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当我准备做出重大决定时 - 在新公寓,不同的工作或度假胜地 - 我通常会做两件事:


Recommendations from friends and family are incredibly valuable to your customers. According to Nielsen's全球广告报告,有83%的受访者表示,他们比其他任何形式的广告都更信任家人和朋友的建议。


Think about that for a second. This statistic means that even if you do everything right — from your logo to your blog posts to your marketing email subject lines —一个客户在您的品牌上的糟糕经验可能会使您付出新的业务。In fact, customers are more likely to talk about a bad experience with your brand than a good one — and they tell almost3倍when it happens.

如今,在社交媒体的帮助下,您的客户可以通过按钮的按下按钮快速与他们的整个网络分享建议和负面评论。这使得收集客户的反馈意见and identifying headaches a quick process which is not only to prevent bad customer experiences and reviews, but also to make your customers so happy that they recommend your brand to friends and family.


NPS是一家典型的基准公司,以评估和提高客户忠诚度。NP与其他基准不同,例如客户满意度得分或者客户努力得分,在客户的整体sentime措施nt about a brand, versus their perception of a singular interaction or purchase.


要计算您的NP,您首先必须survey your customers。The NPS is the typical answer to the question "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend to a friend?" The responses to this question can be categorized into three groups:

  • 发起人:以9-10回答问题的客户
  • 被动:以7-8回答问题的客户
  • Detractors:用0-6回答问题的客户

您可能可以从这些组的名称中推断出来,发起人是热情,忠实的客户,他们会向朋友介绍您的业务并吸引新客户。被动are indifferent and could become promoters — or they could switch to your competition.Detractors是不满意的客户,不仅您有失去他们的风险,他们还可以通过与其他人分享他们的不良经历对您的品牌造成损害。

计算净启动子得分, subtract the percentage of detractors (customers who不会推荐您)从发起人的百分比(客户推荐您)。


获得高NP的关键是比批评者拥有更多的启动子 - 更多。

For example, imagine you surveyed 100 customers. If 40% were detractors and only 50% were promoters, your NPS would be 10 (50% - 40% = 10).

But if you surveyed your 100 customers and only 20% were detractors, your NPS score would jump up to 30 — representing a 20% greater chance your customers will recommend you to a friend.


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Use an NPS survey to collect quantitative and qualitative feedback.

定量反馈是对0-10 rating question we mentioned above。定性反馈来自后续问题,之后得到了评级。这些问题更深入地了解客户初始NPS评级背后的“原因”。此外,您可能会询问有关客户在产品或服务方面的体验以及最常使用的功能的开放性问题。



Why Is NPS Important?


客户NPS帮助品牌评估customer loyalty- 他们向朋友推荐您的可能性。它还有助于评估客户搅动的可能性 - 取消订阅或不回购和从其他公司寻求产品或服务。raybet电子竞技

Not only is it便宜得多保留现有客户而不是获取新客户,这也是有利可图的。Bain&Company的研究发现,只有5raybet电子竞技%的客户保留率增加可以增加利润25%-95%。So, while you want to attract and convert new customers, retaining and empowering existing customers has an even higher ROI.

Needless to say, identifying customers at risk of churning is a key aspect of making this possible, and measuring customer NPS over time helps companies do just that.




提到使用NPS调查将其流失率降低了一半 - 仅在两个月内。根据收到的响应,提及向客户发送的自定义电子邮件和要约,具体取决于他们的满意度(或缺乏)。

发起人were offered a discounted upgrade to their product, passives received an extended free trial period, and detractors were thanked for their honesty — and asked how things could be improved. Check out the details of their experiment below.

2. It identifies ways to improve.

客户可能会以低分甚至为0回答NPS问题。发生这种情况时很难 - 尤其是如果发生不止一次 - 但它也有机会将客户反馈零零并相应地改进产品或服务。

这就是为什么we suggest an NPS survey with additional space for customers to leave specific comments about why they gave the score they did. That way, you can evaluate qualitative feedback about customers who might pinpoint specific things you can change to improve their experience with your product or service.

当然,并非所有的反馈都会有所帮助 - 互联网上总是会有巨魔 - 但是有关错误,用户体验差(UX)或与客户成功经理进行不良电话的具体说明可能会迅速访问负责任的团队以解决。

Magoosh, an online standardized test prep resource, NPS helped flag a customer complaint that contributed to a lower score and identified where to improve for the customer. Once a mismatched algorithm was identified in NPS data, Magoosh could double down on making it as helpful and accurate as possible for its customers, and its NPS improved by nine points as a result.

3. It boosts referral marketing.

客户NPS使公司了解他们从快乐客户那里赚取建议的可能性 - 事实证明,这会带来很大的体重。

  • 超过80%快乐的客户愿意提供建议。
  • 近70%如果朋友在社交媒体或电子邮件中谈论它,则更有可能购买产品。
  • Referred customers have a寿命值高16%- 比其他人的投资回报率更高。






4. It helps you prioritize reaching out to detractors.

Detractors are those NPS survey respondents between a score of 0-6, indicating that they would likelynot愿意向他人推荐您的产品或服务。正如投资您的发起人可以为您的公司增长提供股息一样,专注于批评者也很重要。raybet电子竞技


It could be a matter of misunderstanding or user error, or it could be a bigger-scale complaint that you alone can't solve, but by following up with detractors, you can make them feel heard and valued, and might make them less likely to churn — or worse, tell others that they shouldn't purchase from you.




Once you analyze NPS data and (hopefully) find many happy promoters, don't stop there. Open up a dialogue with happy customers and see if you can engage them in a referral program to keep them satisfied — and acquire more customers in the process.

Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.


Customer Service Metrics

Originally published Sep 13, 2019 11:33:00 AM, updated October 08 2020
