Whenever you launch a new marketing campaign, you should test whether the cost of the project is helping or hurting your company. To determine something's profitability, many marketers look at ROI -- or return on investment. At the most basic level, ROI compares the amount of money you spend on a project with the amount of revenue you gain from it.

Ever wonder why we never saw a third sequel to theJim Carreyclassic,Bruce Almighty?一个主要原因可能是2007年的灾难性ROIEvan Almighty

A few years after 2003's Bruce Almighty票房超过4.84亿美元,,,,a sequel was made that starredThe Office's史蒂夫·卡雷尔(Steve Carell)

In 2007'sEvan Almighty,,,,God, played by Morgan Freeman, commands Carell to build an arc like the biblical figure, Noah. The movie's marketing, award-winning cast, and special effects might have seemed promising at the time. But its production costs led to it having the biggest budget of any comedy film at2.5亿美元。After the studio, cast, and crew spent huge amounts of time and money on the film, it only made a dismal$67 millionin its first two weeks of release.

相比之下,有预算的布鲁斯全能slightly over $80 million,,,,made nearly the same amount in its opening weekend.

While this example looks at ROI on an incredibly large scale, the strategy of measuring your returns can be incredibly helpful to marketers or small businesses as they learn which tactics are and aren't worth repeating.

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Determining one overall marketing ROI benchmark is challenging because all marketing tactics are different.

When dealing with an online ad strategy like PPC, where ROI data is usually tracked automatically, you might be able to easily see how your ad's return compares to others that are similar. Platforms like Google Ads also have years of extensive data to back up their reported800% ROI基准。

If you're dealing with other strategies, like content marketing, it might be hard to tell if your blog posts, podcasts, or videos are leading directly to a purchase -- especially when the content isn't on or linked directly to a landing page.

实际上,Content Marketing Institute说,确定投资回报率数十年来一直对营销人员感到谜。尽管跟踪URL和其他技术的发明有助于确定内容的成功,但CMI仍然建议从长期的角度看ROI,并考虑到包括观众增长在内的非金融收益。

For most businesses, one good way to set a "good ROI" benchmark for each marketing strategy is to look at the return from similar tactics you've tried in the past, as well as your current sales numbers. That information should help you create ROI benchmarks and goals that are realistic for your company.

When it comes to calculating marketing ROI, here's a simple formula you can follow:

To use the marketing ROI formula, you'll need to identify the following things:

  • Number of leads:多少人转换为铅
  • Lead-to-customer rate:What percentage of leads became a customer? If 12 out of 100 leads become a customer, your lead to customer rate would be 12% or 0.12.
  • Average sales price:产品的平均价格。如果您偶尔使用折扣或以其他方式更改定价,平均值可能会有所帮助。
  • 成本或广告支出:您在创建和促进营销活动上花费了多少?在这里,您可以考虑成本包括广告支出,,,,hourly wages of people who put time into the project,或与生产内容有关的成本。

如果您的数学糟糕透顶,请不要担心。HubSpot客户可以access an ROI calculator在我们的CRM中使用相同的公式编程。

除了看收入,你也可以want to consider other non-financial elements when determining if a marketing strategy is successful. These could include follows or likes on social media, unexpected traffic to your website, or even a sense of increased trust from your customers.



营销ROI Examples

Written Content

在我们2018年的入站报告中,我们看到了82%的博客营销人员see positive ROI in their Inbound Marketing strategy.

Although it might cost less to produce a blog post than a video, written content can still cost you time and money. If blogging is part of your marketing strategy, you'll want to calculate time-related costs, production costs, and promotional costs into your total spend. To translate time into a dollar amount,track the number of hours that an employee spent on the project,,,,then multiply that number by their hourly wage.

For example, if a blogger is paid $20 an hour and takes four hours to write a promotional post, your total cost will be $80 in labor plus any costs related to promoting the post.





The firm spent $900 paying employees to draft five blog posts and $100 to promote it. The posts result in eight leads -- four of which become clients. The firm made an average of $2,000 per client.

Here's how their ROI would be calculated:

[((8 x 0.5 x $2,000) - $1,000) ÷ $1,000] x 100 = 700%


Email Marketing

尽管有些人可能认为电子邮件已经过时,但实际上仍然是一个关键的营销工具。实际上,企业可以make $38 dollars for every dollar they spend在电子邮件中。尽管投资回报率可能取决于邮件列表的大小,电子邮件中的广告类型或电子邮件目标的受众,但这种营销策略仍然值得一家公司的时间。raybet电子竞技

虽然您可能不需要在电子邮件中跟踪链接的广告或CTA的生产时间,但您仍然需要跟踪其驱动到网站的流量。就像上面的书面内容示例一样,我们建议using a tracking URL

Here's an example of how a company might measure ROI of email marketing.




