优秀的客户服务是使客户满意并鼓励他们通过未来购买的业务忠于您的业务的最佳方法,这已不是什么秘密。并与崛起of customer reviews and word-of-mouth, great customer service is a way to grow your business by attracting new customers -- and, conversely, can be a way to lose new customers if your service isn't up to par.

Given the greatimportance of customer service, many businesses want to show their customers that they genuinely care about customer satisfaction, but with hundreds of other competitors claiming the same dedication, it is hard to differentiate your company from the rest of the pack.

Customers have now come to expect remarkable service from every support organization that they engage with. And with that standard set, it becomes even more imperative for your service team to go above and beyond the客户的期望

By doing so, you're not only building a stronger relationship with your customers, but you're also generating positive word-of-mouth that will help differentiate your business from its competitors. If we look at some of the top-performing customer service brands, you can see that the best way to build this one-of-kind customer service experience is through focusing your attention on the customer's success, going above and beyond their expectations, making it unique, and sharing your efforts with others.

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Keep reading for four strategies for exceeding standards and setting your brand apart:

4 Ways to Offer Above-and-Beyond Customer Service

1. Dedicate your efforts toward improving customer value.


One company that does a great job of doing this is USAA. In 2016, USAA was ranked number one inForrester的客户体验指数, as well as being ranked number one in KPMG Nunwood's客户体验卓越rankings. USAA has earned this reputation by focusing their customer support on features and offerings that align with their customers' core values -- in this case, that value is financial security.

To make its customers feel financially safer, USAA has installed biometric authentication technology on its cloud-based mobile app, creating an innovative fraud alert system. They also have added a "My Account" functionality, where customers can track and receive updates on insurance claims and other important transactions.


Another company well-known for its focus on the customer experience is Amazon. While Amazon has become a giant in the ecommerce industry, it still keeps the customer's experience at the forefront of decision making. At all major company meetings, Amazon's CEO, Jeff Bezos, keeps an empty chair present at the head of the table to remind his colleagues that the customer is the most important stakeholder to consider in any discussion.

On a more tangible level,福布斯报告说,亚马逊在500个可衡量的目标中跟踪其性能 - 其中80%与客户目标有关。随着亚马逊的不断增长,其理解和与客户目标保持一致的能力仍然是亚马逊及其竞争对手之间的关键区别。

2. Go above and beyond when it's not expected.

虽然对你的支持团队可以很好to meet the initial needs of your customers, surpassing their expectations is a great way for your company to stand out and create a more memorable experience. Customers who are surprised with unexpected moments ofdelightfrom your company are more likely to be loyal to your brand over time.

One company that does a remarkable job of going above and beyond in routine customer service interactions is Zappos. Zappos' customer support team was listed as one of the top 15 companies inForrester's2016年客户体验指数,并以其创造一种独一无二的客户体验的能力而闻名,远远超出了正确的鞋子。

Zappos refers to itself as a "service company that happens to sell shoes. And handbags. And more …" The company even has a "School of WOW," where it trains support leaders and front-line support reps in the Zappos customer service philosophy. This focus has resulted in an overwhelming amount of support for the company because these satisfied customers have gone on shared their stories.

For example, one traveler forgot to pack a favorite pair of shoes that she had bought from Zappos, so she called Zappos' concierge service with the hope of buying another pair. However, the shop no longer had the shoes. Zappos' support team member found and purchased the shoesfrom a rival storeat a nearby mall, then hand-delivered the new pair to the customer at no charge. The customer was so delighted with this unexpected service that she shared her story, which has since gone viral.

This investment in customer support has ended up paying dividends for Zappos' marketing team, as stories like these are quickly circulated on social media and generate positive buzz around the company.

Even if you don't have the bandwidth or resources that a nationwide company like Zappos has, your support team can still build a personalized support experience that impresses customers beyond their initial expectations. One way to do is by recognizing an unfulfilled need that your customers have, and offer a solution to it for free.

JAMF是企业和较小企业的软件提供商,通雷竞技苹果下载官方版过提供称为“JAMF国家。" Jamf Nation is a community forum where users can connect with IT professionals that can help them manage their software and devices. Users can also gain insight about device deployments, as well as share best practices with one other on using different products.




Apple has one of the most notable examples that stands out in customer service with its "Geniuses." When your iPhone breaks and you walk into an Apple store, you don't speak with a customer service rep. Instead, you speak with an Apple Genius who already knows everything about your product and how to fix it. This customer service approach has proved its worth as well, because in 2017,Statistareported that over 50% of Apple's U.S. customers were "very satisfied" with the customer service of the company.

In addition to increased customer satisfaction, not only does this tactic make the customer feel more confident in their support service, but it also adds value to Apple's product line. By giving you a "Genius" to work with, Apple is subconsciously saying that their product is so sophisticated and advanced, that you need someone with extraordinary intelligence to troubleshoot it. It also offers a better experience than a typical tech support interaction that usually involves long periods of time waiting on hold, an appointment window for a technician that requires you to stay home from work all day, or other expensive, difficult troubleshooting.


星巴克(Starbucks)努力将您的名字贴在咖啡上,使您感到重要并成为他们社区的一部分 - 也可以通过每年的星巴克顾客每年收到的每一个星巴克顾客都可以展示生日饮料。它使用意大利风格的菜单和“工匠咖啡师”工艺美食饮料和小吃。星巴克还在装饰时尚的位置提供免费的WiFi,并为客户创造了一个共享的空间,供客户闲逛,工作和社交。这将星巴克与竞争对手区分开来,因为客户认为他们是经常光顾链条的一部分。即使他们为类似产品支付更高的价格,星巴克还是建立了一种客户服务体验,对客户不仅仅是产品都很有价值。

4. Share how much you care on public channels.

If you're doing outstanding work for your customers, it's important that you let the world know how much you care about them.Customers trust其他人的故事比您的营销内容或销售代表更喜欢他们,因此,如果您知道自己创造出色的客户体验,请与您的目标受众分享这些故事。

TD Bankdoes exactly this through its客户赞赏日每年七月左右发布的竞选活动。该活动的目的是“ [闪耀]我们不懈地工作以使我们的社区变得更美好的地方。”作为这项促销活动的一部分,TD银行将奖励具有免费的TD银行帐户(旨在帮助资助其慈善工作),个性化的好篮子和货币奖励的社会和社区外展计划的客户。

TD Bank creates strong emotional connections with their customers who were happy to then share their story through commercials, blog posts, news articles, etc. One woman even remarked that TD had "brightened her life" after receiving a plane ticket to see her daughter which she couldn't previously afford. That customer's tear-jerking story is now permanently associated with TD Bank, which the brand can now re-play to other customers again and again. Instead of blasting an advertisement about its amazing customer service, TD Bank took the time to actually show its customers that it really cares about their personal financial endeavors -- which is now doing its own advertising.

To learn more, read our list of客户服务播客听下一步。


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最初发布于2018年10月25日8:00:00 AM,更新于6月9日2021年6月9日


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