It's no secret that excellent customer service is one of the best ways to delight your customers and encourage them to remain loyal to your business with future purchases. And with therise in the popularityof customer reviews and word-of-mouth, great customer service is a way to grow your business by attracting new customers -- and, conversely, can be a way to lose new customers if your service isn't up to par.

Given the greatimportance of customer service, many businesses want to show their customers that they genuinely care about customer satisfaction, but with hundreds of other competitors claiming the same dedication, it is hard to differentiate your company from the rest of the pack.

Customers have now come to expect remarkable service from every support organization that they engage with. And with that standard set, it becomes even more imperative for your service team to go above and beyond thecustomer's expectations.

By doing so, you're not only building a stronger relationship with your customers, but you're also generating positive word-of-mouth that will help differentiate your business from its competitors. If we look at some of the top-performing customer service brands, you can see that the best way to build this one-of-kind customer service experience is through focusing your attention on the customer's success, going above and beyond their expectations, making it unique, and sharing your efforts with others.

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When you consistently help your customer succeed, they will begin to associate your business with their success. The customer will choose your product or offer because they believe it will give them the best opportunity to meet their goals, so it's important to align your service team with those same objectives. This reinforces to the customer that their success and getting them value from their purchase is your end goal, and not just a means to an end.

一家做得raybet电子竞技很好的公司是USAA。2016年,USAA排名第一Forrester's customer experience index,以及毕马威(KPMG Nunwood)的第一名Customer Experience Excellencerankings. USAA has earned this reputation by focusing their customer support on features and offerings that align with their customers' core values -- in this case, that value is financial security.

To make its customers feel financially safer, USAA has installed biometric authentication technology on its cloud-based mobile app, creating an innovative fraud alert system. They also have added a "My Account" functionality, where customers can track and receive updates on insurance claims and other important transactions.

Because its customers also value efficiency, USAA is also working to make sure this upgrade does not generate any inconvenience within the customer experience. To do this, USAA added messaging bots powered by natural language processing and machine learning technology that can personalize account features while protecting against cyber attacks. By focusing on the core values of its customers, USAA was able to recognize what customers cared about most, and optimizecustomer service technologyto create a more delightful customer experience.

另一家以关注客户raybet电子竞技体验而闻名的公司是亚马逊。尽管亚马逊已经成为电子商务行业的巨人,但它仍然使客户的体验处于决策的最前沿。在所有主要公司会议上,亚马raybet电子竞技逊的首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)在桌子头上放一个空的椅子,以提醒他的同事,客户是任何讨论中最重要的利益相关者。

On a more tangible level,Forbesreports that Amazon tracks its performance across 500 measurable goals -- 80% of which are related to customer objectives. As Amazon continues to grow, its ability to understand and align with customer goals remains a key differentiator between Amazon and its competitors.

2. Go above and beyond when it's not expected.


Zappraybet电子竞技os是一家在常规客户服务互动中做得超越和超越的公司。Zappos的客户支持团队被列为Forrester's2016 Customer Experience Index, and is well known for their ability to create a one-of-a-kind customer experience that goes far beyond the right pair of shoes.

Zappos refers to itself as a "service company that happens to sell shoes. And handbags. And more …" The company even has a "School of WOW,“它在Zappos客户服务理念中培训支持领导者和前线支持代表的地方。这种重点导致了对公司的压倒性支持,因为这些满意的客户已经分享了他们的故事。raybet电子竞技

例如,一位旅行者忘了打包她从Zappos购买的一双最喜欢的鞋子,因此她称Zappos的礼宾服务,希望购买另一双。但是,商店不再有鞋子。Zappos的支持团队成员找到并购买了鞋子from a rival store在附近的购物中心,然后免费将新对送给客户。客户对这项意外的服务感到非常高兴,以至于她分享了她的故事,此后一直流行。

在客户支持这项投资最终paying dividends for Zappos' marketing team, as stories like these are quickly circulated on social media and generate positive buzz around the company.


Jamf,提供者的软件企业雷竞技苹果下载官方版nd smaller businesses, does exactly that by offering a community service called "Jamf Nation." Jamf Nation is a community forum where users can connect with IT professionals that can help them manage their software and devices. Users can also gain insight about device deployments, as well as share best practices with one other on using different products.

Jamf doesn't generate any monetary value from this exchange, but rather it builds a stronger relationship with customers via community engagement. With the addition of the user forum, Jamf customers not only look at the company as just a distributor of software, but now as an informational resource as well. This creates a mutually beneficial relationship in which customers are satisfied that they're optimizing their usage of Jamf's products, and web traffic keeps going back to Jamf.

3. Stand out from the crowd.

Unfortunately, every day won't present the opportunity to create a customer service story that goes viral, but there's always the opportunity to personalize an experience for a customer. Your customer service team has the chance to represent your company's brand beyond the initial product offer and create intangible value that differentiates yourself.

Apple has one of the most notable examples that stands out in customer service with its "Geniuses." When your iPhone breaks and you walk into an Apple store, you don't speak with a customer service rep. Instead, you speak with an Apple Genius who already knows everything about your product and how to fix it. This customer service approach has proved its worth as well, because in 2017,Statistareported that over 50% of Apple's U.S. customers were "very satisfied" with the customer service of the company.


Another great way to make your customer service efforts stand out is to consider your target audience and create an "in group" for them. An "in group" is a communal feeling or social status that is obtained from interacting with a brand. One example of this approach is the coffee company, Starbucks.

Starbucks goes to the effort of putting your name on your coffee to make you feel important and part of their community -- also demonstrated by the free birthday drink every Starbucks patron with a Starbucks Card receives every year. It uses an Italian-inspired menu and "artisan baristas" craft gourmet beverages and snacks. Starbucks also offers free WiFi in locations that are stylishly decorated and create a shared space for customers to hang out, do work, and socialize. This differentiates Starbucks from competitors, as customers feel they are part of a premium community by frequenting the chains. Even though they are paying higher prices for similar products, Starbucks has built a customer service experience that is valuable to the customer beyond just the product.


If you're doing outstanding work for your customers, it's important that you let the world know how much you care about them.Customers trustthe stories of other people like them more than your marketing content or sales reps, so if you know you're creating wonderful customer experiences, share those stories with your target audience.

TD银行does exactly this through itsCustomer Appreciation Day运动,每年都发布在7月。This campaign is aimed at " [shining] the light on our customers working tirelessly to make our communities a better place." As a part of this promotion, TD Bank rewards customers who work in social and community outreach programs with a free TD Bank account (aimed at helping fund their charitable work), a personalized goodie basket, and a monetary award.

TD银行与客户建立了牢固的情感联系raybetapp她以前负担不起。现在,该客户的撕裂故事与TD银行永久性化,该品牌现在可以一次又一次地重新播放其他客户。TD银行没有爆炸有关其出色客户服务的广告,而是花了一些时间向客户表明,它确实在乎他们的个人财务努力 - 现在正在做自己的广告。

To learn more, read our list ofcustomer service podcaststo listen to next.

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Originally published Oct 25, 2018 8:00:00 AM, updated June 09 2021


Customer Service Help Desk & Ticketing Software