是Making Random Assumptions



令人惊讶的是,销售组织有大量的历史数据,可以为特定类型的机会提供最可能的交易规模,获胜率和销售周期长度。然而,销售人员可以插入他们的最佳猜测 - 正如他们乐观的眼睛所看的那样。

I once knew a salesperson who always claimed his outstanding proposals were 75% likely to close. When I asked whether he actually won 75% of his proposals, he responded, “No, probably more like 30%.”哦,那个预测怎么样?让我猜猜。

If you have historical data to help eliminate the randomness of the assumptions feeding your forecast, use it -- especially if you have a high volume of deals in your forecast.

The law of large numbers dictates the variations in individual deals will average themselves out to the most likely outcome. Sure, that $100,000 proposal might be 75% likely to close on December 31st -- but, probably not.

Tighten up that forecast

There are many factors that influence the accuracy of a sales forecast. If you’re basing yours on the wrong methodology and you’re populating that with faulty assumptions, you’re off to a bad start.

Adding a little rigor to your forecasts will go a long way in improving their value as a communication and planning tool. Everybody wants more accurate forecasts, and everybody spends a lot of time doing it. Some just do it better than others -- by design.

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Originally published Sep 21, 2018 5:41:00 PM, updated December 06 2018

