Customers want to help themselves as much as possible and will turn to support reps only when they can't do so. So, it makes sense to provide them with the appropriate resources to help them accomplish this goal.



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There are two main forms of knowledge bases: machine-readable and human-readable.


A company's knowledge base can provide valuable information to customers and prospects. For instance, you may include knowledge on each department, directions and tips for using your products and services, FAQs, and content you've created that can provide in-depth solutions.


1. It's faster for your customers.

People no longer have the patience to flip through dusty encyclopedias in public libraries. They want answers, and they want them now. If a customer or prospect has a specific question about your company -- whether it be "What is artificial intelligence?" or "How do I apply for a job?" -- they'll assume they can simply search that question or similar keywords on your website and be bombarded with tons of answers.

2. It's helpful for your reps.

此外,您的支持团队只能处理太多。越来越多的客户支持团队承担更多的责任,这些职责与通过电话,电子邮件和实时聊天直接回答客户问题分开。通过提供有用的知识库,您的客户可以自己获得所需的答案。这可以释放您的支持代表,以处理更重要的问题,并使您的客户能够使他们独自找到解决方案 - 毕竟在2015年,81%的在线美国成年人使用了知识库和常见问题解答页面。


如果您无法为客户提供即时知识,他们将求助于可以的竞争对手。创建和管理知识库可能很困难。但是,它可以轻松地开始 - 考虑一下您过去的客户问您的各种问题,也许是您自己搜索过的问题。您可以分析常见的门票,以确定哪些问题最常见,您需要首先解决哪些问题。慢慢地,您的团队可以建立一个信息丰富的知识库,这可能是恒定的资源。


1. lyft

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Lyft通过为驾驶员提供专门提供知识库来超越和超越。Rather than just structuring it as a search bar that comes up with keyword-based solutions, Lyft has pre-written tons of brief blog posts that provide valuable advice to drivers, such as "Rowdy Passenger? Here’s How to Let Us Know" and "Pop Quiz: Can We Pick up Street Hails?"

标题是Grabby,信息被凝结成几段简短的段落 - 非常适合旅途中繁忙的驾驶员。此外,Lyft甚至具有专门针对骑手的独立知识基础。通过基于用户人口统计数据进行分开,它使信息更加易于访问和相关。

2. Canva

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画布页面的支持has an aesthetically-pleasing, clean-cut layout that makes finding appropriate tools simple and quick. There are some featured articles that are based off FAQs, but the best part is the drop-down menu on the left. Each parent category has child categories, and each of those has even more child categories that help you find a resource as specific to your issue as possible.

For instance, clicking on "Canva for iPhone" leads to several more categories. I could then click on "Photos for iPhone" and, finally, get to the root problem, which is "Change photos to solid colors (iPhone)." The easier your knowledge base is, the fewer customers will be emailing or calling you about these quick fixes.

3. HubSpot Academy

Source:HubSpot Academy

HubSpot Academy - HubSpot的资源,提供免费的工具和培训来帮助企业和个人成长 - 有一个帮助部分,为读者提供大量知识。一些可用的资源是用户指南,快速答案文档,Hureybet雷竞技下载bSpot用户组和社区讨论。例如,上述快速答案页面涵盖了各种问题,这些问题整齐地供读者找到。


Now that you know why you need one, read this next post on如何建立知识库

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Originally published Aug 14, 2018 7:00:00 AM, updated April 17 2020