[((20 x .85 x $20) - $100) ÷ $100] x 100 = 240%


Video Marketing

一个惊人的83% of marketerssay video gives them strong ROI. But like any type of content marketing, you'll need to spend time and money on producing videos. You might even need to buy or rent film equipment or editing software.

As you script and produce a marketing video,使用这些技巧来负担得起的拍摄。您还需要跟踪人工,设备和促销的总成本。

You should be sure to identify ways that you'll measure your video's effectiveness. For example, if you upload a video to social media platforms, you should包括跟踪网址在导致产品登录页面的文章标题中。这样,您可以看到由于视频帖子而被驱动到页面的访问者。






[((5 x 0.6 x $2,000) - $500) ÷ $500] x 100 = 1,100%



当品牌没有时间或带宽来生产自己的品牌媒体时,他们可能会向另一个人,出版商或公司付款raybet电子竞技创建赞助内容。While staffing someone outside of your office will cost your company money, you might want to think of the extra hours your team will have to do other productive projects if they don't have to create content.



一家精品店希望宣传他们的新系列夏季礼服,但他们没有时间或设备来制作视频。他们与当地的时尚影响者建立联系,并向她支付300美元,以制作标题为“ 2019年最佳夏季连衣裙”的Instagram视频。



[((10 x 0.33 x $50) - $300) ÷ $300] x 100 = -45%


If they realized they gained more of a social media following, or more traffic than usual, they might still want to continue with the influencer. But to see if they can improve ROI, they might have her post the same video and link on more social platforms to see if gains more traction.


每次点击付费,您要为您的广告付款,即使它不会导致销售。谷歌说它的广告客户get a strong ROI,,,,small businesses still waste预算的25%on poorly managed PPC campaigns. After your ad is launched, you'll want to closely monitor ROI and wasted spend to learn from and avoid major losses on an ad.

There are许多工具这可以帮助您监视和管理实时PPC广告系列。您还可以使用我们的ROI公式来查看广告的性能。这是一个示例,向您展示了如何:


An online gardening store wants to use a PPC ad to spread awareness of a new line of luxury lawn mowers -- which cost $1,000 each.


To see how the PPC ad's script change impacted ROI, the garden store could use the formula for both campaigns. They could count users who carted the product as a lead.

第一个活动:(((3 x x 1000美元)——1000美元)÷1000美元)x 100 = -$1

Second Campaign:[((12 x .583 x $1,000) - $500) ÷ $500] x 100. = 129.92%

From this comparison, the company is able to see how price transparency can cause more qualified leads to click on the ad. They also might realize that price transparency helps them avoid paying for the clicks of people who can't afford the lawn mower.


If a company has an audience that regularly uses social media, likeFacebook,Twitter或Instagram,他们可能想考虑提高其中一个帖子,以便在目标受众的新闻源上推广。raybetapp

With most social promotions, you'll be able to set a goal or audience target, a time limit, and a budget. Tracking your ROI can help you determine if the social boost strategy is working, as well as the types of posts that lead to the best return.



They boost the post for four days with a budget of $25 per day. In the timespan of the posted boost, they'd received 100 visitors and 20 signed up for a free trial. Of the 20, four become paid subscribers.


[((20 x .2 x $10) - $100) ÷ $100] x 100 = -60%

Because the publication lost $60 and still has to honor the free subscriptions they gave out, they might decide to avoid boosting posts on this platform. If they haven't given up on a boosting strategy just yet, they might try paid promotion on another social platform next time.

Best Practices of Measuring Marketing ROI


Regardless of which marketing strategy you're using, monitoring the following factors can help you determine if your campaigns are really successful:

  • 时间:How much time did it take to create the marketing materials?
  • 生产成本:跟踪创建活动所需的供应,服务和软件的总成本。雷竞技苹果下载官方版
  • 促销成本:您是否花了任何东西进行促销?如果是这样,请将其添加到您的总费用中。
  • Page Analytics:Use a跟踪URLto determine if your content is driving traffic to your product's landing page.
  • 非财务回报:您是否获得了任何社交媒体参与,意外的交通促进或竞选活动的其他奖金?如果是这样,这仍然可以帮助您的品牌知名度。




Originally published Jul 17, 2019 4:02:00 PM, updated February 01 2021

